"Brother Chen, I'm so happy! I was directly admitted to Ares Academy, and given such generous conditions!"

On the way, Ah Chen looked excited.

"Actually, with the levels and professional advantages of the three of you, even if nothing happened today, there would be no problem if you wanted to join the Super Seminary!"

Wang Chen was very indifferent.

However, even with the advantages of level and profession, it is still difficult to get the special conditions of the eight major colleges.

It's more or less because of Wang Chen.

The Eight Colleges did not grab Wang Chen and did not intend to return empty-handed, so the target was naturally placed on Murong Xue and the others.

"No matter what, Wang Chen, thanks to you today, if you hadn't taken us to the battlefield, these colleges wouldn't have been able to offer such good conditions to attract the two of us to join their colleges!"

Qin Hongyan understood the meaning and said with gratitude.

"That's right, Brother Chen also gave us a lot of experience! I didn't expect the battlefield to be so exciting!"

Ah Chen shouted.

The fighting on the battlefield made his blood boil.

Moreover, you can also get corresponding equipment on the battlefield.

Ah Chen once heard people from his guild say that battlefield equipment can greatly improve one's survivability.

For Storm Mage, there is no shortage of damage, but the most lacking thing is survivability.

This is also a common problem among all mages.

Therefore, Ah Chen is extremely yearning for battlefield equipment.

"But you have to upgrade as soon as possible. It's difficult to mix your levels on the battlefield at the moment. It will be much better when you reach level 24 and five!"

Wang Chen reminded.

Even if there is a professional advantage, this advantage can only be worth two or three levels at most. When encountering a team of professionals above level 25, there is no chance of winning.

What's more, he is still not sure about the strength of his matched teammates.

"Yeah! Listen to Brother Chen, let's upgrade now!"

Ah Chen nodded quickly and said.

Murong Xue also said: "Then we will upgrade! Wang Chen, thank you, if in the future..."

Just as he spoke, his cheeks couldn't help but turn rosy.

In the future?if?
Wang Chen was a little confused.

What exactly is this girl trying to express?

"Okay, okay! Brother Chen, let's say goodbye, but don't forget to come to the God of War Academy to find us when you have time!"

"We still have to rely on you for the rookie competition!"

Qin Hongyan quickly interrupted.

So as not to be too embarrassed.

"Okay! I'm leaving first! You guys can go upgrade too!"

Wang Chen nodded.

It is impossible to rely on others to upgrade, not only for Wang Chen, but also for others.

Wang Chen doesn't have that much time to upgrade them.

After bidding farewell to the three of them, Wang Chen returned to the dormitory first.

Lying on the bed, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

Start thinking about the next upgrade path.

Wang Chen has a clear goal, which is to reach at least level 28 before breaking into the Dragon Tower.

The [-]th floor of Tenglong Tower... This is a record that has never been achieved before or since.

This time, the Super Seminary offered the opportunity to enter the Tenglong Fantasy Land.

But what exactly is this Tenglong illusion, Wang Chen doesn't know.

But through the reactions of teachers from other colleges, Tenglong Fantasyland is a very awesome place.

He still needs to break through to the No. 80 floor of Tenglong Tower before Wang Chen can get an opportunity.

The addition of conditions for entry still caused shock to teachers from other colleges.

This is enough to illustrate its importance in Huaqing University.

"Let nature take its course! The college must choose Super Seminary!"

Wang Chen took a deep breath.

Wang Chen didn't care at all about the conditions of other colleges.

Anyway, Wang Chen doesn't need anyone else to help him upgrade, let alone the points reward.As for the equipment... Wang Chen can unlock it himself, and there are unlimited bullets and grenades.

As for other equipment, the battlefield suit is a very good choice.

If he needs dungeon equipment, Wang Chen can definitely play a dungeon that matches his level.

"Why don't you go ask Tenglong Illusion what's going on first?"

Wang Chen thought about it.

I have a lot of interest in Tenglong Fantasy, so much so that I am very curious.

Just who should I ask this question...

You can’t just ask anyone!
"Luo Xia is in the Super Seminary, and Wu Mengyu is in the Ares Seminary..."

The only people Wang Chen thought of were the two of them.

On many common sense issues, the two of them can be said to have a clear understanding of each other.

"Then go to Super Seminary!"

Wang Chen made a decision quickly.

After coming to Huaqing University, I haven’t been to Super Theological Seminary yet.

I just finished looking for Luo Xia, so I asked where and which dungeon would be more suitable now.

I have to go to Ares Academy tomorrow. If I upgrade, it’s really not suitable to go to the Void Frontline.

It takes too long.

In Void Frontier, it would take several hours just to walk to the dungeon.

Therefore, it is better to choose a copy that can be transferred in the academy.

After Wang Chen washed up, he headed towards the Super Seminary.

Along the way, many students recognized Wang Chen and whispered behind his back.

Some students even took the initiative to say hello to Wang Chen.

At present, Wang Chen has become a prominent figure in Huaqing University.

No new student can create several big sensations just after entering the school.

He has also accomplished various feats that are impossible in the eyes of ordinary people.

Even the sophomore and junior students admired Wang Chen endlessly.

After walking to the door of the teaching building of Super Seminary, Wang Chen took the initiative to ask the teachers inside.

Wang Chen nodded to the students who took the initiative to say hello, and then asked: "Teacher, I would like to ask if Luo Xia is in the college?"

"Luo Xia...the shadow assassin from the sophomore year..."

"Let me check for you, has she come to class here today?"

The teacher nodded and said.

Then use the machine to query the list of all people who entered the teaching building by swiping their cards.

This teaching building is only open to students from the Super Seminary. Anyone else who wants to enter needs to swipe their ID card.

So Wang Chen was only at the door and did not go in.

"She's inside, are you looking for her?"

the teacher asked.

"Yeah! But I'm not from a super seminary..."

Wang Chen nodded and said.

"No, that's right! I'll give you permission. Anyway, you will be a member of our super seminary sooner or later!"

The teacher said nonchalantly.

Just take out another ID card!

"Sooner or later? Teacher, are you too sure?"

Wang Chen frowned.

"Haha! You didn't agree to the invitation from the nine colleges, wasn't it just for the Super Seminary?"

"Our academy can even open the Dragon Illusion. If you don't come, you're really out of your mind!"

The teacher laughed.

"Although I have been expelled from this Tenglong Illusion, I need to break through to the [-]th floor of Tenglong Tower. If I can't break through, there is no difference from not having it!"

Wang Chen shrugged. (End of chapter)

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