Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 155 Another military district is robbing people

Chapter 155 Another military district is robbing people

What just confused him was how on earth did this kid do it?
He's just a level 24 gunner.

There was no glory for him at this moment, but Wang Chen was the focus of the audience.

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Chen.

This made Wang Chen still somewhat uncomfortable.

After all, there were many beings with a higher level than Wang Chen at the scene, as well as the soldiers who were guarding the castle of the Dragon Kingdom.

These soldiers are stationed on the front line of the void all year round and resist the invasion of the void, making an indelible contribution to the protection of the Dragon Kingdom.

They are the ones who deserve the most respect from everyone.

"Good job, lad!"

"I will tell your principal about your deeds when I get back!"

Golden Paladin Chu Yang walked up to Wang Chen and patted Wang Chen on the shoulder with a smile.

The solemn expression just now turned into a smile.

Looking at such a young Wang Chen, I feel very happy.

He never imagined that even the Demon King of Destruction on the other side of the void would target a little guy at level 24.

Moreover, he will regard this little guy at level 24 as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

The more Chu Yang looked at Wang Chen, the more interesting he became.

"Tell him, he won't give me any reward, so don't tell me!"

"But thank you today, Major Chu!"

Wang Chen laughed.

"Haha! Indeed, you came to the Void Frontline to work for our military region, and the school will not give you any rewards!"

"If you want to thank me, kill more void beasts in the future!"

Chu Yang smiled.

He hadn't thought that Wang Chen was still a lively person.

Moreover, seeing an officer like him who is neither humble nor arrogant, there is no trace of restraint.

Unlike ordinary students, they would be particularly reserved and even nervous after seeing themselves.

On the other hand, Wang Chen looked calm and calm.

"Killing void creatures is a sure thing!"

Wang Chen said firmly.

Regardless of what others say or not, Wang Chen will definitely try his best to kill void creatures.

"Mr. Zhong, you keep telling me now, when can I really fool you... No, no, really call you to the Southern Military Region!"

Chu Yang continued to laugh.

I just accidentally said something off my tongue while speaking.

"However, since I am lucky enough to be able to fight side by side with you, the future star, today, I am going to compete with Mr. Zhong!"

Before Wang Chen could speak, Chu Yang rushed to speak.

The speed of speaking is like trying to rob someone.

"Major Chu, which military region are you from?"

Wang Chen asked cautiously.

There are many castles on the Void Front, but Wang Chen does not know which castle is responsible for which military region.

Moreover, what Wang Chen still doesn't quite understand is that Chu Yang is actually only in his thirties. Normally, he should be regarded as the younger generation of Mr. Zhong.

But they have to rob people for their own military region.

A major... doesn't have such high authority.

It can only be said that Chu Yang's status in the Chu family is extremely high.

Is it true that, as I heard other professionals discussing before, Chu Yang has the tendency to become the next generation head of the family.

Among Chu Yang's generation, Chu Yang is undoubtedly the most outstanding and powerful.

Even surpassing the previous generation of Chu family professionals in terms of strength.

Now he only needs to increase his military rank and improve his level. With the legendary profession of Golden Paladin, he can be said to be in full swing.

"Northwest..." Chu Yang replied.

"Major Chu, actually I haven't decided yet whether to join the military region or not. I have just started school. I still have many classes to listen to and a lot to learn, so..."

After Wang Chen thought for a while, he scratched the back of his head and said.

With an apology on his face...

It's so obvious that people from the Northwest Military Region are trying to compete with the Southern Military Region for people.

Chu Yang rolled his eyes at Wang Chen. He was not a person with limited information.

A newly enrolled student did not go to class, but came to Void Front... and said that he wanted to study and attend class.

The reason is too far-fetched.

"My sister Chu Rou is also in your school. Classmate Wang Chen, please take care of me!"

Chu Yang's expression changed and he changed the topic.

Although there was still a smile on his face, it sounded like he was threatening Wang Chen.

Especially when I say the word "care", I bite it very hard.

Wang Chen smiled awkwardly, "Okay! Since she is a senior and the sister of senior Chu Xiong, I will naturally take good care of you!"

But I always feel that this senior Chu Rou will eat me just to force me to join the Northwest Military Region.

"Thank you then!"

Chu Yang patted Wang Chen on the shoulder again, left a mysterious smile, and walked towards the castle.

Only the messy Wang Chen was left.

After saying goodbye to his acquaintances, Wang Chen returned to the castle alone.

At present, the tasks here on the Void Front are temporarily completed, and the level has been successfully upgraded to level 24.

What makes Wang Chen most gratified is that he got fifteen thousand, five hundred and forty four reputation points.

These reputations are enough to upgrade all Warlord suits once.

You can even upgrade each piece of equipment twice.

It can be said that the harvest is full.

"Go back to school first and upgrade the warlord suit first!"

"I've been out for so long, and I don't know what knowledge is taught in school!"

After Wang Chen thought for a while, he came to the teleportation array back to Huaqing University.

After spending the gold coins, he experienced a period of time and space turbulence and quickly returned to Huaqing University.

After returning to Huaqing University, the first thing Wang Chen did was go to the battlefield hall.

You can see many students in the battlefield hall, forming teams to prepare for the battlefield.

Wang Chen ignored them and went straight to the innermost part of the battlefield hall, where there was a machine for upgrading battlefield equipment.

Wang Chen, who had previous experience in upgrading battlefield equipment, directly placed the warlord's helmet into the machine after confirming his identity.

Then, click on the upgrade option.

It took a thousand points. After spending the points, the machine began to emit bright light and tremble non-stop.

About ten seconds later, the brand new warlord's helmet was delivered to Wang Chen from the machine's conveyor belt.

[Warlord Helmet (LV2): Strength +170, Agility +180, Intelligence +150, (increase hit rate by 25%, damage by 15%, reduce deceleration and stun effects by 30%)]

All three-dimensional attributes have been increased by fifty points...there are also bonuses to hit rate, damage, and negative effects.

It's so cool, the three-dimensional properties have been increased by almost one-third.

"Come again!"

Wang Chen, whose reputation has been reduced by a thousand, has no intention of stopping.

So I put the Warlord's leggings in again.

Another thousand points.

[Warlord Leggings (LV2): Strength +150, Agility +150, Intelligence +150, (increase movement speed by 40%, toughness by 30%)]

While the three-dimensional attributes are increased and ignored, the movement speed is increased by 10% again, and the toughness is also increased by 10%.

(End of this chapter)

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