Chapter 167: Inviting Friends
Due to his contact with Chu Yang, Wu Tairan also had a certain understanding of the Chu family.

Back then, Chu Yang was one of his students.

Wu Tairan witnessed Chu Yang step by step from a college freshman to the current major.

Moreover, there is still huge room for improvement.

In terms of overall strength, Chu Yang has surpassed many officers with higher ranks than him.

Now we need more military merit and prestige.

"I would like to see if Wang Chen has a chance to surpass Chu Yang in the future!"

Nie Hongbo said with great interest.

Not only him, but Wu Tairan is also looking forward to it.

However, Wu Tairan became more and more interested in Wang Chen.


At this moment, on the duel stage.

After the battle, Chu Rou's favorability towards Wang Chen doubled and she no longer had any resistance.

On the contrary, he was extremely admired.

"Wang Chen, I admit that my skills are inferior to others. This time it is me, Meng Lang. I have offended you so much, please be patient!"

After recovering from her injuries, Chu Rou clasped her hands in fists.

Make a bold gesture like a Jianghu person.


Wang Chen waved his hand casually.

I don't have any idea about this.

From the beginning, Chu Rou only wanted to fight with herself and had no murderous intentions.

If he had murderous intentions, he would definitely not let this matter go.

What's more, Chu Rou was just stimulated.

"If there is anything I need to do in the future, I will go to the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire, and I will do whatever I can to help you, little girl!"

Chu Rou said again.

Wang Chen felt goosebumps when he heard that he was still a little girl with this attitude?

Those who didn’t know better thought he was a grown man.

"Okay! There will be a period later!"

Wang Chen nodded and made the same gesture of holding fists with both hands.

To repay the gift.

Then he quickly left the duel field.

But Chu Rou's eyes stayed on Wang Chen's back.

Until Wang Chen walked into the exit, his back completely disappeared.

Chu Rou’s four friends stepped onto the duel field one after another.

They began to express condolences to their good sisters.

"Are you okay! Sister Rou!"

"What are you looking at? Everyone is gone!"

"Sister Rou, you won't be conquered physically by this little guy, and your heart will be conquered by him, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, the eldest lady of the Chu family from the Super Seminary is falling for a new student. This must be breaking news."

"Oh, don't look away, Sister Rou. If you like him, you can pursue him later. My sisters all support you. Not to mention that this guy is really handsome."


Several friends exchanged words with each other, some of which were dangerous, and some of which were ridiculing.

However, it can be seen from the conversation between them that the relationship between these people is very close.

It wasn't until Chu Rou slowly came out of her thoughts that she shouted loudly: "Okay! Okay! Stop nagging, I will go to the battlefield later, and I will kill a few to vent my anger!"

For her, after being abused, the only way to soothe her soul is to abuse others again.

Along the way, Wang Chen was greeted by many alumni from the same school who greeted him warmly, like a star.

What gave Wang Chen a headache was that there were too many people taking the initiative to say hello.

It was originally a one-minute journey, but it took more than ten minutes to walk out.

When I walked to the door, I saw Murong Xue, Qin Hongyan and Ah Chen.

The three of them had become familiar with each other during the college entrance examination, and then met again at Huaqing University.

So the relationship is relatively close.

"Why are you here?"

Wang Chen was quite surprised.

The important thing is that I never thought the three of them would be together.

"Brother Chen, you made such a big noise, we must come and see you!" Ah Chen said excitedly.

The eyes looking at Wang Chen were full of excitement.

In the past, others called him Brother Chen, but in front of Wang Chen, he knew very well who was the real Brother Chen.

"Wang Chen, you are so awesome, you can even defeat a level 35 demon summoner!"

"When I watched you compete, I was so nervous that my heart almost rose to my throat!"

Qin Hongyan also said with a look of admiration.

Murong Xue, on the other hand, pouted her lips and looked quite unhappy.

"Hmph! Even tomboys can be conquered now, right?"

He said in a bad tone.

"What a tomboy, Xue'er, what are you talking about!"

Qin Hongyan gently pulled the corner of Murong Xue's clothes.

Jealousy is jealous, but don't show it in private.

"You! Hurry up and upgrade!"

Wang Chen pressed Murong Xue's forehead.


Murong Xue, who had always been arrogant, became shy.

The unhappy look on his face immediately disappeared, and instead he lowered his head slightly in relief.

This scene was watched by both Qin Hongyan and Ah Chen.

They knew very well...Murong Xue was moved.

"Okay, I haven't met anyone I know for a long time. It just so happens that we are all here today. I'll treat you to dinner at noon!"

Wang Chen said loudly.

They are all students from the same batch and have been in contact with each other before, so Wang Chen, who is not short of points now, naturally has to be more generous.

"Okay! Then I won't be polite! Brother Chen!"

Ah Chen was the first to agree excitedly.

"Thank you so much, Brother Chen! It's better for a little girl to be respectful than to obey."

Qin Hongyan also agreed with a smile.

"Take your time and use your points. There will be many places to use your points in the future!"

Murong Xue sang the opposite tune.

However, there was no objection.

"Then don't worry!"

Wang Chen looked indifferent.

"Brother Chen won [-] points before, and today he won another [-] points... It can be said that he is the richest among the freshmen!"

Ah Chen smiled.

Not only these points, but there were also a lot of points rewards from the college entrance examination. After enrolling in school, he even directly obtained the symbol of higher education students, the Black Dragon Card.

I heard Luo Xia say before that there are no more than twenty students in Huaqing University with Black Dragon Cards.

Wang Chen, who just entered school, is one of them.

Then the four of them headed towards the cafeteria.

The place to treat guests can only be the dining hall of Huaqing University.

However, the cafeterias of the top universities in the country are not inferior to those outside.

There's no shortage of high-end food either.

After arriving at the canteen, Wang Chen ordered a lot of expensive food.

These foods are made by very high-level chefs. After taking them, there is a chance of increasing three-dimensional attributes, blood volume, and mana.

Of course, there are also foods that restore blood volume and mana.

The lowest food can only satisfy food and clothing and bring enjoyment to people's taste buds.

But high-end ingredients don’t just bring these.

But the price of this kind of food is really scary. Just a plate of veal costs a full [-] points.

The chance of obtaining attribute bonuses is only one in one hundred.

In other words, if you eat a hundred dishes, you will get a chance to improve.

But if you have a dark face, you may not be able to get it even once.

Ingredients with higher attribute bonuses are more expensive.

This is why the school previously emphasized that it is possible to succeed in any career.

(End of this chapter)

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