Chapter 170 Freshman Team Competition

What troubles Wang Chen is that dungeons above level [-] are currently impossible to enter.

For example, for a level 24 dungeon, the minimum level requirement is level [-], and Wang Chen is only level [-] now.

Upgrade first!There is a long way to go.

Also, Wang Chen must get more points.

Some materials for strengthening equipment can still be obtained through points.

It's just that the price is too expensive.

But the price is only for ordinary professionals. Wang Chen's ability to earn points is far beyond that of ordinary students.

Later, Wang Chen paid attention to the enchantment situation.

Enchanting weapons also requires a lot of materials and points.

Of course, if you are not in school, you will spend materials and gold coins, but gold coins are more expensive than points.

At present, the enchantments that Wang Chen likes a little bit require at least level 25.

You also need to prepare relevant materials yourself, and these consumables are easily available.

Since in Huaqing Academy, only a few children from wealthy families could afford enchantment, enchantment supplies were not very popular.

It is difficult to obtain these materials through exchanges.

The best way is still to make money yourself.

Some enchanting materials can only be exploded in the corresponding copy.

For example, the previous Naga Harpoon prop will only appear in Naga's Trial Ground, and will not exist in other dungeons or secret realms.

Wang Chen wrote down the materials required for these enchantments, and there were more than 20 types in total.

Now in the process of upgrading and making copies, I need to collect these materials.

After everything was ready, Wang Chen got up and left the dormitory.

The longer you stay in the dormitory, the more your fighting spirit will be drained.

I roughly estimated the time, and there was still an hour left to gather.

Wang Chen, who had nothing to do, thought for a while, it was still early anyway.

It's better to brush up a dungeon and see if you can get the materials needed for enchantment.

But after taking a few steps downstairs, he saw Wu Mengyu chatting with Lu Xiao, and a familiar voice.

"Hey! Isn't that Wang Chen...our new born king!"

Someone saw Wang Chen walking over and quickly exclaimed.

The rest of the people also forgot about the past after hearing this, and they all had expressions of admiration on their faces.

For the new students, Wang Chen is already a god-like existence in their minds.

"How did you come?"

Wang Chen just nodded to Lu Xiao, then looked at Wu Mengyu and asked.

"Oops! Just after I got back, the dean of our college asked me to help him organize a freshman team competition!"

Wu Mengyu said sadly.

Whether at Huaqing University or other top universities.

Many times, teachers will leave their work to their students.

Teachers also need time to level up, fight on the battlefield, and improve themselves.

So if you can push, you can still push more or less.

Of course, if you help the teacher, the teacher will try to give the students corresponding resources as a reward.

"Actually... I came downstairs to your dormitory specially!"

Wu Mengyu walked up to Wang Chen and whispered.


Wang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

"This freshman team competition is a competition that all top universities will participate in. These schools will also send a representative team. The winning team will receive rich rewards."

"Originally, my teacher meant not to let you participate, but you still want to be ranked No. 1 in the country, which really gives me a headache!"

Wu Mengyu explained.

"Why? What's wrong with me?" Wang Chen was slightly surprised.

"Actually, Huaqing University has never paid attention to this kind of competition in the past. It has not received a good ranking for three consecutive years. The students sent out are all ordinary students."

"But this time is different. The teacher means that the reward this time is the most generous one ever."

"So... we must win this competition, and we can't let it fall into the hands of other schools!"

Wu Mengyu explained.

"But what does it have to do with me? Why don't you let me go?"

Wang Chen is still puzzled.

Wang Chen is somewhat interested in this freshman team competition, and the rewards are generous...

Wang Chen was even more surprised as to what kind of reward it was.

"Our college teacher said that if you leave, for freshmen, it will be a complete crushing. There will be no suspense at all. Other schools will even think that you are not a freshman!"

"Then, it will also affect the competition experience of other students..."

Wu Mengyu said awkwardly.

"Participation experience..."

Wang Chen was also speechless.

In fact, as a professional, the experience of being abused is also an experience.

Wang Chen cannot accept this reason.

"There is another problem, that is, your level is too high! Level 24... You have to know that the freshmen are upgraded every day and night. The highest level is only close to level [-], but you are four levels higher than them. .”

"However, teachers from all colleges have reached a consensus that we must have a deeper purpose!"

Wu Mengyu said steadily.

"For what purpose?"

"After the domestic freshman team competition is over, I plan to let you represent Dragon Kingdom in the international freshman team competition!"

Wu Mengyu continued.

"So that's it, let's talk about it then! Anyway, the school hasn't invited me yet!"

Wang Chen nodded and said.

Wang Chen is not that interested in team competitions, but he is very interested in the rewards.

In the future, Wang Chen will need a lot of materials and points, whether it is to strengthen weapons or enchant weapons, it will be a huge expense.

Moreover, Wang Chen will definitely try to enchant the best demons and strengthen the weapons to a higher level.

However, when strengthening the weapon, you need to purchase a protection coupon to avoid failure and destruction of the weapon when strengthening the weapon.

The cost of this enhanced protection coupon is even more ridiculously high.

"Yeah! Well! Let me talk to these students first and see who is interested in signing up!"

"Our school can sign up for five teams, and our Saint Law School will organize a team!"

Wu Mengyu said with a smile.

Wang Chen nodded, and the Saint Law School organized a team of newcomers...

If nothing else, other colleges will also organize newcomer teams to participate in the national newcomer competition.

This can win the favor of outstanding freshmen and attract them to join your college in the future.

In particular, he wanted to intercept Hu from the seminary.

This made Wang Chen suddenly think of someone...that was Ah Chen.

As a mage, although it is a rare profession, it is not easy to enter the Super Seminary through the Soaring Dragon Tower.

But we can give him one more option, Saint Law School.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen said: "Let me recommend a few people to you! They will all be level [-] soon, so they shouldn't be too bad!"

"Really? Are you almost level [-]?"

Wu Mengyu was shocked after hearing this, as if in a dream.

Although there are some freshmen who have reached level [-], they are hard to come across, and they may already belong to someone.

(End of this chapter)

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