Chapter 141 The goal of military rank

The three passive skills can increase part of the damage, but the main sources of output are equipment, bullets, and three-dimensional attributes.

"But why do you have a white star?"

Luo Xia was a little surprised when she saw Wang Chen's identity badge.

"After you clear the level, you will add stars...I don't know exactly how to upgrade or what level it is, and Mr. Zhong didn't tell me either!"

After Wang Chen killed a group of fallen skeleton mages and fallen skeleton warriors, he put away his big gun.

Luo Xia took advantage of the situation and gently touched the big gun, feeling an unfinished feeling in his heart.

He continued: "Mr. Zhong, this smelly old man seems to have a good relationship with you."

"As for this identity badge, the white color represents private, and there are three levels in private, private, second class, and upper class. Every five stars are upgraded to one level. Above private, they are corporal, sergeant, and staff sergeant. Second lieutenant, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, senior colonel, major general, lieutenant general, general!”

It turns out that there are so many levels, which sounds quite daunting to Wang Chen.

I have never learned any of this knowledge in school. The schools teach more about dungeon grinding, skill usage, careers, etc.

However, there is very little relevant knowledge in the military region.

It turns out that I am just the lowest-level soldier.

"What's the relationship between your family and Mr. Zhong? You still call him a stinky old man!"

Wang Chen asked.

From Luo Xia's tone, it can be concluded that their family and Mr. Zhong know each other, and they are very familiar with each other.

"He... my grandfather's former little brother, no, no, no..."

"To be precise, it's a subordinate!"

Luo Xia said after thinking for a while.


Wang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

The number two figure in the Southern Military Region was actually just a subordinate of her grandfather... In other words, their family was quite powerful.

"Then what is his military rank?"

Wang Chen asked again.

"If I remember correctly, it's Lieutenant General."

Luo Xia said.

Lieutenant General... This gave Wang Chen a new goal.

"You're fine, help me cheer up the monster!"

Wang Chen changed the topic.

"Huh? I'm a melee professional. How can I do this?"

Luo Xia frowned.

"It's very simple. Didn't you just explode a broken bow and arrow? Just shoot an arrow at the monster. If the hatred is not enough, just call it an eighteenth generation ancestor!"

Wang Chen shrugged and said easily.

It's definitely a joke to curse people and attract monsters, but as long as the monster launches an attack, no matter what kind of attack it is or the damage, it can attract its hatred.

As long as the monster has not lost its target and no one else has caused it hatred, the hatred object will not change.

"I don't know how to curse..."

Luo Xia pouted.

"It's not like I haven't heard you say dirty words before!"

Wang Chen laughed.

"You heard wrong, what about that? According to what you said, I will use the bow I just exploded to shoot arrows to help you draw hatred!"

Luo Xia said quickly.

Then, with the cooperation of the two, they easily pulled and killed monsters all the way.

Luo Xia had seen Wang Chen pull monsters before, and she was smart, learned quickly, and pulled monsters very quickly.

The two cooperated very well, and after more than two hours, they had reached the ruins complex.

With Luo Xia's help, Wang Chen simply cleaned up all three halls, first killing the monsters on the periphery, and then killing all the monsters in the other two halls.

There is no BOSS in the other two halls, but the monster level is one level higher than the ones outside, so it takes a lot of effort to kill them.

After killing these monsters, Wang Chen's experience increased by 30.00%, and Luo Xia's experience increased by 20.00%.

"It's great to have someone to take care of you. Just talk to the monsters and's just gained so much experience!"

Luo Xia looked satisfied.In the main hall where the final BOSS is located, apart from the BOSS, there are a few shadows under the moonlight.

"There is actually another invisible monster!"

Luo Xia smiled and said, "It's just that the invisible monster is useless in front of me!"

As an assassin, she has anti-stealth abilities.

It was Luo Xia who gave Wang Chen two flares to target the assassin.

Luo Xia put on a helmet with glasses, and then helped Wang Chen pull monsters.

Wang Chen aimed at those shadowy void lurkers and shot.

With the cooperation of the two, all the void stalkers were quickly killed.

Next, is the final BOSS.

"Why don't you go out first!"

Wang Chen glanced at Luo Xia.

Luo Xia pouted and asked dissatisfiedly: "Why?"

"Because this BOSS has super long range skills, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand the damage!"

Wang Chen said.

To be precise, it does not have a super long range, but it can attack all targets of the BOSS.

As long as the target is targeted by the BOSS, no matter how far the distance is, the BOSS will still attack the target, and it will also be a group damage, targeting all targets with hatred.

"Ah? I've been a tank, how can I not bear the damage!"

Luo Xia pouted, and then asked, "How many injuries do I need to resist?"

Still a little guilty.

"The group damage skill will be released every five or six minutes!"

Wang Chen said.

"Oh...that's okay. I have a solution. I want to fight side by side with you!"

Luo Xia said quickly.

Since he was so determined, Wang Chen did not refute her.

This girl must have a lot of life-saving means, so there is no need to consider her safety.

Even in the worst case scenario, the Bone Dragon's bone spur attack would not be able to kill her in one second.

This girl seems to have a big heart, but in fact, the equipment she wears is mainly for survival.

No wonder he was crying and shouting to go to the battlefield. It turns out that he likes equipment with survival attributes.

But it has to be said that melee output professions do have very high requirements for survivability, even when grinding dungeons.

If you can't survive or withstand damage, then there's no output left.

Even if the BOSS and monsters are not targeting them, the BOSS and monsters still have many group damage skills and range attacks.

As melee professions, they also need to withstand a certain amount of damage.

If they are damaged and their blood volume reaches the bottom, it will put a lot of pressure on the nannies to heal, and there may even be a risk of the team being wiped out.

Therefore, survivability and frankness are also needed.

"Wow...the attributes of this bone dragon are so high!"

Luo Xia took a look at the three-dimensional attributes of the Undead Bone Dragon, but the more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

I can't understand the look of fright and fear at all.

I have to say, I have a really big heart...

"Eat something first and then fight. I've been fighting for more than two hours and I'm already hungry!"

Luo Xia retreated directly to Wang Chen and took out two sandwiches from the storage space.

He handed one of them to Wang Chen.

"I'm really free..."

Wang Chen was quite speechless.

But he still took it and the two of them started eating together.

Eat a full stomach first, and then think about fighting the BOSS. Anyway, the monsters in the dungeon will not be refreshed again for at least twelve hours.

(End of this chapter)

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