Chapter 142 The new gun of reverie

After he was ready, Wang Chen still used bullets to draw out hatred, and freezing bullets for restraint control.

After livening up the atmosphere a little, Wang Chen directly took out the Dongfeng Sniper.

Seeing Luo Xia's spirit stirred up, he saw another bigger, more powerful, completely different gun...

"It looks so big and powerful...this guy...why does he have an extra weapon that's even more powerful?"

Luo Xia stared at Dongfeng Sniper with a shocked expression.

What surprised her the most was that this so-called big gun was not loaded with bullets, but with miniature missiles.

Of course, Luo Xia could only imagine the power of the satellite missile based on its size. After all, she had never seen it before.

But the size of micro-missiles is much larger than bullets, not the same order of magnitude at all.

However, Luo Xia was full of expectations for the power of this big gun and micro missiles.

His eyes turned to the undead bone dragon in front, staring straight ahead, waiting for the next explosion.


Immediately afterwards, the Dongfeng Sniper controlled by Wang Chen flew across the void and flew towards the Undead Bone Dragon following an S-shaped trajectory.

Wang Chen had experience in fighting the Undead Bone Dragon before, so this time, he used early CD.

Ensure the fastest speed and refresh the next QN202 micro missile.


As the QN202 micro-missile flew, a huge rumbling sound immediately erupted when it hit the body of the undead bone dragon.

The entire hall was almost blown upside down. For a moment, bricks and tiles were flying everywhere and smoke was raging.

The aftermath of the explosion even affected Wang Chen and Luo Xia. When the strong wind blew over, Luo Xia was completely shocked and almost fell to the ground.

"Here I go, this explosion is so exciting! It also hits a critical note!"

Luo Xia said with a surprised look.

One cannon blast destroyed nearly 40.00% of his health.

The damage was even higher than Wang Chen's micro missile before.

Wang Chen was very satisfied with this. A critical hit had a probability, and the level of critical hit damage also had a probability.

The damage caused by this micro-missile is very refreshing and comfortable.

It's a bit wasteful to just use it on one monster, even though it is a hell-level dungeon BOSS.

If you only fight this one monster, there will be no damage bonus.

The undead bone dragon suddenly became furious and used its skill, Ice Breath, towards them.

Waves of ice air were spat out from Bones' mouth. The hall, which was already in a mess, now became even more messy.

The smoke was enveloped by the air of ice, and the temperature dropped suddenly. Fortunately, the range of this air of ice could not reach Luo Xia and Wang Chen.

However, the sudden drop in temperature made Luo Xia very uncomfortable and couldn't help but yawn.

But the ice breath of the undead bone dragon is just an appetizer, and the skills come out one after another.

Wang Chen knew that the BOSS' skills in the dungeon were not released randomly, but only after certain conditions were met.

For example, factors such as how much blood volume has been reached, the hatred output from a distance is too high, the main target has changed, and so on.

This time it should be Wang Chen's Dongfeng Sniper's QN202 micro-missile, which hit all the blood lines used by the two skills of the Undead Bone Dragon.

That's why two skills are released in succession.

"Prepare to hide your skills!"

Wang Chen instructed.

"it is good!"

Luo Xia nodded quickly.

But in fact, she was not trying to hide from her skills, but was standing still, her figure shrouded in darkness.

Wang Chen ignored her. As long as he didn't die, he could do whatever she wanted.

The undead bone dragon fell to the ground, and its two bone spurs were like huge bone knives, heading straight for Wang Chen and Luo Xia.

The first person to be hit was Wang Chen. Wang Chen decisively used his escape skills and avoided the bone spur attack just in time.

Then he focused on Luo Xia. No matter what, since he took her to the dungeon, he still had to be responsible for her.When the bone spurs fell on Luo Xia's body, Luo Xia's whole body turned into a black smoke. The black smoke swallowed up all the bone spurs and then turned into nothingness.

Luo Xia himself emerged from the black smoke.

In other words, the black smoke completely blocked the bone spurs.

Luo Xia escaped by relying on black smoke.

Wang Chen saw that she was safe and sound, so he continued to output.

Bullets and control again. When the CD time of the QN202 micro-missile is up, use Dongfeng Sniper again for output.

After an indiscriminate bombardment, the Undead Bone Dragon's health bottomed out.

After a few more rounds of output, the undead bone dragon was killed.

It only took seven or eight minutes.

Luo Xia was dumbfounded.

【Ding!Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the infected undead bone dragon, experience +3000000]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting: Bone Dragon One-Handed Sword (Gold Level)]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting: Bone Dragon Leggings (Gold Level)]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the Soul of the Undead Bone Dragon +1]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the skeleton of the Undead Bone Dragon +1]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting Void Ore +10]


Equipment for two Bone Dragon sets.

Moreover, the Bone Dragon One-Handed Sword is suitable for melee professions such as assassins and some output warriors.

Wang Chen has almost no needs except for accessories.

Without the slightest hesitation, he threw his extra mission items and two bone dragon suit equipment directly to Luo Xia.

"Thank you!"

Luo Xia, who was always shameless, rarely said thank you.

Although she gave Wang Chen an intermediate skill book at the beginning, she was still a little embarrassed.

"Ah...all the mission items are complete!"

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xia looked at the mission items, and immediately exclaimed after reading them.

"It's all over now? Why are you still yelling?"

Wang Chen frowned.

"You don't know how rare this mission item is."

"If you play the nightmare level difficulty, I heard them say that even if one person wants to collect five mission items, he has to do it at least ten times. This is the minimum number of times, but if you want everyone in the team to complete the task If you collect them all, you don’t know how many times you have to brush them.”

"If you take me to fight once, I will have enough supplies for the mission. If I tell you, they won't believe it!"

Luo Xia said with a satisfied look.

Wang Chen nodded. The probability of getting a mission item in nightmare difficulty must be much higher than that in other difficulties.

Moreover, they are still two people, and the tasks can be divided easily.

"However, there seems to be a saying that the smaller the number of people, the better things can be exploded, including the explosion rate of mission items. We have exploded a total of thirteen mission items. In addition to the three I used, there are also Five are just enough to complete the task again!"

Luo Xia continued.

"What if we add these?"

Wang Chen directly took out the mission items that he had exploded last time by clearing the dungeon alone.

"Ah... If I go, I can hand in three missions!"

"These tasks can be done repeatedly, and the rewards will not change."

Luo Xia took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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