Chapter 172: Sweeping Customs Clearance Records
"Half an hour? That's right. For Brother Chen, a five-person dungeon at the normal level is enough!"

Qin Hongyan looked expectant.

Now, Wang Chen has to take care of even her upgrade.

If she is taken once, she can reach level [-].

"Normal difficulty... even hard difficulty is very easy!"

Murong Xue added.

Having been taken by Wang Chen, she naturally knew what it felt like to be taken away, and she was very aware of Wang Chen's strength.

"Let's go! I just want to tell you something while finishing the dungeon!"

Wang Chen continued.

Then he headed towards the portal in the direction of Laika Temple.

"Brother Chen... where are you going? That's Laika Temple over there, a 40-person team copy, not an ordinary copy!"

Ah Chen quickly reminded him when he saw this.

Not only him, but also Qin Hongyan and Murong Xue were stunned.

This guy, is he crazy?
That's a dungeon for 40 people. Do you want to take them to play this dungeon?

Isn't this an act of seeking death?

"Brother Chen... don't, don't scare me. I'm timid. A team of 40 people is not something people at my level can covet!"

Qin Hongyan even changed her title.

Watching Wang Chen walk to the teleportation port of Laika Temple, he was really frightened.

Is this going to take them to their death?
"Don't be afraid, he won't harm us!"

Murong Xue's heart was also in an uproar, but she was trying to control the shock in her heart and try to calm down.

"These classmates are all new here, right?"

"How could that classmate Wang Chen harm you? Let's go check out the clearance record of Laika Temple!"

On the side, a classmate heard their conversation and reminded them.

He is naturally aware of some of Wang Chen's deeds, especially those around the Laika Temple.


The three were stunned at the same time.

But he still walked to the transfer port of Laika Temple obediently, and saw the clearance record information of the dungeon on the light screen on the side.

"The top ten...all are Wang Chen...and there is a record of one person passing the level, damn!"

Ah Chen was completely stunned after seeing it.

There was even an urge to kneel down on one knee towards Wang Chen.

There are only top ten records on this light screen, but Wang Chen has taken all of them.

There are also two single brush records.

In other words, Wang Chen is fully capable of soloing.

"Wang did you do it?"

Murong Xue looked at Wang Chen with a surprised face and asked.

"Kill monsters. Kill all the monsters and BOSS in the dungeon, and you'll clear the level!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

It sounds very easy to say, but for the current levels of the three of them, it is like a fantasy.

No matter how much I think about it, I can't figure out how Wang Chen did it.

"Then why do you want to form a group with others? Since you have the strength to clear the level alone, you can grind as much as you want and have more experience. Everything you explode will be yours!"

Qin Hongyan asked curiously.

“They give points!”

Wang Chen said.

"Points? How can I give you a point method?"

Murong Xue became interested immediately.

Achen and Qin Hongyan also looked at Wang Chen curiously.

"It's very simple. If you bring one person at a time, you will be given a thousand points!"

Wang Chen said.

As he spoke, all three of them formed a team.

However, the three of them did not agree, but stood there in confusion.

Try to digest this information quickly.

Obviously this had happened for a while, but to them who had just learned about it, it was completely unbelievable.

"One thousand points per person, 39 people, that's thirty-nine thousand points, one instance is thirty-nine doesn't even take half an hour to clear the level!"

Ah Chen murmured in his mouth.

"Robbing money... No wonder Brother Chen dared to take [-] points as a bet at the opening ceremony. So that's it!" Qin Hongyan shouted.

"Robber, pure robber!"

Murong Xue couldn't help but say.

"Hurry up and agree to join the team! Stop inking!"

At this time, Wang Chen's voice sounded.

Only then did they recover from the shock.

The way he looked at Wang Chen was as if he was really seeing a robber.

After Wang Chen reminded them, they all agreed to join the team.


Wang Chen got directly into the copy.

Only then did the three of them follow.

After entering the dungeon, all three of them were cautious.

At the same time, he was cautious and full of curiosity.

In their minds, this kind of team copy can only be entered after reaching level 28.

But now, before reaching level [-], he has already entered.

In fact, they gained some knowledge.

However, every mob here fights very well. They are worried that they may accidentally attract mobs and die on the spot.

"Follow me closely! Don't run around!"

"I cleared the level as quickly as possible. I estimate that by the time I finish, they will all reach level [-]!"

Wang Chen said.

The three people nodded, and they happened to see the first monster.

Whether it is level or attributes, they are far superior to any monster they have ever seen.

"Da da da……"

But for Wang Chen, it was just a matter of two or three bullets.

Wang Chen's equipment has been greatly improved, and his current combat effectiveness is no longer what it was when he led people.

It can be said that the current damage has increased by at least half.

The damage of the critical hit was twice as much as before.

"It's so powerful! I feel that the damage is no worse than those of level [-] professionals."

After Ah Chen saw the damage caused by the critical hit, he took a deep breath.

After all, he is a member of a guild and has met some high-level professionals in the guild.

But no one can compare with Wang Chen in terms of damage.

"No wonder he can bring 39 with him, his output is so terrifying, and he also has group damage methods!"

Qin Hongyan also exclaimed.

Especially when she saw Wang Chen killing a group of monsters with explosive bombs, her jaw was completely shocked.

"After completing this dungeon, I will take you to the battlefield. I wanted to let you gain reputation before, but now I have another purpose!"

Wang Chen quickly cleaned up the troll monsters while saying.

"For what purpose?"

Murong Xue asked quickly.

"The Holy Law School is organizing a team to participate in the National Freshman Team Competition. I recommended the three of you to them, but I don't know your attitude?"

Wang Chen explained.

"Ah? It's okay to participate, but what about the rewards?"

Ah Chen pursed his lips.

"I don't know, but I'm sure the rewards will be great!"

Wang Chen said.

"Then are you participating?"

Murong Xue looked at Wang Chen.

Full of expectations, she especially hoped to fight side by side with Wang Chen.

"I...they refused to let me, saying that my level was too high!"

Wang Chen said after cleaning up another batch of monsters.

"Indeed, not only is the level high, it is also a dimensionality reduction attack!"

Ah Chen shouted.

"I want you to go and exercise. I also want to see what this competition is about and prepare for participating in the international freshman competition."

(End of this chapter)

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