Chapter 143 Void creatures attack again
While I felt incredible, I also thought of the generous mission rewards.

After clearing the lower level of the hell-level difficulty battlefield ruins for the second time, the mission was overfulfilled.

This trip to the dungeon made Wang Chen feel that this was a good place to upgrade. The experience was very ideal and the equipment dropped was also valuable.

Luo Xia also told Wang Chen before that there is also a chance of exploding bracelets and necklaces here, but the explosion rate is very low, but they are not included in the Bone Dragon suit.

Wang Chen came up with the idea of ​​playing this dungeon repeatedly to see if he could get bracelets and necklaces, and help Luo Xia collect the Bone Dragon suit.

Although the equipment on this girl is very good, it is inferior to the bone dragon suit.

Luo Xia also really wanted to get this set of equipment, the one-handed sword weapon, and she couldn't put it down.

It can be said to be the best among gold level equipment.

If you collect all the bone dragon sets, the attributes will be greatly improved.

"You have to give me such valuable equipment..."

"I've also given all the mission items. Don't regret it after you give it!"

Luo Xia said cautiously.

"Just take it!"

Wang Chen laughed.

In fact, the skill book Luo Xia had given him before was much more valuable than these equipments.

"Go out and rest for a while!"

Wang Chen said.

Then left the copy.

After more than two hours of traveling to the dungeon, I was always anxious and nervous, and I still needed to relax.

Just when he returned to the entrance of the dungeon, to Wang Chen's surprise, void creatures invaded again.

Fight again with human professionals, and even creatures such as void lurkers and void raiders.

It was more brutal than the previous void invasion, and the number of void creatures was also greater.

This time, as soon as people come out of the cave, they will be attacked by void creatures.

There are still some human limbs and remains on the ground.

At first glance, it looked like it had been eaten by void creatures.

Others were injured.

Wang Chen frowned slightly after killing all the void creatures in front of him.

This is the second time a void creature has appeared, but why hasn't the army appeared yet?

Could it be that the army is also entangled by void creatures?
In other words, the army just wants to train these small professionals.

But the latter is unlikely. These young professionals are the hope for the future of all countries.

After thinking for a while, Wang Chen finally figured it out. It must be the creatures in the void that deliberately tore apart the barrier in order to rob and kill these low-level professionals.

People in the military must also be entangled by void creatures.

At this time, the professionals from the Dragon Kingdom gathered together to compete with the void creatures with all their strength.

The tank profession is at the forefront to resist the void creatures, while the melee output profession helps with output and also helps to stop monsters that are not pulled by the tank.

Long-range legal professions such as mages and warlocks continued to release skills. Fire rain, ice rain, arcane explosions, ice arrows, fireballs, lightning and other skills were thrown into the void group of creatures.

The scene output picture is extremely gorgeous.

The healing professionals are providing a steady flow of milk from behind.

However, they are mainly responsible for the tank and melee output of their own team.

With the Bone Dragon Necklace, Li Guangsheng has become the most resistant tank on the scene.

Compared with before, his damage resistance ability has been significantly improved.

The teammate Holy Priest is also very powerful, and his health never drops below one-third of the warning line.

But they discovered a fatal problem.

The amount of mana of priests and mages...

Originally, they had just experienced a bloody battle in the dungeon, and their condition was not good after coming out.

Therefore, it is extremely dangerous for them at this moment.The biggest tragedy for a profession with blue bars of mana is that there is no blue.

The only healing holy priest in their team is a profession that consumes mana very quickly, but her milk supply is large and abundant.

Unlike Discipline Priest like Wu Mengyu, he recovers mana quickly and consumes less mana, making him more suitable for protracted battles.

"Let's find a way to break out! The mana level has bottomed out!"

The demon warlock among them shouted.

He has tried every means to control the amount of mana, reduce the casting speed, and control the demons he summoned to fight.

"But we can't break out! There are at least 200 void creatures surrounding us!"

Mengru said through gritted teeth.

Likewise, try your best to control the use of mana, and use skills with high mana consumption as little as possible.

"No matter what, we have to persevere. As long as we persevere until our junior comes out, we will be saved!"

At this moment, Lin Guangsheng could only place his hope on Wang Chen.

Apart from that, he really couldn't think of anyone who could save them.

After Lin Guangsheng mentioned this, others also thought of Wang Chen's terrifying output.

But the problem is...the entrance to the dungeon is also blocked by dense void creatures, and I'm afraid no one can come out from there.

Moreover, Wang Chen himself is a fragile long-range profession. They are also worried that after Wang Chen comes out, he will not be able to withstand frontal attacks from void creatures.

"Not good! The violent leader of the void...the elite BOSS!"

As Mengru shouted.

Only then did they realize that a void creature that had been flying had appeared above them.

It flaps its huge wings, each of which is more than two meters long. It has no hands, but forelimbs like blades.

But his target was Lin Guangsheng.

In the eyes of this violent commander of the void, Lin Guangsheng was the most troublesome warrior among everyone present.

Relying on this warrior, he attracted the hatred of many void creatures.

This violent leader of the void has obviously gained wisdom and knows exactly who should be dealt with first.

"This warrior should be very delicious!"

The most important thing is that the more powerful the professional, the more delicious it is.


Mengru reminded loudly.

Before he finished speaking, the Void Violent Commander had already descended from the sky and headed straight for Lin Guangsheng.

"As long as I am here, I must die in front of you!"

"Damn Void Demon, you guys can't even think of getting past me!"

Lin Guangsheng gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.


The Void Violent Commander spat out unclear human language.

It's just that the voice is cold and cruel, making people shudder.


The next moment, the Void Violent Commander came down from above, flapped his wings, and flew towards Lin Guangsheng.

The two sickle claws slid hard on Lin Guangsheng's shield, and streaks of silver light flashed out.

Terrifying power poured out, and Lin Guangsheng had already activated the strongest defense skill, shield wall!

But the shield wall was directly torn apart by the terrifying force, and the sickle-like claws hit his shield.

The whole person suddenly flew backwards for several meters, and his hands could not stop bleeding.

The blood volume dropped by almost half.

The Holy Priest quickly used the Release Healing Technique to increase the blood volume.

(End of this chapter)

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