Chapter 183 The new king

So even Wu Tairan yearns for it.

But I never thought that my father could even offer such generous conditions.

This is something Wu Tairan never expected.

"Then I'll go talk to him right now! I believe he won't refuse Tenglong Fantasy Land's conditions!"

Wu Tairan took a deep breath and said.

"Actually, he may not care about the condition of Tenglong Illusion. If he is a truly strong man, he will naturally understand the advantages of the Super Seminary. Only the Super Seminary can create the top talents!"

"Strong people should fight hard in the top colleges!"

The old man said leisurely.

"Well, if that's the case, why do you need to ask for the condition of Tenglong Illusion?"

Wu Tairan asked rhetorically.

"Other colleges will definitely provide the highest treatment. Now that the Void is shaking, all colleges are trying their best to cultivate outstanding talents to prevent unknown dangers in the future!"

"I'm also worried that such an outstanding talent will be left behind! No matter what, Super Theological Seminary must have the attitude it should have."

The old man closed his eyes and said slowly.

"The Void is shaking? Is there going to be a problem in the Void?"

Wu Tairan was a little panicked after hearing this.

The void is the biggest threat in this world. Once the void barrier is broken, a large number of void creatures will invade, and all life will inevitably be devastated.

"Well! The void barrier is becoming more and more unstable. Even the barrier within our Huaqing University has problems!"

The old man nodded and said.

Then he turned to look at Wu Tairan and said seriously: "After you leave, tell the dean that all students should be prepared for war at any time. Once the void barrier is loosened, even if they are not on the front line of the void, they may still be invaded by the void! "

"I know! Then I'll get out right now!"

Wu Tairan said respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, he left here.


After Wang Chen left the battlefield at this time, he found that the eyes of everyone around him were very strange.

It was like seeing a monster.

This made Wang Chen quite puzzled. Although he defeated Chu Rou, he wouldn't look at her with such strange eyes.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Chen has already caused uproar in Huaqing University, so it's okay to be regarded as a monster.

Thinking of this, he prepared to say goodbye to Murong Xue and the others.

They need to upgrade, and the same goes for Wang Chen.

When Wang Chen was about to speak, he saw a new student who saw Ah Chen and quickly went up to say hello.

"Achen, Achen!"

"You have become a celebrity in the whole school!"

The freshman walked over quickly and said with a smile.

"Celebrity? What's going on? I didn't do anything, so why am I famous?"

Ah Chen was very surprised.

"Tsk tsk! When you were fighting against Thunder Fortress just now, it was broadcast live by the whole school!"

"The teachers from our college used the mapping sphere to broadcast the live broadcast, and they also explained to me the tactics and professional cooperation on the battlefield!"

The freshman said with a smile.


Ah Chen was quite speechless.

In fact, he is just a role member and does not have much effect on the battlefield.

What's more, it's just my first time training on the battlefield.

"Hey! Ah Chen, do you know that gunnery guy well?"

"Can I get to know you? These are huge thighs!"

The freshman lowered his voice.

"We are familiar with each other, but he is very busy... and has no time to make friends!"

Ah Chen sighed.I dare say this guy wants to use himself to get to know Wang Chen.

It's crazy to think about hugging your thighs.

They are the new kings, how could they care about them?

"Hey! That's right. How can a person who can even defeat Chu Rou pay attention to ordinary professionals like us!"

However, this newcomer is quite sensible.

It became clear at one point.

"Brother Chen! Brother Chen! Can you sign your name for me? Your performance on the battlefield is so handsome. You are simply a massacre on the battlefield below level [-]."

Immediately afterwards, a girl ran over with a look of admiration.

He also held a short coat and a marker.

"I want it too! Brother Chen! You are my idol! You must be the king among the newcomers!"

"Brother Chen is so handsome! Not only is he incredibly powerful, he is also so handsome. Can you give me your autograph?"

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen! Do you have a girlfriend? I am a holy priest. I am willing to be your personal priest. All the milk will be given to you only!"

"Brother Chen, you may not think of me as a male knight, but I am also very good at breasts. I can also be your personal healer!"


Just out of control, a group of freshmen surrounded Wang Chen.

Since the live broadcast of the battlefield ended, some freshmen rushed towards the battlefield hall non-stop, just to see Wang Chen's true appearance.

But this scene made Murong Xue very uncomfortable.

He muttered at the corner of his mouth: "Hmph! A bunch of sluts! Shameless!"

But the voice was heard by Qin Hongyan.

Qin Hongyan said quickly: "If you are tempted, you must act quickly. More and more people will like him! There are not a few families who are more powerful than your Murong family!"

After hearing this sentence, Murong Xue's heart tightened, and she even felt at a loss.

She couldn't explain exactly what kind of feelings she had for Wang Chen.

But when he sees Wang Chen getting close to other girls, he always gets particularly irritable and unhappy.

Moreover, Qin Hongyan's words also woke her up.

In today's world, while strength is respected, marriage is also important.

If a man with no background wants to have a broader stage, he will definitely find a girlfriend with a better family background.

Although the Murong family is one of the best in Nanjiang City, it is not enough to be seen in the imperial capital.

Huaqing University, located in the imperial capital, already has countless outstanding students, and all of these students are among the best, and many of them have prominent backgrounds.

Moreover, among the freshmen of this class, Murong Xue, who has a background from the Murong family, has become less outstanding.

"let it go!"

A feeling of powerlessness arose in Murong Xue's heart.

I can only comfort myself with the words "let nature take its course".

"However, it all depends on the human condition. At least Wang Chen will never be wrong about you!"

Qin Hongyan continued.

"We are all classmates, and we usually have a good relationship. Isn't that normal!"

Murong Xue smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"No matter what, while doing your best, don't give up!"

Qin Hongyan patted Murong Xue's shoulder gently.

After arriving at Huaqing University, they lived in the same dormitory, and Murong Xue would tell Qin Hongyan a lot of her inner thoughts.

Therefore, Qin Hongyan understood Murong Xue's thoughts relatively well.


Murong Xue pursed her lips, then nodded firmly.

Thinking that he is worthy of the bright star Wang Chen, he must not be too far behind.

Improving your own strength is the prerequisite for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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