Chapter 176 Battlefield Commander

"As long as you obey, you're guaranteed to win!"

Ah Chen saw the reluctant expression on his face and said with a smile.

"Win? Brother! Stop joking!"

The berserker smiled bitterly.

But in the eyes of Murong Xue, Qin Hongyan, and Ah Chen, this was a battle without any suspense.

But they need to be given actual combat experience in combat.

"Let's go! Berserker, go to the right to get the sentry tower."

"I will kill the demon warlock. If there are any extra people coming from the left, I will also deal with them!"

"The three of you go to the left and try to kill people, and then take the sentry tower. Remember that their level is higher than yours. Don't superimpose control skills repeatedly. The control does not need to be concentrated, but the firepower must be concentrated!"

Wang Chen said slowly.

The Berserker was completely stunned upon hearing this.

Not only him, but also the students who were watching the live broadcast of the battlefield in many conference rooms and classrooms in the school were completely stunned.

"Fuck, Wang Chen's combat IQ is so high! He even knows how to cooperate on the battlefield. When we fight on the battlefield, whether it's damage skills or control skills, we all throw them away!"

"We are a little better. Generally, except for the healing professions, other professions are one-on-one, and the healing professions take care of each other from behind!"

"Wang Chen is still amazing. He is so knowledgeable on the battlefield. What a pity! He can't go to the National Rookie Team Competition. If he can go, he will definitely win the first place!"

"That's for sure! Wang Chen can challenge a level 35 demon summoner alone. His personal strength alone is enough!"

"Actually, I think Wang Chen can participate in the competition as a coach, tsk tsk! With his combat IQ, as long as he takes command, he will definitely be in first place!"


Just by hearing the words in the mapping sphere, everyone was exclaimed.

If you think about it for a moment, you will know that what Wang Chen said makes sense.

Soon, the battle officially began.

Although the berserker looked confused, he still ran towards the right sentry tower obediently.

Wang Chen moved quickly, and when he reached the shooting distance, he set up his big gun.

As for the three-on-three matter, Wang Chen would let the three of them solve it by themselves first, and he also roughly explained how to fight.

If you encounter problems, summarize them later.

When they reach the stage of abusing the spring, they will also be given a three-on-three opportunity.

It's a bit like using the enemy as a monster to train your own people.

After briefly observing the route of everyone's progress, there were three people on the opposite side heading straight for the sentry tower on the left.

The level 26 heavy warrior is in the middle, ready to respond from the left and right, while the level 27 shadow warlock is rushing towards the sentry tower on the right.

As the highest-level being in the team, he thinks he can stand alone.

Wang Chen's side was completely following Wang Chen's command.

"Da da da da da..."

When everyone was almost at their respective destinations, Wang Chen took the lead.

He directly killed the heavily armored warrior guarding the middle with bullets and was teleported back to the resurrection point.

"What happened? Why did the soldier die?"

The level 27 demon warlock exclaimed.

Just after hearing a few gunshots, a tank with extremely high tankiness was gone?

This left the four people on the opposite side completely confused.

"I'm going? What's going on? There were just a few gunshots, and then we were reduced in number?"

The holy priest seemed to be frightened.

They had no idea how Wang Chen did it, let alone experienced such a situation.

"Instant kill? Let me go, is the other side cheating?" "In the Thunder Fortress of our level, the highest level professional who can enter is level 29, but among the professionals below level [-], how can there be any Such a terrifying output? Just seconds?"

"That level 24 gunnery master was the one who did it..."

"Ah? A level 24 gunner, killing someone with just one bullet? Are you kidding me?"

"What do we do now?"

"Let's do it first! We can't care about that anymore. If the worst happens, we'll just go back to the resurrection point!"


The three people in the direction of the sentry tower on the left suddenly stopped moving forward.

The sudden death of a teammate is like a bolt from the blue, frightening them to death.

As for the heavily armored warrior who suddenly returned to the resurrection point, he was even more shocked and didn't know why.

I have no idea what happened and why I suddenly reached the resurrection point.

Was killed in seconds?
How can it be?He was a tank in a meat suit... He was killed like this.

Jing Jiayu, who was in the conference room, was explaining the live broadcast content to the students in his college.

"Students, Wang Chen's operation is very good this time. For professions with long range, go to the middle, and then rely on the advantage of range to support teammates according to the situation."

"Although classmate Wang Chen's output, ahem! It's a bit exaggerated... but that's how we should fight!"

Jing Jiayu pointed at the map on the blackboard and explained.

Previously, the map of Thunder Fortress had been explained to the students. After such explanation, many students had a more intimate understanding of this battlefield.

After watching the live broadcast of the battlefield, it was like being there in person.

The map is so large that you need to seize resources to win, which requires a lot of cooperation between professionals.

On the battlefield, Murong Xue, Ah Chen, and Qin Hongyan were already impatient.

Want to show off your power on the battlefield.

According to the previous idea, Qin Hongyan went straight towards the Holy Priest and tried every means to control the Holy Priest.

Then the three of them gathered the Fire Mages together. As for the Holy Light Knight, they simply ignored it because they were both powerful and resistant.

Last but not least.

Wang Chen has already explained these things, but how to use tactics and how to execute them on the battlefield depends on them and their cooperation.

Storm mage Ah Chen was the first to notice, bursting out violent wind elements from his hands.

Then with a strong shot, a tornado more than five meters wide appeared out of thin air in front of the team of three people on the opposite side.

And this tornado can move automatically and move according to Achen's control.

The Holy Light Knight and Flame Mage were instantly blown up.

Qin Hongyan took advantage of the fact that the two of them were being charged, and lurked behind the Holy Priest and sapped him.

The holy priest was knocked unconscious directly.

Then he made an OK gesture to Ah Chen and Murong Xue.

Upon seeing this, Ah Chen moved the direction of the tornado further away from the Holy Priest.

Qin Hongyan quickly followed the tornado, waiting for the person to be dropped in the sky.

It's just that the time under Achen's control has come quickly.

The opponent's Holy Light Knight and Flame Mage finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Prepare to get rid of this storm mage first.

But they never thought that as soon as they landed, Murong Xue would unleash another tornado.

However, this time it only stirred up the Holy Light Knight.

On the ground, only the Flame Mage with the highest output was left.

(End of this chapter)

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