Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 156 The big improvement of level 3 equipment

Chapter 156 The big improvement of third-level equipment
Then there is the Warlord Armor.

It's just that the upgrade of the warlord's armor requires two thousand reputations.

[Warlord Armor (LV2): Strength +200, Agility +200, Intelligence +200, (increase hit rate by 20%, critical hit rate by 20%, reduce damage by 50%)]

Although Warlord Armor costs a lot of reputation, the improved attributes are still considerable.

A [-]% hit rate and a [-]% critical hit rate can effectively increase the output.

It also gave Wang Chen a certain degree of openness.

50.00% damage reduction, plus the 20.00% damage reduction of the suit attribute, the total damage reduction is as high as 70.00%.

This kind of reduction quality even far exceeds those of tank professions.

However, the reason why Wang Chen's frankness cannot be compared with that of the tank profession is that Wang Chen's own defensive attributes are too few, and he does not have a higher strength value, as well as various tank damage reduction and monster pulling skills.

But it’s enough to withstand many powerful attacks.

Even Wang Chen was imagining whether he could withstand the attack of the void creature's projection of the Destruction Demon King now.

Although I'm not sure, I think it's not impossible.

However, Wang Chen would never do such a risky thing.

Not even taking your own life for granted.

The last one is the Overseer's Ring.

Another thousand reputations.

[Warlord's Ring (LV2): Strength +130, Agility +130, Intelligence +130, (increase damage by 15%, chance of critical hit by 15%)]

A total of [-] reputations were spent, which resulted in a total improvement of [-] three-dimensional attributes.

There are also those damage bonuses and critical hit chance bonuses.

There are still more than 1000 reputations at the moment.

"Do you want to upgrade your equipment?"

Wang Chen took a deep breath.

Next, if you want to upgrade the equipment from level two to level three, the reputation cost will be doubled.


After Wang Chen thought for a while, he made up his mind.

The road ahead will not be easy, and the Demon King of Destruction in the void will always be thinking about him.

Who knows what tricks Void will do to attack Wang Chen.

To be on the safe side, don’t skimp on reputation, points, etc. The only way to do your best is to improve yourself.

The first thing to upgrade is the most important piece of equipment, the warlord's armor.

After being baptized by the machine, the warlord armor came out again.

[Warlord Armor (LV3): Strength +300, Agility +300, Intelligence +300, (increased hit rate by 25%, 30% critical hit chance (extra critical hit chance can be converted into critical hit damage), reduced damage by 30% 】

Looking at the attributes of the third-level warlord's armor, Wang Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It's so strong.

With just one piece of equipment, the three-dimensional attributes can reach as many as 20.00, and the hit rate has been increased by [-]%.

Another thing that stood out to Wang Chen was that not only did the critical hit chance increase by 30.00%, but it also had an additional feature.

That's the extra critical chance, which will be converted into critical damage.

These critical hit damage are percentage damage. When Wang Chen reaches 100% critical hit, there is no need to worry about overflowing critical hit rate.

All can be converted to critical damage.

The four thousand reputations are well spent!
Wang Chen was quite excited.

Although it is expensive, it brings great benefits.

After roughly calculating, there are still more than 7000 reputation left.

"Then upgrade three pieces of equipment!"

Wang Chensi said.

Continue to upgrade your equipment.

[Warlord Helmet (LV3): Strength +270, Agility +280, Intelligence +250, (increase hit rate by 20%, damage by 30%, reduce deceleration and stun effects by 40%)]

Two thousand points were spent. [Warlord's Gauntlet (LV3): Strength +250, Agility +250, Intelligence +250, (increase 30% movement speed, 20% damage, 20% critical hit chance, 30% critical hit effect)]

Another two thousand points.

[Warlord Leggings (LV3): Strength +250, Agility +250, Intelligence +250, (increase movement speed by 50%, toughness by 40%)]

Still two thousand points.

Now the remaining points are less than [-] points, and it is really impossible to upgrade anymore.

Only one ring remains.

Wang Chen looked at this military governor suit and felt extremely refreshed.

The only thing that makes Wang Chen very dissatisfied is that the three equipments of helmet, gauntlets, and leggings have increased attributes. Each equipment increases intelligence by [-]. What does it mean?
Do you have any grudge against yourself?

However, it doesn't matter, as long as he can improve himself, it doesn't matter two hundred and fifty, even if it is two thousand and five... that would be great.

This time the warlord suit is upgraded, the three-dimensional attributes have been increased by 900, and there are many additional attributes.

The next output will probably increase exponentially again.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen felt a sense of secret joy.

"Wait some time and go fight on the battlefield!"

Wang Chen thought about it.

Six days have passed since I finished fighting the battlefield. I only need to wait for one more day before I can go to the battlefield.

When the time comes, by killing heads on the battlefield, you can upgrade the last piece of equipment, the Warlord's Ring, to level three.

However, Wang Chen is still struggling with the issue of weapon strengthening.

But strengthening weapons is not that simple. The weapons that were strengthened and upgraded before are far inferior to Wang Chen's three existing weapons in terms of level and damage.

If you want to strengthen each weapon, you need to spend a lot of strengthening stones. The more powerful the weapon, the more strengthening stones it will cost.

Wang Chen even wondered whether his Dongfeng Sniper would be like a bottomless pit.

But what is certain is that strengthening weapons in the same way as before is definitely a waste of time.

"Then prepare more strengthening stones!"

"Not just more, but more levels of strengthening stones!"

Wang Chen took a deep breath.

But the problem now is that as a new student, he still doesn't understand many things.

For example, where to get strengthening stones and advanced strengthening stones.

"This Mr. Zhong, hey! He doesn't let me study hard in school, so I don't even know basic common sense!"

I can only pass the blame to Mr. Zhong.

It was Mr. Zhong who refused to let him go to school and went directly to the Void Front.

Although there is no restriction on Wang Chen's freedom.

"Let's go to the big classroom first!"

After Wang Chen thought for a while, he headed towards the school where the open classes were held.

After arriving at the building where today's open class was held, I first looked at the course schedule instructions at the bottom of the building.

"Improvement of weapons and equipment!"

One of the courses is the improvement of weapons and equipment...

Wang Chen, who had no interest at first, suddenly became interested when he saw this scene.

After all, that's really all that matters to him.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Generally speaking, these public courses are taken repeatedly, but the same course needs to be rotated at least three days.

Wang Chen happened to catch up with him.

What makes Wang Chen depressed is that this class has already started.

"No matter! Let's go and have a look first! Haven't you experienced what it's like to take classes at Huaqing? It should be very interesting. Maybe you will gain something!"

(End of this chapter)

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