Chapter 148
Soon, the two of them returned to Castle No. [-].

At this time, professionals from the Dragon Kingdom were already arriving one after another.

If someone didn't see this scene in the copy, it would be a tragedy.

"Let's go in!"

Luo Xia said.

"You go first!"

Wang Chen shook his head and said.

At this moment, rows of army soldiers stood in front of the castle, ready to go.

Obviously they are all preparing to deal with the army of void creatures.

"Are you going to follow them to deal with the void creatures?"

Luo Xia asked in surprise.


Wang Chen nodded.

"Didn't you see that these people are at least level [-] professionals and have no use for you at all?"

Luo Xia said worriedly.

In fact, the professionals in this group of troops are not only at level 38, but even the lower ones are at level [-].

"Is my combat power lower than those at level [-]?"

Wang Chen asked with a smile.

"That's true!"

Luo Xia analyzed it for a while and continued: "Then I will accompany you to deal with the void!"

"Miss Luo! Not only is your level low, but you are also a melee output professional. How can you get into it?"

"If I were a melee damage dealer, I would definitely not be in it. It would be stupid to die in vain!"

Wang Chen said seriously.

In any case, melee output professions are the most dangerous professions. They do not have the strength of tank professions and do not have the advantage of attack range.

Many times, this kind of profession is the easiest to become cannon fodder.

You can avoid this unless you are very high level and well equipped.

Although Wang Chen did not object to Luo Xia's idea of ​​dealing with void creatures, it was really not advisable to risk death.

The advantage of the assassin profession lies in sneak attacks on individuals and harvesting in the later stages of battles, rather than fighting in groups.

What's more, Luo Xia's level is very low, there is too much difference.


Luo Xia still wanted to argue.

"What am I, go back obediently, prepare food and wine for me, and wait for my triumphant return!"

Wang Chen said with a serious face.


Although Luo Xia was still a little reluctant, he still obediently returned to the castle.

Wang Chen, on the other hand, strode to the side of the troops.

"Boy, what are you doing? Go back to the city obediently!"

"Only professionals above level [-] can come out!"

It was just his appearance that a sergeant noticed and walked over to remind him.

Wang Chen's intention was immediately apparent.

But Wang Chen's level... is really not up to standard.

"Sir, my fighting ability is still very good!"

"Let me try it!"

Wang Chen quickly said with a smile.

"Nonsense... You are only level 24, so what if you have some fighting ability? News comes from the front. This time there is a lot of noise from void creatures. It is estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of void creatures, and there are quite a few of them above level [-]!"

"With your little body, if you are touched by a monster, you will die immediately!"

"Obey, the battlefield is not a joke. When your level is high, come and help us deal with the void creatures!"

The level 43 officer said with a wry smile.

At this time, many professionals came out of the city.

There were even Wang Chen’s acquaintances, Lin Guangsheng, Meng Ru and others.

"Sir, they are only level did they get out?"

Wang Chen glanced at the people coming out of the city.

"Huh? There are so many people below level [-]!"

"That's nothing to do with you. Didn't you see that they are at least level 28!"

The officer was also a little surprised, but he still waved his hand towards Wang Chen.Signaling him to go back quickly.

No matter what, he didn't want a level 24 professional to die.

"What's going on? How did you get these little guys out?"

While talking, he saw the soldiers walking over and asked.

"Sir, it was General Qin who allowed professionals above level 25 to leave the city. There is new information. The number of void creatures far exceeds our expectations. We really don't have enough manpower!"

Soldier explained.

"I know! Go get to work!"

The officer waved his hand.

Then he looked at Wang Chen and said solemnly: "If the standard drops, I won't care about you! However, you must be more careful and just output from a distance. Once the void creature approaches, withdraw immediately, you know? ?”

"Got it, thank you sir!"

Wang Chen smiled and saluted.

I have to say that this officer is very considerate.

"go Go!"

The officer pretended to be annoyed and waved his hand.

In fact, in his heart, he was still worried about the safety of the 24-level young man in front of him.

But the war was tense and the other party was persistent, so it was really hard to stop the other party.

Wang Chen went straight to find Lin Guangsheng and others.

"Group me!"

Lin Guangsheng said quickly before he could react.

It just so happened that there were four people in their group, and there was still one spot left.

A team can have up to five people, and a group can have up to forty people, but the forty people are divided into eight teams.

"Junior...Why are you here too!"

Lin Guangsheng looked excited and gave him a bear hug.

The rest of the teammates also showed excited expressions.

With Wang Chen here...their team is stable.

"Idle time is idle, why not go out of the city and kill a few void monsters!"

Wang Chen laughed.

"Actually, I can tell from a quick guess that you will definitely be indispensable for this kind of thing! I've teamed up with you, so accept it!"

Lin Guangsheng continued.

"Junior Wang Chen, please feel free to output this time, I will milk you well!"

The Holy Priest rushed to speak.

Although he was not a student of Huaqing University, he was still grateful to Wang Chen.

If it weren't for Wang Chen, I'm afraid he would have died or been injured.

"What are you talking about... Junior is a long-distance output and not a tank. If you milk him, what should I do?"

Lin Guangsheng said dissatisfied.

"Oops... I forgot, I forgot!"

The holy priest scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

I wholeheartedly wanted to express my feelings in front of Wang Chen, but I never thought that I would express my feelings in the wrong way.

"Haha! If you want to get close to junior Wang Chen, then show some sincerity!"

Meng Ru smiled from the side and said, "Junior, senior sister is full of enthusiasm!"

"Cough cough!"

"Okay! The war is about to start, let's be serious!"

Wang Chen coughed lightly.

Although I understand their excitement after seeing him, there are already waves of vibrations on the ground, and the sky in the distance seems to be covered with dark clouds.

I'm afraid that the void creatures are not far away from them.

"That's right! Get ready!"

"Add the BUFF, check the potions, mana potions and blood potions. If there are none or less, give them to each other!"

Lin Guangsheng said quickly.

At the same time, he regained his dignity as a captain.

"I have some potions that add mana and blood, you can share some!"

Wang Chen also quickly took out the potion that exploded in the dungeon from the storage space.

He didn't need it anyway. Fortunately, he hadn't cleaned out his backpack yet, otherwise he would have exchanged it all for gold coins.

(End of this chapter)

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