Chapter 178 Personal Hero
But the speed is too slow. By the time it hits the Holy Light Knight, the opponent's skills will have already been thrown out.

Therefore, Qin Hongyan, who was closer, could only interrupt.

If it were a mouthful of healing milk from the Holy Light Knight in a milk suit, it could at least restore half a tube of blood to the crispy profession.

In order to prevent the opponent from resurrecting, it is particularly important to interrupt the Holy Light Knight to increase blood.

Qin Hongyan didn't waste any time. She walked directly in front of the Holy Light Knight with a single arrow and slashed down with her one-handed sword.

The Holy Light Knight's original spell-casting movement suddenly paused, and his body swayed.

However, the Holy Light Knight still gritted his teeth and continued to cast spells.

Qin Hongyan could only interrupt repeatedly.

If this continues, the Holy Light Knight will still cast his spell.

However, the flame mage's health was already running low.

The flame mage finally couldn't bear the concentrated fire output of the two mages.

"Damn it, I can finally move!"

The holy priest in the distance finally came out with control skills.

At this moment, no one can disturb him from casting spells.

The holy priest quickly suppressed his skills and prepared to add blood to the flame mage.

However, Murong Xue decisively hit an arcane crit, and then received a critical hit damage.

Directly kill the Pyromancer whose health is at the bottom in seconds.

A light shield enveloped the Flame Mage.

Then he was transported to the resurrection point.

"Damn it! These brats are so hateful!"

The Holy Priest was so angry that he was almost smoking.

Since the beginning of the war, he has not used a single skill.

I have been suffocated until now, and a sense of shame arises spontaneously.

"Not only is it hateful, it's also despicable!"

The Holy Light Knight also looked furious.

If you were brutally killed by the gunner who instantly killed the heavily armored warrior, you would only be able to experience the difference in strength.

But now being played by a few three twenty-level brats was really unbearable for him.

Control skills come one after another. Even though they have a high level and high damage, they don't have any temper at all.

"Hongyan, can you still control the priest?"

Ah Chen asked quickly when he saw this.

"Small control is okay, but sap is not!"

Qin Hongyan quickly replied.

"Then let's deal with the priest first. Don't worry about the knight. Just interrupt him and increase his health!"

Murong Xue commanded.

She has learned how to fight on the battlefield, taking out the most fragile ones first and the thick-skinned ones last.

Several professionals must ensure good coordination between control skills.

In the sentry tower on the other side, the demon warlock was fighting with the berserker.

Relying on the advantage of the demon warlock level, the berserker was tortured.

However, fortunately, the Berserker is still a tank after all and can sustain damage for a period of time.

After seeing the fighting situation of his companions, the demon warlock didn't know what to do.

But first we must deal with the berserkers, and then consider how to deal with the gunners.

Seeing that the Berserker was about to be poisoned to death by him.

The demon warlock showed a cruel smile.

Or maybe it's because of his profession. Whenever he wants to kill others, it always gives him a sense of pleasure.

"Da da da da da..."

Just when he was about to accept the points, the sound of a series of bullets rang out.

It hit him at the same time, and his whole body shook from side to side as if twitching.

His health was falling piece by piece, and in just two seconds, the dense bullets hit him to the point where his health was at the bottom.Next, he was enveloped by the light curtain and returned to the resurrection point.

Looking at the heavily armored warrior who was also at the resurrection point, the two looked at each other sadly.

"Otherwise, let's surrender with the white chess piece!"

"I think it works! There must be something wrong with this gunnery master. Report him when you get out!"

"Okay! It's so perverted, what kind of harm is that? If it's not cheating, it's something!"

The two quickly reached a tacit understanding.

The damage to the gunnery division is completely unimaginable.

And because he couldn't imagine it, he subconsciously concluded that Wang Chen was cheating.

It is possible that the actual grade does not match the displayed grade.

It is also possible that abnormal weapons were used.

But no matter what, they couldn't accept it.

The mad warrior looked at Wang Chen, his little heart beating loudly.

At this moment, he was completely sure that Wang Chen was definitely not bragging.

For people, a battlefield of this level is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

When he saw Wang Chen, it was like seeing a monster.

The injury from the previous gunfire was still fresh in his memory.

A level 27 demon warlock... killed with just bullets?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

After being stunned for a moment, the Berserker touched the back of his head, then approached the sentry tower and occupied the resources.

Under another sentry tower, due to the attrition of the opponent, it was now three versus two.

Ah Chen glanced at Wang Chen and remembered what Wang Chen taught him before.

He quickly shouted: "First kill the priest. As for the knight, if you can control it, just control it. If you can't, just ignore it!"

Three against one, the output is enough no matter what.

But as for the Holy Light Knight, he doesn't have much output. The only thing that needs to be guarded against is his reply.

However, the current control still needs to be used on the priest, and the knight can only ignore it.

"Yeah! If you can interrupt the knight's skills, interrupt them. The main thing is to do the priest!"

Qin Hongyan shouted.

And as a melee professional, she takes the lead.

This scene was fully seen by the mapping sphere.

"Whether it's five versus five or two versus two, this is the most standard tactic. Everyone must remember to focus on the same squishy profession... don't fight alone!"

"A team is about cooperation, not individualism, unless...unless you can do as much damage as Wang Chen!"

Jing Jiayu said quite excitedly.

Originally, she was also worried about the freshman team competition, so she just came across the material.

At the same time, we can also provide lessons to those old students.

Many students fight on the battlefield without any rules at all, resulting in a slow increase in reputation.

Anyway, there is no danger of life on the battlefield, so many students are very lazy on the battlefield.

There is no teaching on battlefield tactics in the teaching content.

There is another point, which is the most important.

In the future journey, we will often need to work together, not only to deal with those void creatures, but also to be wary of professionals from other countries.

In battles against void creatures and national professionals, they often fight in groups of five, which requires extremely high requirements for cooperation.

In fact, the school does not particularly praise individualism, but if you have absolute strength, it doesn't matter.

For example, Wang Chen...

Jing Jiayu believes that Wang Chen has the strength and potential to become an individualistic hero.

While many students were thinking about how to deal with the many-on-many battlefield, Qin Hongyan had already slashed with her sword, and the tearing skills caused the priest's body to bleed continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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