Chapter 182 The bargaining chips of the two major colleges

"Hmph! It's not like you forced me to level up, otherwise how could I have sworn that oath!"

Jing Jiayu pouted her mouth and hummed softly.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened automatically, and an old man with white hair and a slight hunchback walked out.

"Isn't it to urge you to upgrade quickly? Look at all your classmates, they are all at level 55. Look at you, how long have you been at level [-]!"

The old man looked kind and kind.

"I'm not them, why do I have to compare them to me!"

"Besides, comparing people is infuriating. You have to compare me with those monsters. Why don't you compare me with those of lower levels?"

Jing Jiayu said unconvinced.

"This... doesn't compare with the ones above, but with the ones below? You are the eldest daughter of the Jing family, your father is the general of the Southern Military Region, and I am also the elder of the War God College of Huaqing University."

"With a family like this, why don't you compare yourself with the ones below? Isn't it embarrassing?"

the old man asked back.

"Ah...I know!"

"However, anyone who competes with Wang Chen will be really pissed off!"

Jing Jiayu whispered.

"Huh? What did you say?"

The old man's already white eyebrows wrinkled.

I just think this girl is a bit weird, not to mention that she doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

The sudden arrival was probably because of something.


Jing Jiayu stuck out his tongue slightly, and then continued, "Second Grandpa, there is something I have to report to you. Of course, if you are not willing to listen, I will go to the dean!"

"Tell me, what is it that makes you, the eldest lady, come to the underground training ground in person?"

The old man waved his hand and said helplessly.

There was nothing he could do about his brother's eldest granddaughter.

Very willful.

It is really not easy for this child to be willing to come down and see him.

"There is a new student... you should go up and find out about it. Soon, the Eight Colleges and the Super Seminary will be competing for students, and outstanding freshmen will be admitted under special circumstances."

"And this new student is a bit too powerful. I suggest that the second grandfather should discuss it with the dean and don't miss this student no matter what!"

Jing Jiayu took a deep breath and said.

"Oh? How awesome is it? I want to hear it? How does it compare to the eldest lady of the Chu family? And what about that disciple of the aristocratic family?"

Second Grandpa asked with interest.

But during the questioning, he saw a deep light in Jing Jiayu's eyes.

It can be seen that this girl must be particularly interested in this new student.

"The eldest lady of the Chu family was defeated by him! He is now level 24!"

Jing Jiayu said slowly.

"What? Chu Rou was defeated by him? She's still only level 24?"

Second Grandpa straightened up.

An incredible look on his face.

He has heard about Chu Rou's strength, but he has not had time to pay attention to this freshmen.

But I never thought that when this little guy found me, he would get such explosive news.

"It's interesting, it's interesting. Such a strong girl like Chu Rou, finally someone was able to surrender. It's just that this freshman is a little too young!"

The second grandfather touched his beard again and continued, "Something's wrong. How can a freshman reach level 24? He couldn't have read back!"

"Reading back? How is it possible? He is the provincial champion this year. If there is a national ranking, then he will definitely be the national champion!"

"Also, he was on the battlefield today and taught three freshmen how to cooperate in the battlefield. After the teaching, he even became more exaggerated. One person blocked the opponent's resurrection point and brutally killed five people on the opposite side. As long as the five people were revived, it would take less than three seconds. They all fall down!”

"It's like cheating to gain reputation!"

Jing Jiayu said with admiration.

"Huh? How many levels are there on the other side?" Second Grandpa was even more puzzled.

"On average, it's 25 and level [-]!"

"Second Grandpa, do you think our Ares Academy should take some action?"

"I feel that those at Super Seminary will try their best to snatch Wang Chen away. Moreover, they are the largest college and the first holy place in the minds of many students."

"And we are already at a disadvantage!"

Jing Jiayu said quickly.

"Since you said so, I will go find the dean. If what you said is true, our Ares Academy can give him the most generous resources, as long as he can come to Ares Academy!"

Second Grandpa nodded and said.

It's just that what Jing Jiayu said was too exaggerated, and he needed to verify it further.

"Great! Thank you, Grandpa Er..."

Jing Jiayu was very happy for a moment.

"Why are you so happy... This is recruiting talents for Ares Academy."

"Could it be that you, girl..."

Second Grandpa’s brows tightened.

"Second Grandpa, don't talk nonsense!"

Jing Jiayu said coquettishly.

In fact, her second grandfather had already seen through her thoughts.


At this time, Wu Tairan came to the deepest part of the Super Seminary, a deep canyon.

As the largest college of Huaqing University, their head, old dean Wu Qingfeng lives here.

Only when the college, Huaqing University, and Longguo encounter major events, the old dean Wu Qingfeng will come out.

I live and study in this quiet canyon on weekdays, and not many people come here all year round.

But when Wu Tairan came here, he was really familiar with the road.

It's like going home.


Wu Tairan shouted towards Gu Zhong.

The sound echoed in the canyon.

A moment later, an old man in white robes was seen flying in the air. Without any equipment, he seemed to be able to step on the void and fall directly from the sky.


But his father snorted angrily.

After the silence was broken, he seemed to feel a little unhappy.

"Dad! I have something serious to see you for!"

Wu Tairan was already accustomed to his father's gesture, so he continued.


The old man said lightly.

"There is a new student in this class. The level 24 gunner defeated Chu Rou. He also gained reputation with five level 25 and level [-] professionals on the battlefield. I heard that he made a lot of contributions on the void front!"

"I'm thinking, do you want to go out and recruit this kid to our college! I'm afraid that the old guys from the Eighth College will try to rob him!"

Wu Tairan said quickly.

After hearing this, the father was silent for a long time.

After a minute, he slowly said: "He is a talent, but the rules of the Super Seminary can never be broken. If you want to enter the Super Seminary, you must pass the thirty-story Soaring Dragon Tower!"

"You can tell him that if he can reach the 80th floor of Tenglong Tower, our Super Seminary will do our best to train him and open the Tenglong Fantasy Land to him!"

Wu Tairan became excited when he heard it, "Tenglong Fantasy Land? Really?"

This is a huge bargaining chip, a place that even he, the teaching director of a super seminary, is not qualified to go to.

(End of this chapter)

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