Chapter 154 Killing Enemy No. 1

Fortunately, what came was just a projection of the Demon King of Destruction.

It can be judged that the cracks in the space barrier cannot allow overly powerful void creatures to pass through.

If the true form comes, all human professionals around this castle will have no chance of survival.

However, just from this projection, Wang Chen could conclude that if the stalemate continued, the golden paladin Chu Yang would be severely damaged.

During their confrontation, it was clearly visible that Chu Yang was gradually falling into a disadvantage.

The Demon King of Destruction's projection level is probably at least ten levels higher than Chu Yang's.

But Chu Yang had already tried his best to protect Wang Chen.

It is not known how much HP Wang Chen's QN202 micro-missile hit the Demon King of Destruction Projection, but it made it impossible for the Demon King of Destruction Projection to continue to use its skills.

Furthermore, it allowed Chu Yang to continue outputting his skills, taking this opportunity to severely damage the projection of the Demon King of Destruction and force him to return to the void.

However, Wang Chen realized that in this battle, he had a narrow escape from death.

If Chu Yang hadn't desperately resisted the damage from the Demon King of Destruction's projection, he would have died.

Even in terms of output, Wang Chen's damage is currently not comparable to that of professionals at level 60 and above.

The road is long and there is still a long way to go.

Level...Wang Chen still needs to unlock more weapons and improve more three-dimensional attributes and damage values.

Just as everyone cheered, everyone's Golden Paladin BUFF disappeared.

The war is over, and Chu Yang no longer needs to maintain the existence of these BUFFs.

Wang Chen observed that all the Golden Paladin BUFFs of the others disappeared, but the teammates around Chu Yang still existed.

In other words, these BUFFs can only be given to teammates so that they cannot be dropped for a certain period of time.

People outside the team can cancel at any time.

Many professionals looked at Wang Chen with admiration in their eyes.

In their eyes, Wang Chen is like a hero.

If it weren't for Wang Chen, I'm afraid Chu Yang would have suffered heavy losses, and they would have been in danger, and might even have died in battle.

Chu Yang is their savior, and so is Wang Chen.

"Why is there no reputation after killing these void creatures?"

Wang Chen asked Luo Xia in a low voice.

This time Wang Chen was the professional who killed the most enemies in the audience. Even those level [-] soldiers did not kill as many as him.

However, he discovered that his reputation did not increase, but the stars on his identity badge increased by two.

"This needs to be issued after the war. The battle is too dangerous. Maybe the system cannot recognize it in time!"

"However, in a battle of this level, professionals other than military personnel will give rewards to those with the highest number of enemy kills!"

Luo Xia replied equally quietly.

After all, Luo Xia went to school for two more years and had the support of his family.

There are many things that Wang Chen knows better than Wang Chen.

Wang Chen nodded.

However, he found a vicious look in the distance, aiming at the super class.

The owner of the vicious eyes was Qin Huaishi.

There was a malicious look in his eyes, as well as jealousy, hatred, envy, etc. intertwined in his eyes.

He is a rare profession...and his level is not bad.

Originally, he wanted to show off his combat power this time, with the bonus of the golden paladin aura.

It was particularly refreshing for him to kill void creatures. This was also the first time he felt the joy of killing enemies.In the end, he killed dozens of void creatures.

The results are not without great success.

But think about this level 24 gunner again... With a raise of his hand, he can harvest a large amount of residual blood, and with a second raise of his hand, he can harvest the life of a large area of ​​void creatures.

There is no doubt that Wang Chen must be the one who kills the most enemies.

"Why... why is he there? Without him, the person who attracts the most attention this time would definitely be me!"

"Damn Wang Chen, why did you take away the glory that should belong to me, and why did you take away Luo Xia!"

Qin Huaishi hated Wang Chen so much.

In his eyes, Wang Chen took away too many things that should have belonged to him.

He didn't even think about why the Demon King of Destruction didn't kill Wang Chen.

If both sides could suffer losses, that was what he most wanted to see.

"Prestige will now begin. Prestige is only for non-legion professionals."

"Reputation is distributed according to the number of enemies killed. Each void creature has one reputation point. Killing enemy No. 1 will get an additional 2000 reputation points, No. 2 will get 3 points, No. [-] will get [-] points, and four to ten will get [-] points. From eleven to one hundred, two hundred points, and everyone else will get one hundred points!"

"The No. 1 person who killed the void creatures was Wang Chen. He killed 540 void creatures and gained a total of 540 points."

"No. 2 is Qiu Lan, who killed three thousand two hundred and twenty three void creatures and gained a total of four thousand two hundred and twenty three points!"

"No. 3 is Lu Geng, who killed 980 void creatures and gained a total of 480 points!"

Chu Yang's high-pitched voice echoed throughout the sky.

But I only read the number of enemies killed by the top three, and nothing else.

Immediately afterwards, everyone can feel the improvement in their reputation.

You must know that it is difficult to encounter so many of these void creatures. Each void creature can increase your reputation a little.

On the battlefield, it only takes a little bit to defeat a professional.

Moreover, even professionals who have not killed void creatures can still get a hundred reputation points for free.

Just don't get too comfortable.

Wang Chen roughly understood the specific situation. No. 2 Qiu Lan was a level 33 demon summoner and could summon many demons to help him with output.

Moreover, the summoned demons also have some long-range output, and even have group damage skills.

That's why she was able to kill more than 3000 void creatures.

As a legendary profession, her combat prowess is truly terrifying.

Lu Geng, ranked third, is a level 32 arcane mage. The mage is the top class for group battle output. With crazy group damage, he eventually killed nearly three thousand void creatures.

What shocked everyone was that there was a huge gap between No. 1 and the professionals behind.

Even more than 1 higher than the second place...

It's unimaginable.

Most people are excited.

But only Qin Huaishi looked depressed.

"How is that possible? I just killed more than 30 void creatures, and he... more than 1. Even if there is a gap, it can't be that big!"

"He is just an unpopular hidden profession, but I am a rare and noble profession. There is no way I can be inferior to him!"

Qin Huaishi thought depressedly.

But no matter how he thought, one thing he knew very well was that the army could not lie about the prestige issue.

(End of this chapter)

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