Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 147 A further deterioration of the situation

Chapter 147 The situation worsens further

When faced with foreign enemies, almost everyone is united.

After destroying the void creatures, these professionals began to rest and recover mana and blood.

There are also professionals who search for the remains of their companions, although almost all those who died have complete bodies and have been eaten by void creatures.

But out of respect for the deceased, we tried our best to find some bones and relics.

Then bury it.

Wang Chen and Luo Xia said goodbye to Lin Guangsheng and others, directly used the copy cooling talisman and entered the lower level of the battlefield ruins again.

However, Lin Guangsheng and others were not as wealthy as the two of them, and they did not want to wait for the cooldown time of the dungeon, so they went to other dungeons.

Among the dungeons of the same level, the lower level of the battlefield ruins has the most people. There are explosive suits here, and there are also void creatures inside.

Killing void creatures can gain additional battlefield reputation.

There is only one BOSS, so it takes more time to brush it.

In the dungeon, Wang Chen was still doing crazy output, while Luo Xia was chattering non-stop.

It actually adds a bit of fun to the boring life of killing monsters.

From time to time, Luo Xia would take out some snacks to feed Wang Chen, who was doing crazy output.

If Qin Huaishi saw this scene, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

It was extremely pleasant to brush all the way down.

The happy time is always short-lived, and with a push all the way, the undead bone dragon was quickly killed.

This time, three gold-level equipment were exploded, including Bone Dragon Leggings, Bone Dragon Bracelet, and Bone Dragon Scepter.

Bone dragon leggings are suitable for both of them. Assassins and gunners have many overlaps in equipment and have the same needs.

The same is true for the Bone Dragon Bracelet. As for the Bone Dragon Scepter, it is an equipment for the legal output profession, and neither of them can use it.

However, Wang Chen has Warlord Leggings, and the Bone Dragon Leggings are currently better than the Warlord Leggings in terms of attributes. The three-dimensional attributes are more than ten points higher, and other attributes are also two percentage points higher.

But the Warlord's leggings have suit properties, and Wang Chen's reputation on the battlefield has grown crazily, so it won't be long before he can upgrade his equipment again.

So the Warlord's leggings are still not used.

Simply, he gave this piece of equipment directly to Luo Xia.

But Wang Chen directly grabbed the Bone Dragon Bracelet. Currently, Wang Chen did not have the bracelet equipment.

There are also no bracelets in the Warlord set.

Luo Xia at least has an ordinary gold-level bracelet.

[Bone Dragon Bracelet (Gold Level)]

[Equipment level requirement: Level 20]

[Power: +80]

[Agility: +100]

[Intelligence: +90]

[Characteristics: 10% critical hit chance, 15% critical hit damage, 10% hit rate]

As a bracelet, this attribute is really good.

Wang Chen put it on directly.

However, the happiest person was Luo Xia.

This was the first time that I just distributed the equipment without exerting any strength.

Wang Chen's experience points have also reached the edge of upgrading. As long as he refreshes the dungeon a little more, he can reach level 25.

"How many more experience upgrades are there?"

Luo Xia asked.

"There's not much left. I guess I'll kill another hundred level 35 monsters!"

Wang Chen said.

"How perverted! The highest level among you freshmen is level 17. Those so-called princes and heroes are only level 16, but you are almost level 25."

"Can you not level up so quickly?"

Luo Xia took a deep breath.

"Why not hurry up? Wouldn't it be better to hurry up?"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.

"If you go too fast... you won't be able to experience the happiness and beauty of upgrading. Therefore, I suggest you slow down. The upgrading process is also very important. If you go too fast, you won't feel anything."

"For example, eating, and being shy..."

The more Luo Xia spoke, the more outrageous he became. "Stop talking, the more you talk, the more nonsense you get!"

Wang Chen smiled and waved his hand.

"Tsk tsk! That's what it is!"

Luo Xia showed a proud smile.

I started to mutter in my heart, maybe it would be better to go slower.

The two quickly left the copy.

A group of professionals have changed outside the dungeon at this time. Most of those who have experienced the void creature war chose to leave, while a few entered the dungeon.

"Let's go back first! Clear out everything in the backpack, it's almost too much to hold!"

Luo Xia suggested.

In the dungeon, except for the BOSS, Luo Xia comes to pick up the rest.

According to Wang Chen, after the materials and equipment are purchased, each person will have half.

Luo Xia was even more happy to do this.

Wang Chen was too lazy to spend time dealing with these things.

"Let's go!"

Wang Chen nodded.

It’s time to clear out your own storage space.

The journey to the lower level of the battlefield ruins revealed a lot of materials.

It just so happens that it needs to be cleaned up.

The two turned around and left.

Just walking, I saw a red light rising into the sky from above the front line castle. When the red light rushed into the sky, it spread in all directions.

"what's the situation?"

The two stopped at the same time, Wang Chen said in confusion.

Luo Xia, who had always had a playful smile, suddenly turned serious.

He said in a deep voice: "The void creatures have invaded our Castle No. [-]!"

"Only in times of special crisis will a red light signal be emitted from the castle. Let's go back quickly, otherwise we will be in danger!"

Wang Chen nodded.

In other words, if an emergency signal is sent from the castle, there must be a big problem.

The two speeded up their travels, and even saw a portal appearing inexplicably in the distance, with void creatures emerging from the portal one after another.

It's just that the distance is too far to see the specific information of these void creatures.

But Wang Chen's intuition is that these void creatures are particularly dangerous.

It's not even something you can solve yourself.

In other words, the void barrier suffered greater damage.

"I'm afraid there are many void cracks. This time it must be premeditated by the void creatures. The two void creatures we encountered before were just attempts by the void creatures!"

Luo Xia said decisively.

Wang Chen nodded.

In the past, it was just void creatures making small fuss, trying to create void cracks.

After trying it, you can further destroy the void barrier and create void cracks.

The so-called void cracks are those teleportation arrays that transport void creatures. These teleportation arrays will not only appear in the area where the void barrier is located, but will appear in any time and space on the void front line.

"According to the lessons taught in the school, if you want to solve these crises, you must first kill these void creatures that come out, and at the same time, those advanced professionals must repair the void barrier!"

Luo Xia continued.

Wang Chen was stunned when he heard that, "Isn't it that you don't study in school? How come you even know these things?"

Luo Xia rolled her eyes at Wang Chen, "You really think I'm an idiot! Just because I don't listen to classes or study at school doesn't mean I don't read. I just like to read by myself when I have nothing to do!"

"Really? So promising?"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.

"Hmph! So what do you say!"

"Let's go! We won't be able to go back to Castle No. [-] for a while!"

Luo Xia snorted lightly and quickly changed the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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