Chapter 180 Five rounds of PK showdown
After experiencing the battle just now, Ah Chen was already full of enthusiasm, and he yearned more and more for fighting on the battlefield.

Not only him, Murong Xue and Qin Hongyan also felt like they were still passionate and wanted to continue fighting.

Sometimes, this passionate feeling makes people obsessed with it.

"After the four of them are resurrected, the four of you team up to kill them!"

Wang Chen glanced at the resurrection point opposite.

Ah Chen and others showed a look of anticipation.

It's just Wang Chen's look that made the five people across from him feel like they wanted to scold their mother.

They could conclude that this gunner must have some bad ideas.

Nothing good will happen next, and it is very likely that he will continue to be abused.

As long as they can't get back to the entrance, they can only continue to be tortured.

Wang Chen took them to the resurrection point opposite and took out a rocking chair directly from the storage space.

Then he glanced at Murong Xue.

Murong Xue understood immediately, and quickly took out the wine and food from the storage space, and placed them on the stone beside them for Wang Chen to taste.

"Sister Xue is still sensible!"

Ah Chen tutted and smiled when he saw this.


What greeted him was a curse from Murong Xue.

Murong Xue would only be humble and polite to Wang Chen, but not others...

"Just wait for them to resurrect! Four versus four, don't be in a hurry to get the resource points!"

"I only give you five chances to duel!"

Wang Chen said quietly.

The purpose of coming to the battlefield is not only to bring and train new people, but also to gain reputation...

"Okay! Five times, that's enough for me! I have several sets of skill combos that I want to try!"

Achen was even more impatient.

"I also want to try, which one is higher, my arcane damage or my fire damage!"

Murong Xue nodded and said.

"I have several sets of skill combos, and I also have problems with the use of control sequences. I need more practice!"

Qin Hongyan is also full of expectations.

As an assassin profession, the use of skills and horizontal slashing requires more skills. There is a lot of emphasis on how to match them and the order of use.

After all, the CD time of each skill is different.

The Berserker also thought about how to maximize his output, and he was even more eager to try.

The other side also heard the conversation of Wang Chen and others.

I probably understood the other party’s intention.

"Ma Dan, are you going to train with us? Three guys at level 25, and a level [-] berserker!"

"Since the other side wants to play, let's play with them. Don't make it look like we are of high level and are afraid of them!"

The demon warlock patted his thigh and said to his companions in the resurrection point.

"Okay! Three against three, we didn't beat them. I'm not convinced. Since they want to play, let's have fun with them. It doesn't matter whether we win or lose in the end, but we must fight back!"

"Don't lose too ugly!"

The Holy Light Knight was holding back his anger.

When it comes to three-on-three, it feels aggrieved to lose.

"I made an agreement with them first. We are four against four. The gunners on the opposite side are not allowed to take action. No one on our side is allowed to take action!"

The demon warlock continued.

The friends nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the demon warlock ran over quickly.

"Hey! Brother across the way!"

"You guys want to practice four on four, right? Then your gunnery master is not allowed to take action, okay? I admit that he is very good, I agree!"

the demon warlock shouted.

"I will give you five opportunities, four against four, in total. I will take care of your heavy-armed warriors as soon as possible, and then we will have a fair duel!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

It was extremely comfortable while drinking wine.As everyone knows, this scene shocked many students watching the live broadcast.

This isn't a battlefield, it's clearly just for fun.

"Why do you want to kill me? Brother Gunner?"

The heavily armored warrior heard Wang Chen's voice and shouted loudly.

"I need points..."

Wang Chen said quietly.

"I'm going to...point..."

Only then did the heavily armored warrior realize the main purpose of everyone coming to the battlefield.

And he has become the other party's points cash machine.

The demon warlock had a vague feeling that was not good.

What will happen if the five duels are over?
Now the opponent only occupies one sentry tower, so it will definitely take a long time before this battlefield ends.

Could it be said that after these five duels, they will become the target of the opponent's points?

Thinking of this, the demon warlock couldn't help but feel frightened.

"Brother...wait for us to finish the fight, and torture us a little bit...ok?"

The demon warlock probably guessed Wang Chen's intention, and he looked like he was begging when he spoke.

"Don't worry, I will do it quickly and gently!"

Wang Chen said casually.

Listening to the demon warlock take a breath.

Murong Xue and Qin Hongyan couldn't help but look at each other, there must be something good to watch next.

The demon warlock returned to his own team with a speculative mood.

By this time everyone had been resurrected.

The demon warlock patted the heavily armored warrior on the shoulder and said sadly: "Brother, stay away from us!"

"Why?" the heavily armored warrior asked in surprise.

"To avoid splattering us with blood...well, I'm actually afraid that the gunner's damage will be splattered on us!"

The demon warlock shook his head and said.

The heavily armored warrior who already understood what was going on nodded and quickly left his companions.

"Da da da da..."

A few shots passed and he returned to the resurrection point again.

The other four companions silently mourned for him.

But the demon warlock knew very well that it wouldn't be long before it was their turn.

"Get ready!"

"Remember, we have to deal with the opponent's assassin first. The opponent's assassin has many control skills, and then we will consider solving the opponent's mage. You can ignore the opponent's berserker!"

The demon warlock made some tactical arrangements.

More or less, he copied the gourd and made a new plan based on the previous scene where his companion was abused.

After getting ready, the two sides started fighting fiercely.

The opposite side has relatively few control skills, but its output is very high. Even if Qin Hongyan and others have many control skills, they cannot withstand it.

The Fire Mage was charged, but the Demon Warlock's output was equally high, or even higher. After all, it was the highest level in the game.

Control one wet nurse profession, but there is another wet nurse profession.

The only one that gave the opponent a headache was the Berserker.

The berserkers they ignore can cause them a lot of trouble, but they don't know that the output damage of berserkers is not lower than that of assassins.

It even once threatened the life of the holy priest.

This round of fierce fighting lasted for a full 3 minutes, until the elemental mage and storm mage's blue bars bottomed out and they were defeated.

The level gap is still very obvious.

After a round of PK, only the Fire Mage and the Holy Light Knight were killed on the opposite side.

Ah Chen and others returned to the resurrection point and began to discuss the reasons for the failure and how to break the situation.

It's not that they have no possibility of victory. They are at a disadvantage in terms of level, but they have a great advantage in their profession.

(End of this chapter)

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