Chapter 145 Jealousy Distorts People
The aftermath of the explosion was very wide. As Wang Chen expected, even human professionals were affected.

However, Wang Chen had already ordered the tanks to fight in front.

The edges of the explosion's aftermath don't take much damage.

A large number of void creatures were all blown to ashes, and the Void Violent Commander's blood volume dropped by nearly half in an instant.

The rest of the human professionals were stunned.

This missile... the damage is too exaggerated.

This was the first time for many people to see the output of a gunner. It was just a missile. Its damage and attack range were even comparable to those of the mage's forbidden spell skills.

It's still an instant attack, automatically tracking, and impossible to dodge.

The most important thing is that the professional who uses this missile is only level 24...

A level 24 gunner could actually use such a terrifying weapon.

What if you reach level [-] or level [-]?No one knows how perverted Wang Chen will be in the future.

They were shocked, but when the void creatures saw that their leader was injured, they went crazy and started fighting towards the human professionals.

The same was true for the Void Violent Commander, as if he had been insulted.

The other human professionals launched attacks on the void creatures.

Wang Chen's target was the Void Violent Commander. He took back the Dongfeng Sniper and took out the Purgatory Gatling again. He first used freezing bombs to control the Void Violent Commander, and then continued to output.

Some professionals who were not threatened by void creatures also began to help Wang Chen output the violent command of the void.

After a while, under the crazy output of everyone, the Void Violent Commander fell to the ground on the spot.

【Ding!Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the Void Violent Leader, experience +3000000]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the essence and blood of a void creature]

Luo Xia also gained more than 200 million experience points, and also obtained the essence and blood of void creatures.

The rewards are not only those shown on the display, but also the reputation value of the military region, which has increased by a full twenty points, and the experience on the identity badge has also increased a lot. Wang Chen's has changed from one star to two stars.

In other words, he is a low-class soldier with two stars now, and after reaching five stars, he can be promoted to a second-class soldier.

Luo Xia was also promoted to the rank of private, and his lips were filled with joy.

Following Wang Chen saves trouble and brings many benefits.

"Who asked you to kill the violent leader of the void?"

At this time, Qin Huaishi shouted loudly.

As he spoke, his gloomy face had the air of a superior questioning a subordinate.

Wang Chen glanced at him coldly and said coldly: "Are you farting?"

He is holding the Gatling Purgatory in his hand, as if he is about to fight at any time.

Qin Huaishi noticed that Wang Chen's finger was on the trigger of the gun and he might shoot at any time.

His teammates became even more nervous and did not dare to take a breath.

The power of the missile before is still fresh in my memory, and I even have lingering fears.

If the other party is given corns and a missile is sent towards them, none of them will be able to bear it and they will definitely die.

Qin Huaishi also realized that he was reckless, and this gunner was far from someone he could provoke.

However, he was accustomed to being arrogant and did not want to give in.

After thinking about it, he changed his words and said: "It's not easy for an intelligent void creature to appear. We should keep it and torture it to know what's going on in the void!"

Wang Chen sneered, "I'm not interested!"

His words were so cold that Qin Huaishi felt that he could not get off the stage at all and had lost all face.

But I don't know what to say.

At any time, the big fist is the real last word.

During the stalemate, Wang Chen turned back and glanced at Luo Xia, "Let's go!"

Then he headed in the direction of Li Guangsheng and others.

I happened to pass by Qin Huaian's team.The entire team felt invisible pressure suddenly coming on, making their breathing more difficult, and they felt like they were being overwhelmed by a mountain.

The pressure Wang Chen brought to them was too great.

He's just like a murderous god.

Even though they are only at level 24, their real strength is far above them.

Even the level 35 Void Fury Commander can be easily killed.

Even if the five of them were together, they might not be his opponent.

Crazy Qin Huaian also thought that he could not withstand Wang Chen's missiles.

But what made Qin Huaian unhappy was that it was so embarrassing.

He is a dignified thirty-level ghost sword warrior, equipped with gold-level equipment. Among the students in the same class of the school, he is even more eye-catching.

But at this moment, he was actually afraid of a mere level 24 gunner.

If others find out, I'm afraid he will lose the face to see others.


Just when he was thinking a lot, Wang Chen had already walked up to him, and with a cold word, he came out of his thoughts.

His mouth opened slightly... and he actually told him to get out?

Why... He has always looked down upon others, but now...

But when his peripheral vision caught the big gun in Wang Chen's hand, he obediently took a few steps to the side.

Looking at Wang Chen's walking back, Qin Huaian's eyes were full of anger and his hands were tightly clenched into fists.

"Sooner or later I will make you kneel before me!"

He made up his mind.

Moreover, he has enough confidence.

He doesn't worry about level or equipment, and the higher his professional level, the more powerful he becomes.

There are more and more swordsmanship skills, and now he is just getting started.

If he completes the job transfer, he will receive a huge improvement.

But when he saw Luo Xia following Wang Chen obediently, he felt really uncomfortable.

Luo Xia was always indifferent in front of him.

But at this moment, Luo Xia was particularly cheerful and smiling.

I couldn't help but feel jealous.

Wang Chen walked up to Lin Guangsheng and asked, "Are you okay?"

Lin Guangsheng smiled and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "What can happen, I'm an old tank, I'm used to being beaten!"

"Tsk! Indeed, as a tank, you must adapt to being beaten!"

Luo Xia clicked her tongue and said, then walked up to Mengru, took Mengru's hand and walked aside.

The two knew each other.

"Thankfully you killed the Void Violent Commander, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do!"

Lin Guangsheng patted Wang Chen on the shoulder to express his gratitude.

"Then how did this violent leader of the void appear?"

Wang Chen asked.

"It should be that the barrier between the void and our world has loosened, allowing them to escape. In fact, things like the void front line are not surprising. Those void creatures have always been trying to find ways to open the barrier and rush out."

"It's just that this time it's a bit strange. Two accidents happened in such a short period of time, and even the Void Violent Commander ran away. The cracks in the barrier are a bit big!"

Lin Guangsheng explained.

According to Lin Guangsheng, the larger the crack in the barrier, the more powerful the void creatures that can come out will be.

(End of this chapter)

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