Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 171 Perfect confrontation with professional combinations

Chapter 171 Perfect confrontation with professional combinations
"When did I lie to you?"

Wang Chen was quite speechless.

It happened to be a favor to Wu Mengyu, and most importantly, it also gave Murong Xue, Ah Chen, and Qin Hongyan a chance to cooperate with each other.

If nothing else, Super Seminary will not join this freshman competition.

Under normal circumstances, not many freshmen will be qualified to join the Super Theological Seminary within one year after enrolling.

Breaking into the Tenglong Tower is not that easy.

It often takes one to two years of upgrading to improve your own strength before you can qualify.

"Thank you so much, junior!"

"Our teacher said that if I can help him recruit a team and this team can get into the top three, he will reward me with a skill book!"

Wu Mengyu said with a smile.

Skill Book……

No wonder this girl is so interested in her, she really can't afford to do it early without any benefit.

But skill books are a treasure in today’s world.

Especially those legal professions, they all rely on skills to survive.

"I can only help you find three people, two mages and one assassin!"

Wang Chen continued.

"Well! Then I will look for a priest and a warrior! In this case, we can cooperate better in the five-on-five team competition!"

Wu Mengyu nodded, and then thought of the lineup issue.

"Five-on-five team competition? How many types of competition are there in this competition?"

Wang Chen asked.

At present, Wang Chen has not heard anyone mention the rookie competition.

"How should I put it? In every duel between teams, there are five matches, two one-on-one matches, two two-on-two matches, and one top priority, which is five-on-five!"

"One-on-one, two-on-two, you will get one small point for winning each game, and five-on-five, you will get three small points. The one with the highest score in the end wins the game!"

Wu Mengyu explained carefully.

Wang Chen couldn't help showing a hint of interest when he heard this, but... he had been determined by the school's senior management and would not have the chance to participate in the rookie team competition.

We can only give the opportunity to those real newcomers.

In fact, Wang Chen is also a newcomer.

"Why look for warriors and priests?"

Wang Chen asked again.

"Because in a five-on-five situation, you need a tank and a healer. The tank will resist, and the healer will increase blood!"

"When playing two against two, there can also be similar combinations of tanks, mages, mages, and priests."

Wu Mengyu explained with a smile.

At first glance, he looks like a newbie on the battlefield.

"This way! You listen to me, don't look for any tanks. Tanks are the most useless on the battlefield. No matter how powerful the tank is, it can't withstand the damage of five people in two rounds!"

"The tank itself has little output. If the opponent ignores the tank, its effect will be zero!"

Wang Chen suggested.

"Ah? It seems that Junior Wang Chen has defeated Thunder Fortress!"

Wu Mengyu was shocked when he heard this.

"Yeah! I've been beaten several times!"

Wang Chen nodded.

"Then, Junior Brother Wang Chen, what should I look for in the other two professions?"

Wu Mengyu asked again.

At the moment, she is inexperienced, but out of complete trust in Wang Chen.

She is more willing to believe Wang Chen's opinion.

"Ice mages, I can have two ice mages, four mages, and an assassin!"

"If there aren't that many ice mages, professions with more control can be used instead!"

Wang Chen pondered for a moment and said.

But as soon as these words came out, Wu Mengyu's jaw dropped in shock.

Four mages and one assassin... what kind of combination is this?
It's understandable not to tank, but if you don't even need treatment, it doesn't matter.

"Remember, human professionals are different from dungeon BOSS. No matter how equipped human professionals are, they cannot be as powerful as dungeon BOSS. As long as the output and control are sufficient, there will be no need for healing at all!"

Wang Chen said.

There are two types of mages, Storm Mage and Elemental Mage, with explosive output. Their output can ignore the healing profession's milk.If there are two more mages with control and output, facing any professional combination, it is very likely that the target of concentrated fire will be taken away in one wave.

The ice mage is undoubtedly the most perfect control profession. It also has good control skills. It can control both single target and group control to slow down.

In a sense, Qin Hongyan, the assassin, can also control it.

"Junior Wang Chen, you are really a genius... Such a combination, if the equipment is not very poor, would be a nightmare for any team!"

"It's exciting just thinking about it!"

Wu Mengyu said excitedly.

According to Wang Chen's explanation, she could already imagine what it would be like when five versus five.

"I still have something to do, so just keep going!"

Wang Chen didn't say any more.

"Okay! Junior brother, please do your work first! If you have time, I have to treat you well!"

Wu Mengyu nodded repeatedly.

"What's your treat for me?"

Wang Chen showed a wicked smile.

Wu Mengyu, who was already cheerful and unrestrained, thought of many things at once and continued: "As long as I have it, it's fine!"

Wang Chen did not continue to entangle with Wu Mengyu, but went straight to the dungeon hall.

According to the agreed time, there is still more than half an hour.

Just wait for the three of them outside the dungeon hall now.

But as soon as they arrived at the dungeon hall, they saw Murong Xue and three others sitting in the corner with disgraceful faces.

But as for the levels, they are all still level nineteen.

It was as if he had just escaped from not fighting any monsters in the dungeon.

"what happened?"

Wang Chen walked over and asked.

"Chen... Brother Chen..."

Ah Chen spoke first.

He just looked extremely guilty as he spoke.

"what happened?"

Wang Chen looked at Murong Xue and asked again.

"I just failed in the dungeon and finally escaped!"

Murong Xue explained.

Due to their relationship, Murong Xue should speak more directly.

"Aren't you going to take advanced courses?"

Wang Chen was slightly surprised.

Normally speaking, Murong Xue is still a relatively stable person, not too aggressive.

For example, challenge a copy that is too difficult.

"No! It's my problem. I was in a hurry to upgrade... I wanted to improve the efficiency of killing monsters, but I attracted too many monsters. I happened to encounter a group of patrolling monsters and almost killed all three of us!"

Ah Chen said apologetically.

It turns out that I attracted too many monsters, which is a mistake that many professionals tend to make.

Wrong assessment of the team's combat effectiveness, coupled with the unexpected arrival of patrol monsters, will put the entire team in danger.

They were able to come out safely, which was considered a blessing among misfortunes.

However, Wang Chen knew that Murong Xue must have a way to save his life.

But Achen and Qin Hongyan were at a loss.

“Don’t be too aggressive when upgrading!”

"Let's go! I'll take you to play a dungeon and then go to the battlefield!"

Wang Chen said boldly.

"Ah...Brother Chen, this is not good!"

Ah Chen said apologetically.

I really didn't dare to waste too much of Wang Chen's time.

"What's the big deal? It's just a matter of half an hour!"

(End of this chapter)

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