Chapter 168

When life-related occupations grow to a later stage, they are not inferior to other occupations at all.

Moreover, today's world requires people to perform their own duties, and most professions are not distinguished by superiority or inferiority.

"Here I go, I gained a little more intelligence!"

While eating, Ah Chen said excitedly.

Qin Hongyan and Murong Xue both looked envious.

Especially Murong Xue, she and Ah Chen are both mage professions, which have extremely high requirements for intelligence attributes.

Moreover, their current level is not high, and their attributes are also not high. A little intelligence can bring great benefits.

"If you were very rich, could you become a big eater just to get higher attributes?"

Ah Chen said with an expectant look on his face.

"How is it possible... First of all, can your stomach bear it? Moreover, when you get enough attributes through low-level food, and then eat it, the probability of improving your own attributes will be greatly reduced."

Qin Hongyan explained.

"Yes, you will need to eat higher-end food at that time!"

Murong Xue shouted.

Wang Chen couldn't help but frown... In fact, he had the same thought as Ah Chen.

Is it possible to become a big eater? But after the second daughter said this, this method does not exist at all.

In other words, although this world is a game world, there are not many BUGs.

It is simply impossible to become a top powerhouse just by eating and drinking.

It still requires all-round development.

"However, there is nothing wrong with eating more now! Only by eating more can you have a chance to gain attributes!"

Qin Hongyan said.

While talking, he picked up a large piece of beef with his chopsticks.

"What's the rush...there's a table full of food!"

Murong Xue glanced at Qin Hongyan, "If it's not enough, I'll treat you again tonight!"

She was already generous, but she didn't forget to show off her money.

"Then it must be settled!"

Qin Hongyan became excited, then looked at Wang Chen and asked, "Wang Chen, how many points did this table of dishes cost?"

"More than 3000!"

Wang Chen said.

At the same time, I also picked up a piece of beef to taste.

Doesn't he need these foods to increase his attributes?

Although the three-dimensional attributes of one and two points are of little use to Wang Chen.

But it’s better than nothing.

An increase is better than no increase.

"I'll go...more than 3000, Brother Chen has spent a lot of money!"

Ah Chen's jaw was stunned. There was green vegetables on his chopsticks, and he didn't dare to put them in his mouth for a while.

After arriving at Huaqing University, he was not idle. Apart from attending classes, he also played dungeons and upgraded.

But it took a lot of effort to get more than ten points.

More than 3000 points, for him, is simply an astronomical figure.

As far as he knows, students who are one year older than him can only get one thousand or two thousand points every month if they work very hard.

"With this kind of success, once you level up, it will be easy to get points, and then you won't take three thousand points seriously!"

Murong Xue laughed.

Although she was also amazed at how expensive the meal was, she still had to maintain an adequate attitude.

But he couldn't let Wang Chen look down on him.

Although she has a privileged family background, her family can also bring her enough resources.

But the problem is, there is nothing that can be done about the points in the school.

It needs to be obtained through her efforts.

This is the smart thing about Huaqing University and other top universities, forcing students to work hard to upgrade.

Work hard to get what you want, not your family.

"That's right! We all have to work hard to upgrade, but we can't be left too far behind by Wang Chen!"

Qin Hongyan shouted. "Yeah! I know!"

Ah Chen nodded repeatedly.

"Eat quickly, let's go play a dungeon after eating!"

Murong Xue greeted.

Seeing Wang Chen's terrifying upgrade speed, Murong Xue became even more anxious.

I was completely stimulated by Wang Chen.

Every time he sees Wang Chen, Wang Chen will have an extremely terrifying improvement.

Look at herself again... Even though she works so hard, her own improvement is pitifully small.

Of course, compared to other freshmen, the improvement is quite large.

"Brother Chen, do you have any plans for this afternoon?"

Ah Chen looked at Wang Chen with a flattering expression.

"Don't even think about letting your brother Chen lead us to upgrade. Wang Chen is so busy, how can he have time!"

Qin Hongyan quickly stopped.

Although she longed to be led by an expert, she also knew very well that Wang Chen's time could not be wasted because of themselves.

After arriving at Huaqing University, they knew very well that everyone was working hard to upgrade the dungeon, and some even had very little rest time.

For Wang Chen to achieve such a high level of achievement, she believed that he must have been upgrading his skills day and night.

"Yes! He is very busy!"

Murong Xue also nodded and said.

I also recalled the experience of being promoted by Wang Chen. It was so exciting that I just needed to fight monsters and so on.

As long as Wang Chen is served comfortably and good food is prepared, that's enough.

"I do have something to do. You can go and clear the dungeon first. I'll find the teacher and get some information. After that, if you reach level [-], I can take you to the battlefield!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said.

The three of them have also been working hard to upgrade during this period, and have reached level [-].

But Wang Chen didn't know exactly how much experience he still had to reach level [-].

As long as they can reach level [-], Wang Chen can take them to the battlefield.

Moreover, playing on the battlefield is also a matter of course. Wang Chen originally needed a lot of reputation to upgrade his battlefield suit level.

Taking them to the battlefield also allows them to see the world.

Reputation is needed at all times.

You can also purchase a lot of battlefield equipment and materials through reputation.

"Battlefield? Brother Chen, did I hear you correctly? You want to take us to the battlefield?"

Ah Chen almost jumped up after hearing this.

"Yes! What's wrong? Don't you want to fight?"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.

"I have never dared to think about going to the battlefield. I always thought that I must be at least level 25 to be qualified to go to the battlefield!"

Ah Chen exclaimed.

At present, it is really far away for him to go to the battlefield alone.

"Yeah! But you have to hurry up and reach level [-]. Level [-] is the minimum level requirement to enter the battlefield!"

Wang Chen nodded.

Anyway, I would take everyone with me on the battlefield, including passers-by and acquaintances, so why not bring acquaintances with me.

"We finished the dungeon once, and I'm almost at level [-]. Ah Chen is fine, but Qin Hongyan is a little confused!"

Murong Xue analyzed.

As an assassin, Qin Hongyan's upgrade would definitely not be as easy as Murong Xue's or Ah Chen's.

"Then I don't care! After eating, I will wait for you outside the dungeon hall for three hours!"

Wang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Don't worry about me, just go with Wang Chen!"

Qin Hongyan also said generously.

Although she was really looking forward to going to the battlefield, she didn't want to be held back.

(End of this chapter)

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