Chapter 177 Perfect Control Connection

Facing the Fire Mage alone, even though he has a high level 25.

But hidden professions and rare professions are no joke. Qin Hongyan stabbed with the one-handed sword in her hand.

The Flame Master was about to release his Pyroblast Technique and launch a group attack on Murong Xue and Ah Chen.

But this sword directly stunned him.

As for Qin Hongyan's sword swings, despite the level gap, Qin Hongyan's damage was not that obvious.

But this time and again, the Flame Mage felt extremely humiliated.

He was beaten by three guys at level [-].

At this time, the Holy Light Knight had already fallen from the sky.

He quickly ran towards Qin Hongyan and at the same time gave Master Yanhuo a slow treatment.

Originally, Qin Hongyan's damage was not enough to cause too much damage, so a slow heal was enough.

But at this time, Ah Chen's damage also came whistling. After casting a spell, a strong wind suddenly attacked the opponent's Yanhuo mage.

Not only him, Murong Xue also took action.

Murong Xue's target was also the Flame Master. After taking more than ten steps forward, a ring of ice erupted around him, and the surrounding air plummeted instantly.

Directly freezing the Flame Mage in place.

Not only him, but also the Holy Light Knight was completely frozen in place.

"Damn, why do these little guys have so many control skills!"

The flame mage instantly felt like he was going crazy.

From the moment he entered the casting distance, he has been controlled and has not released any spells.

The companion Holy Priest has been stunned.

If it continues to be controlled, no matter how high the level advantage is, it will still be a personal target.

In the conference room of Ares Academy.

Jing Jiayu is explaining the coordination and timing of using skills.

"When working in a small-scale team, you must give priority to controlling pure healing professions like priests, and then quickly deal with the fragile enemies. Students, remember this!"

"When releasing control skills, be sure not to overlap them. You must master the duration of the control skills and the casting time of your own control skills with your companions, and try to achieve seamless control. In this case, the enemy will not have any chance to resist. !”

"Of course, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and everyone needs to be flexible!"

Many conference rooms were explaining the situation on the battlefield, and many freshmen were listening with great interest.

As for the old students, they are also very curious about how these new students fight on the battlefield.

But through observation on the live broadcast, they found that these newcomers are really mature.

The connection between control skills is flawless.

Even many old students cannot compare with them.

Moreover, there are also professional advantages. Storm Mage and Elemental Mage have their own control skills. Combat Assassin is the profession with the most control skills among the melee professions.

They can fully feel the power of rare professions and hidden professions.

Of course, the combat skills of these three newcomers also appeared to be very mature under Wang Chen's guidance.

However, speaking of which, the three of them are also among the top freshmen and are very good in their own right.

Even the principal Nie Hongbo watched with relish.

"I want to see what the outcome of these three versus three will be!"

Nie Hongbo couldn't help mumbling to himself.

I am very much looking forward to seeing whether Wang Chen's combat strategy can be effective.

Three level 25 professionals, against a level [-] or so professional. Even though they have professional advantages, their level disadvantage is huge.

There is absolutely no way to make up for it with professional advantages.

Except for monster-like professionals such as Wang Chen, Chu Rou, and Chu Yang who could fight in leapfrog levels, it was hard for Nie Hongbo to imagine how these three little guys at level [-] could win.If he were to direct, it would be difficult to win this three-on-three duel.

The battle continued, and when the flame mage was controlled, the damage of the three people was blasted at the same time.

Although the level difference makes their resistance pretty good, there is no chance of resistance at all.

After all, being beaten all the time is not a problem...

Moreover, three people were injured together. Although the damage of one person was not high, the three people together lost nearly half of their health in two seconds.

At this time, the Holy Light Knight had been freed from control.

He was about to hit Qin Hongyan who was a melee professional.

The hammer in the hand of the Holy Light Knight descended from the sky carrying golden holy light.

What looks like an ordinary hammer is actually a skill of the Holy Light Knight, the Hammer of Holy Light.

It is a damage skill with the shortest CD time of the Holy Light Knight, no need to charge, and is directly added to the weapon.

Qin Hongyan was a little panicked when she saw this.

She was aware of the danger of this blow. If she was hit by it, as a fragile professional, she would only be afraid of losing one-third or more of her health.

But the battle was very urgent, and before she could react, the blow had already fallen.

Sure enough, one third of the blood volume was gone.

If Holy Light actually uses any ultimate move again, I'm afraid he will reach the dangerous bloodline.

Not daring to be careless, a dagger appeared in the other hand, with a purple light shining on it...

The dagger is poisoned...


It stabbed the Holy Light Knight's body violently.

This is the combat assassin's enchantment win-lose, a crippling poison that can be used every 20 seconds.

But every time you use it, the poison will be consumed, so it is a skill that costs money.

The Holy Light Knight stood there, his hands seemed to be weak, the hammer in his hand fell to the ground, and his legs could not move at all.

The body is completely weak.

"Get rid of the mage quickly, the Holy Shepherd is about to wake up!"

Qin Hongyan, who was hurt for the first time on the battlefield, became more rational.

The damage continued to fall on the Pyro Mage.

As long as the main output on the opposite side is eliminated, only the treatment profession and the semi-tank profession will be left on the opposite side, and there will be no threat.

Elemental mage Murong Xue's big fireballs hit the Yanhuo mage's body hard.

As a mage, she currently mainly outputs fire-based skills. If she wants to unlock more elements, she needs to upgrade.

Ah Chen, on the other hand, used his storm skills one after another, with the same violent explosions.

Qin Hongyan, the combat assassin, kept stabbing and slashing in the back, dealing out the damage with ease.

When the Holy Light Knight recovered from the disabling effect, his Pyro Mage's health had reached a residual state.

The lifeline is shaky.

Without hesitation, he quickly gathered his strength to cast the spell, and light bloomed in his hands.

You can tell at a glance that this is a skill that restores blood significantly.

"Quickly interrupt the knight to increase blood!"

Ah Chen exclaimed.

He wanted to change the target of the attack, but as a mage, he needed to cast a spell again or throw the staff to deal flat A damage.

(End of this chapter)

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