Chapter 179 Target Students of Super Seminary

And the Storm Mage's skills came one after another.

The wind elements gathered into the shape of a sharp sword, lifted up a piece of sand and stone, and rushed towards the opponent's holy priest.

Murong Xue didn't show any signs either, both sides quickly formed seals, and arcane energy burst out.

Then an arcane missile also hit the opponent's holy priest.

The three attacks focus on the Holy Priest at the same time.

The blood volume dropped by one-third in an instant.

The second round of offensive is also being prepared.

The Holy Light Knight quickly threw over a quick healing and recovery spell.

The casting time of this skill is short, only [-] seconds, but it is a skill that continuously returns blood, returning one point of blood every second.

The overall amount of blood restored is quite good, but it cannot be restored to a large extent.

The holy priest also wanted to use the blood recovery skill on himself, but when he saw the combat assassin passing by, he entered a dazed state again.

The Holy Light Knight began to cast healing spells, hoping to milk the Holy Priest to full health.

Murong Xue was not idle. After finishing the first round of output, she immediately took a few steps forward and used the ice ring skill directly.

Frozen the Holy Light Knight in place.

Then, continue to attack the holy priest with arcane missiles.

However, this time it was not one arcane missile, but three, directly using enhanced skills.

Ah Chen also used his more powerful output, Eye of the Storm.

Summons the Eye of the Storm at the designated target. Any unit in the Eye of the Storm will receive continuous damage, and the chance of a critical hit will be increased.

Just as the Holy Light Knight recovered from the dizziness, he found that the Holy Priest had still turned into a stream of light and returned to the resurrection point.

He was the only one left in the team of five.

But Achen and the other three will not show mercy.

Facing professionals with a higher level than yourself, as long as you show mercy, you run the risk of being defeated.

The three of them no longer have any control skills and can only fight hand-to-hand with the Holy Light Knight.

The only melee professional combat assassin can only play the role of taking damage.

He once stood in front of the two mages, using his body to resist any harm from the Holy Light Knight, preventing him from threatening his companions.

The Storm Mage and Elemental Mage are outputting with all their strength. Even if the Holy Light Knight does not stop feeding itself, there is no interruption in the output.

This scene made Jing Jiayu quite moved.

"Classmates! Remember, on the battlefield or in the wild, if there is no tank profession, then other melee professions must act as tanks to block the enemy's offensive for the companions."

"No matter what, melee professions are tougher and more resistant to beating than any long-range professions, so for the sake of the team, you must have the spirit of self-sacrifice!"

"Many times, when two armies are fighting, they have to race against time. As long as you buy an extra second of output time for your companions, you may turn defeat into victory, and you may even create a miracle!"

Jing Jiayu said passionately.

Many students are instinctively repelled by the spirit of dedication.

But on the battlefield, it doesn't matter. Just dedicate yourself, and you don't have to risk your life anyway.

But when it affects your own life and safety, it's hard to say.

This series of confrontations also impressed Principal Nie Hongbo.

"Even though this guy is just a freshman, when it comes to the battlefield, he really fights hard. He can't even lose to those professional teams. If his level were higher, he would be awesome!"

Nie Hongbo said to himself.

Among the current freshmen, a monster has already appeared. If a few more excellent freshmen are cultivated, then this new class will achieve greater glory.

Not only him, but Wu Tairan also looked generous.

Anyone who comes into contact with Wang Chen all has extremely outstanding potential.Wu Tairan can conclude that if these three freshmen are trained, they will definitely become the best among this freshmen.

Although he can't compare to Wang Chen, a perverted existence, he must still be of sufficient height.

Not everyone can compare with Wang Chen. Wu Tairan has taught many students, but in his memory, there is no student who can be as outstanding as Wang Chen to an unimaginable level.

Even when he first entered school, he was able to compete with sophomores and juniors.

"No! Super Seminary cannot miss these three good talents..."

"And Wang Chen... I don't want to do multiple-choice questions. We at Super Seminary must get all four of them!"

Wu Tairan made up his mind, "No, people from the eight major colleges have been eyeing me. I have to ask the old dean for instructions."

For excellent students, other colleges don't want to get them.

What's more, the Eight Major Colleges have been working hard to overthrow the Super Seminary over the years and want to break the various myths of the Super Seminary.

If the eight major colleges all spend their money to attract new students, then Super Seminary will be hard-pressed to resist.

Although the school has resources, one college is no match for the eight major colleges joining forces.


On the battlefield, it fell into a protracted battle for a while.

Since the Holy Light Knight is far more frank than the Pyro Mage and the Holy Priest, he cannot be eliminated within the control time of the three-man combo.

After the control time, the Holy Light Knight, who had spent most of his health, restored his health with a quick treatment and a slow treatment.

It can only be controlled and outputted repeatedly.

It took four or five rounds to kill the Holy Light Knight.

As for Ah Chen and Murong Xue, most of their mana has been lost.

He quickly sat on the ground, drinking the blue-returning potion and meditating on the blue-returning potion.

This can speed up the recovery speed.

"Boss! Can I go fight with them?"

At this time, the Berserker quickly ran to Wang Chen and said with admiration.

He was so excited to watch the three-on-three battle just now.

This is what the battlefield should be like.

The cooperation and strategies between teammates, as well as the blood and passion during the fight, make this kind of passionate man excited.

"Okay! I'll take care of the heavily armored warriors on the opposite side in a moment. You go and fight them four on four."

Wang Chen nodded and said.

Slowly, Murong Xue, Ah Chen, and Qin Hongyan will be allowed to play five-on-five to increase team compatibility.

Listening to the excitement of the Berserker, at this time he had forgotten that Wang Chen was even lower than him.

But in his heart, this gunner is the real boss.

"Da da da da..."

Wang Chen saw that the heavily armored soldier had been resurrected for half a minute, so he shot him back to the resurrection point with a few rounds of bullets.

Looking at the others in the resurrection point, they are confused, what are they doing?
Could it be that he wanted to torture the spring?

But after the demon warlock was resurrected, Wang Chen didn't shoot or pay attention to them.

This makes the people on the other side even more confused.

After Ah Chen and Murong Xue recovered, they ran towards Wang Chen.

"Brother Chen, what should we do next?"

Ah Chen asked impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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