Chapter 173: Refresh the book leisurely
"Freshman team competition? I've also heard about it. It seems that the top five among the eight colleges will recruit people to form teams!"

"I'm just busy upgrading, so I don't know the specific details!"

Qin Hongyan said.

"There are no details, just a duel between teams of five people, including two one-on-one, two-on-two, and one five-on-five!"

"It's not called a freshmen team competition, but it's actually just a competition between major prestigious schools that want to show off the strength of the new students and see which school recruits more students!"

Murong Xue said with a smile.

As the eldest daughter of the Murong family, she understands many things better than ordinary people.

"The rewards this time are very generous, so you three should form a team and give it a try!"

"I guess the school will reward you with a lot of points if you don't get it right."

Wang Chen continued.

"No need to estimate, there will definitely be a lot of points awarded. In previous freshman team competitions, the points reward for each member of the team that wins for the first time will be more than [-] points."

Murong Xue said firmly.

"You are quite clear!"

Wang Chen laughed.

"That's for sure! There are several seniors in my family who studied at Huaqing University, and they all gave me homework before coming to school!"

Murong Xue shrugged.

This makes Ah Chen and Qin Hongyan somewhat envious.

As a child of an aristocratic family, you can not only enjoy the resources from the family, but also have a perspective that is completely different from ordinary people.


As Wang Chen threw a G-14 grenade, a large number of bats were killed.

Murong Xue and Ah Chen reached level [-] together.

The two of them have much more experience than Qin Hongyan, so they can level up faster.

"I'll go...this's so cool! In less than two minutes, I've been directly upgraded!"

Ah Chen feels like a roller coaster.

It's floating.

Such a terrifying upgrade speed was something he couldn't even imagine.

Originally a storm mage, his upgrade speed can be said to be among the best among all professions.

But compared with this gunner, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Not only him, but also Murong Xue, who is an elemental mage.

Fortunately, Murong Xue was well-informed, and due to her family status, she was able to suppress the shock in her heart.

There was no surprise on his face like Ah Chen.

"You two mages are embarrassing enough!"

"It is said to be the fastest-promoting profession, but it is completely inferior to the gunnery master!"

Qin Hongyan clicked her tongue and said with a smile.

"It can't be compared. The gunnery profession is actually not very good, but he... is a pervert!"

Murong Xue gave her own evaluation.

"Sometimes strength has nothing to do with career, but everything to do with people!"

Ah Chen shouted.

Several people were chirping behind him, and from time to time they would bring out drinks and snacks for Wang Chen.

Wang Chen brushed off monsters easily.

The current Laika Temple is already familiar to Wang Chen.

Most of the time was spent traveling.

After about 10 minutes, we arrived at the final BOSS.

Murong Xue and others were shocked when they saw the level [-] BOSS for the first time.

This is the first time for them to have a BOSS with such a high level and such a tall stature.

I couldn't help but take a closer look at this BOSS's skills and three-dimensional attributes.

If there were cameras, I'm afraid they would take pictures on the spot.

Even Murong Xue couldn't calm down.

But in their eyes, this mighty and scary BOSS didn't seem so powerful under Wang Chen's bullets.Every bullet fired by Wang Chen can cause visible damage to the naked eye.

Coupled with the control and continuous damage of freezing bombs and explosive bombs, the last G-14 grenade ended.

In just one minute, the last BOSS was killed.

After killing this BOSS, Qin Hongyan was promoted to level [-] as she wished.

"Thank...thank you, Brother Chen!"

Qin Hongyan said with excitement.

As an assassin, her path to upgrade was originally very difficult.

Many professions will unlock group damage skills after upgrading to level [-], but as an assassin, she has no group damage skills at all.

It can only be output one-on-one, so it is very difficult to upgrade.

As for grinding dungeons, assassins are the most disliked profession.

Even Warlocks are much more popular than Assassins. Warlocks also have good damage, can also gain DEBUFF, and gain team benefits.

Assassins only have single-target output and are prone to sudden death. Their effectiveness in fighting dungeons is far inferior to other professions.

It might even become a drag on the team.

Once the assassin is attacked, his health will drop in large chunks, which will undoubtedly put pressure on the treatment.

If you are an assassin with poor equipment, you may be killed by the BOSS in one blow.

Assassin's equipment is not as resistant as the equipment of melee output professions such as Ghost Sword Warrior, Holy Light Warrior, and Punishment Knight.

Its own strength attributes are much worse than those of melee output professions, and there are no defensive skills to speak of.

Therefore, upgrading is a big problem for assassins.

Before, when everyone had few skills, Qin Hongyan could still rely on her output and skills to get the top five rankings in Nanjiang City in the big exam.

But once you have more skills, it becomes completely different.

"It's okay! Divide the equipment among us!"

"Then go to the battlefield!"

Wang Chen didn't pause at all.

After finishing one item, work on the next one.

An assassin's breastplate was exploded, which fit Qin Hongyan just right.

Qin Hongyan did not refuse. She knew very well that there was no need to be so polite to Wang Chen.

Anyway, in her heart, she will be Wang Chen's follower from now on.

Anyone who dares to provoke Wang Chen means provoking her.

"It's level [-]... I've unlocked three more skills, it's so cool!"

Ah Chen said excitedly.

Among the rare professions, Storm Mage's skills are already cool and have high output. Now that he has three more skills, Ah Chen is naturally overjoyed.

"I unlocked the electric and wind elements!"

Murong Xue also looked excited.

Elemental mage is a hidden profession. According to common sense, hidden professions even exist side by side with legendary professions.

Of course, except for Wang Chen's gunnery division.

Elemental mages are known to be multi-element and can use skills from many different elements.

The fighting ability is considered to be the strongest among mages.

"What kind of control skills do you two have, and Qin Hongyan!"

Wang Chen asked.

"I can summon a storm. Anyone touched by the storm will be blown up and unable to move in the air for three seconds!"

Achen said first.

"I have the Ice Ring Technique. Everyone within 20 meters will be frozen for two seconds!"

"I can also summon a storm... I just control the time for two seconds! Is that enough time?"

Murong Xue said.

But this sentence is a bit heartbreaking for Ah Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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