Chapter 146 What is unity?

"But this should be a relatively peripheral area on the void front line. How could those void creatures come out of the cracks in the void barrier and get here directly?"

Wang Chen asked again.

"Well, after the creatures in the void come out, they will be directly teleported to areas within their level according to their level. Advanced creatures in the void will not let their descendants die stupidly."

"Actually, for the creatures in the void, humans are also their experience and food. They need to kill and devour humans to strengthen themselves. I have always wondered whether there will be humans as BOSS on the other side of the void. There are copies of monsters for void creatures to farm."

"However, the dungeon appears based on the mechanism of this world, but outside the dungeon, the battle between humans and the void is real and cruel!"

Lin Guangsheng said in a deep voice.

"As expected of my senior brother, he knows a lot!"

Wang Chen laughed.

Lin Guangsheng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

What's the use of knowing more... In terms of strength, there is a huge difference between him and this young junior.

"Actually, junior fellow student, as long as you study hard at Huaqing University for two years, you can learn these things. Not only me, but my other classmates also know these things."

"But, except...her!"

Lin Guangsheng smiled awkwardly.

As he spoke, he pointed his finger at Luo Xia.

"Her? What's wrong with her?"

Wang Chen frowned, a little surprised.

Lin Guangsheng grabbed Wang Chen's shoulders, lowered his head and whispered: "They are classmates. I heard from Meng Ru that Luo Xia rarely attends classes and also plays copies very much. He looks like he is carefree!"

Be very careful when you speak.

However, Wang Chen just smiled and nodded. He had already guessed what kind of state this girl was in when she went to school.

As long as she works harder, she won't fall so far behind her classmate Meng Ru in level.

Even her nemesis Wu Mengyu is higher than her.

While they were talking, ten people, two small groups of military men, came towards them.

Even though it's far away, you can feel the power of the breath.

"Men of the Front Guard!"

Lin Guangsheng reminded.

Wang Chen also looked at this group of people. These people were dressed the same as the people in the Dragon Kingdom Fortress. They were all professionals above level [-].

Moreover, warriors, mages, knights, priests and other professions are all fully equipped.

Like a professional team.

It can be determined that Qin Huaishi used the rescue cannon to attract these Dragon Kingdom soldiers.

After these people came over, they couldn't help but be startled when they saw the corpses of void creatures lying on the ground.

"I thought it was too late... but all these void creatures are dead? And the Void Violent Commander?"

The leading heavy-armed warrior said in surprise.

Then he looked at the professionals in their twenties and thirties and asked loudly: "Who set off the distress shell?"

"I, me, me!"

Qin Huaian came over quickly as if he was rushing to take credit.


The heavily armored warrior took a look at Qin Huaian, and nodded after seeing his level and profession.

For a rare profession like Ghost Sword Warrior, subconsciously, it is a profession with unlimited future.

There is a lot of room for development in the future.

"Take out the ID badge!"

Then said.

Qin Huaian obediently handed over the identity badge, and after verification, it was correct.

Then he continued to ask: "What's going on here? Which big shot helped you get rid of these void creatures?"

After hearing the word "big shot", Qin Huaian felt as if he had eaten something disgusting.

For a moment, I didn't even know how to answer...

You can't say that this big shot is just a level 24 gunner.

Moreover, he didn't want to say that.After thinking about it, I could only say: "No big shot showed up, it was that kid who killed me!"

Only by answering in this way can he feel better.

He didn't want to say that Wang Chen was a big shot.

The heavily armored warriors and others all followed Qin Huaian's eyes and discovered that it was a level 24 gunner.

Suddenly everyone became restless.

The heavily armored warrior asked: "Him? You didn't refer to the wrong person, did you?"

Qin Huaian sighed. He hoped it wasn't Wang Chen, but he could only shake his head, gritted his teeth and said, "It's the gunner!"


The heavily armored warrior couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Combined with the smoke at the scene, there is a high probability that these void creatures were killed by thermal weapons.

Since this ghost sword warrior was so unwilling to confirm, it was also determined that this young, low-level gunnery master was responsible.

"Young man, are you really killing me?"

The forty-level discipline priest on the side asked.

I want to be sure again, after all, this matter is really incredible and puzzling.

How could a mere level 24 gunner have such exaggerated output, and the output lasted for such a long time.

According to normal understanding, even the most talented professional at level 24 will need to spend a lot of effort to kill one of the most common void creatures.

But here... there are four to six hundred corpses of void creatures.


Wang Chen nodded lightly.

As if nothing happened.

"Well done! You are young and promising!"

The heavily armored warrior looked at Wang Chen with admiration in his eyes.

It was even more intense than when I saw Qin Huaian before.

This made Qin Huaian on the side feel particularly unhappy, and another kind of jealousy welled up in his heart.

The members of the two military region teams all looked at Wang Chen with admiration.

He is full of respect for this warrior who protects the human race.

Originally, this was supposed to be their job.

"Thank you! Protected everyone here!"

The Discipline Priest bowed slightly towards Wang Chen to express his gratitude.

"It's nothing, I just did what I was supposed to do!"

Wang Chen said very calmly, not paying attention to these things at all.

Dealing with void creatures is something that every human race should do.

"Haha! You kid, you are interesting!"

The heavily armored warrior laughed, walked over and patted Wang Chen on the shoulder.

He looked at Wang Chen and said with a smile: "Wang Chen, I remember you!"

Then he glanced at his companions and said, "Let's go!"

Since there is no danger here, there is no need for them to stay.

"One team is coming, and there are probably other teams coming!"

Lin Guangsheng couldn't help but said after seeing the two groups of soldiers leaving.

As expected, several more teams rushed over.

They all saw the previous distress signal and rushed to save people.

This made Wang Chen very moved. Most of the people practicing here were professionals from the Dragon Kingdom.

After seeing that there was danger here, they all rushed over with all their strength.

There are even some professionals who are not from the military region, but are just ordinary professionals who come to the Void Frontline to level up.

(End of this chapter)

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