Chapter 144 Unconditional choice to believe
The blow cost him half his life.

The body is still suffering from severe pain.

"I didn't expect that I'm so fragile!"

After getting the Bone Dragon Necklace, he thought his frankness was pretty good.

But facing the violent commander of the void, he was completely vulnerable.

"too difficult!"

Mengru said with some despair.

At this time, many people can see the attribute information of the Void Violent Commander.

But the more I looked at it, the more desperate I became.

The level 35 elite BOSS has even more terrifying three-dimensional attributes.

"Can you contact junior Wang Chen, but don't let him come out!"

"Coming out is just to die!"

Lin Guangsheng no longer wanted Wang Chen to come out of the copy.

He was already fully clothed in flesh armor, and his equipment was considered very good among professionals of the same level. However, he was unable to withstand the violent leader of the void.

So I was worried that Wang Chen's sacrifice would be in vain.


Just when everyone was in despair, Qin Huaishi launched a firework into the air.

"Everyone, hold on! I sent a distress signal, and the military region will send people to rescue us soon!"

Qin Huaishi shouted at the same time.

"Tsk tsk! Ghost Sword Warrior, it seems delicious!"

But his voice made the Void Violent Commander reveal a cruel smile.

Along with its ferocious, blood-stained face, it made some professionals tremble with fear.

"My prey, you are too naive. While you are waiting for someone to save you, you have already become our food!"

The Void Violent Commander said cruelly.


Just when it was thinking about how to share so much delicious food, an explosion caught its attention.

Along with this explosion, there was a burst of smoke from the explosion in the direction of the entrance of the dungeon, mixed with the remains of a pile of corpses of void creatures.

"Damn! Damn humans!"

The violent leader of the void directly targeted the direction of the entrance to the dungeon.

"Wang Chen..."

After Lin Guangsheng saw the grenade explode, he could conclude that Wang Chen came out of the copy.

But for a moment, his mood was very complicated. He didn't know whether Wang Chen had any way to deal with this commanding level Void BOSS.

I really can't bear to see such a potential human elite lose his life at such a young age.

After Wang Chen killed a void creature in front of him, he saw the specific situation of the scene clearly.

With Infernal Gatling and laser guns in hand, you're always ready to shoot.

While the leader of Void Fury was furious, it was still a little confused. It didn't quite understand what was happening.

Why did this human being kill so many void creatures by just using a grenade?

How could such horrific damage be caused by a level 24 professional?

"This monster seems a bit powerful!"

Wang Chen noticed the Void Violent Commander in the distance, and after seeing its attribute information, he commented calmly.

"You...that's a level 35 elite BOSS, and it's a bit powerful...that's quite powerful!"

Luo Xia said speechlessly.

"Wang Chen, if something goes wrong, go back to the dungeon quickly. It's safe in the dungeon!"

But Lin Guangsheng shouted loudly.

I really don't want to see Wang Chen involved in danger.

Wang Chen just smiled. What kind of commander is this BOSS named? In fact, he is just a small commander.

If it were a true commander-level BOSS, Lin Guangsheng would have died long ago with one blow.

A truly commanding level BOSS is completely different from an elite level BOSS. "Everyone, stay away!"

Wang Chen shouted loudly.

Although Lin Guangsheng was a little confused by Wang Chen's reaction, he still led his team members and quickly retreated towards the other side.

The other human professionals also tried their best to avoid the violent leader of the void.


Wang Chen took aim and used the laser gun first.

Use the laser gun to blind the Void Fury Commander, and the light attribute output also has a bonus effect on void creatures, but the bonus effect is not as much as on undead creatures.

A white laser shot away, directly penetrating the bodies of the void creatures in the row in front.

And the laser rays travel without any weakening.

When it penetrated the Void Violent Commander, he lost a lot of health.

The most important thing is that the violent leader of the void can't see anything, his eyes are full of white, and he is so angry that he can only spin around and attack randomly.

However, the human professionals had already taken advantage of the opportunity when it was blinded and fled far away.

Fortunately, this is an elite-level monster. Although it has a high level and high attributes, its resistance to control is still very low.

Not even as good as a command-level creature of more than 20 levels.

Wang Chen was not in a hurry to output it, but instead released a CD of all the explosive bombs at the void creatures in all directions.

Start by igniting the group damage effect, burning as much of the void biome as possible.

At the same time, other human professionals also stepped in to help Wang Chen replenish the damage.

While outputting, he moved closer to Wang Chen.

At this moment, Wang Chen is their savior and hope.

Only by getting close to Wang Chen, the chance of survival will be higher.

After Wang Chen released all the explosive bombs, he turned his gun and pointed it at the Void Violent Commander.

"Da da da da..."

First, there was a batch of Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets, which reduced the armor output.

The Void Fury Commander also recovered from the blinding effect.

The blinding effect has a CD time. If you want to be blinded again, it will take half a minute.

The Void Violent Commander flapped his wings and headed straight towards Wang Chen.

Wang Chen was not in a hurry to use the freezing bomb for the next step of control.

Instead, he held Gatling Purgatory on the rocks and took out the Dongfeng Sniper.

There was no rush to use Dongfeng Sniper.

Wang Chen used Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets, which kept consuming the blood of the Void Fury Commander.

At the same time, he observed the situation on the battlefield.

When Wang Chen was sure that all human professionals had withdrawn in his direction, he waited for another second.

The Void Fury Commander just happened to fly into a large swarm of void creatures.

"Tanks stay in front of the others and take the damage!"

Wang Chen shouted loudly.

All tank professions are very obedient and stand in front of all teammates.

Some people even don't know what Wang Chen is going to do.

But he could only obey Wang Chen's orders obediently.

Wang Chen suddenly pulled the trigger of Dongfeng Sniper.

The QN202 micro missile shot out.

Draw an S-shaped perfect arc in the air.

Heading straight towards the violent leader of the void.


Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sounded.

A small mushroom cloud formed in the area where the Void Violent Commander was located, and the aftermath of the explosion spread in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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