"One person leads a group, breaking the dungeon clearance record again and again, and making great contributions on the void front, and you have just arrived at Huaqing University not long ago!"

"Little guy, I don't know why, but I believe you can achieve the goal of the [-]th floor of Tenglong Tower!"

The teacher continued.

"Thank you, teacher! I can't believe this myself!"

Wang Chen smiled and shrugged.

This is not to belittle oneself, but one has not experienced it yet, so don’t make any conclusions in advance.

"Very good! Go in! You can keep this ID card with you. The Super Seminary will always open the door for you, even if you don't choose our Super Seminary in the future!"

The teacher directly threw an ID card to Wang Chen.

Wang Chen was stunned, how could a teacher guarding the machine at the door have such high authority.

Moreover, when he spoke, he seemed to be conversing with the tone of a senior member of the Super Seminary.

But his appearance is unremarkable, he is only in his 40s, but he looks like a soldier fighting on the battlefield.

"Thank you teacher!"

Wang Chen was not polite and put it away directly.

Then he walked into the teaching building.

Wang Chen searched around and finally found Luo Xia through several students from the Super Seminary who spread the news.

Luo Xia, who has always been lazy, was greatly stimulated after experiencing the Void Front incident.

When I have time during the day, I come to the teaching building to study, and then I go to upgrade and fight on the battlefield.

When she saw Wang Chen, her originally lonely face immediately burst into a bright smile.

He quickly rushed to Wang Chen, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come?"

Wang Chen laughed.

"Yes, yes, yes! I heard that you are famous again, and I'm still wondering! Will you, the most popular freshman at Huaqing University, forget about me?"

"Unexpectedly, I still have some conscience!"

Luo Xia chuckled.

The originally irritable mood finally improved.

"Okay, let me ask you two things!"

Wang Chen went straight to the topic.

I don't have time to talk nonsense with this girl.

"But it's okay to ask!"

Luo Xia pretended to be generous.

"Do you know what's going on in Tenglong's fantasy world?"

Wang Chen asked.

"Tenglong Illusion...um..."

"How should I put it? It's a place similar to Tenglong Tower. It's a copy of the illusion that our Super Seminary has been guarding. It's connected to another space, but it's unknown to which time this space belongs."

"So I have always used the illusion to give orders. The Super Seminary will always be open to those who are particularly outstanding or who have made outstanding contributions to the Super Seminary, Huaqing University and even the Dragon Kingdom."

"I heard that there are no level requirements for this illusion. The scene will be the same for everyone after entering. It will be upgraded very quickly, and there will be opportunities to reveal books that add three dimensions and various attributes. However, they must be used in the Tenglong illusion. , can’t be taken out!”

"But it's very difficult in Tenglong Fantasy. The difficulty of monsters of the same level is more than ten times stronger than the monsters outside, but the benefits obtained are far superior to any other copies."

“But it’s not just the attribute books that can be exploded and cannot be brought out, there are also weapon point books, skill books, diamond-level equipment, rare materials, and various rare medicines that can be brought out... There are many, many, and the explosion rate is pretty good!"

Luo Xia said slowly.

For her from the Super Seminary, these things were considered clear.

Wang Chen knew that this girl's identity was unusual, and she would definitely know something about Tenglong's fantasy world.

But other students from the Super Theological Seminary may not know much about Tenglong Illusion.

This Tenglong Fantasy Realm...can actually reveal so many good things.

The upgrade speed is very fast.

No wonder... so many teachers reacted so strongly to Tenglong Illusion.

Even the measurements attribute book can explode.

You know, the way to improve measurements attributes is often through upgrades and equipment.

If it can be upgraded, the increase speed is only average. The improvement of the equipment is very big, but the equipment can only wear a few pieces, and there is no way to add more.

Only krypton attribute books can have a higher upper limit.If the explosion rate is good and you can still beat it, it will be a particularly pleasant thing to keep playing attribute books and krypton attribute books in it.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen became more determined in his goal.

"I can't believe you know so much!"

Wang Chen laughed.

"What's the point...after all, I am..."

Luo Xia just wanted to show off, but he hesitated and did not dare to go out any more.

Without her having to say anything, Wang Chen could guess what she was going to say next.

Isn't she the eldest lady of the Luo family?

"Hello, brother-in-law!"

"Hello, brother-in-law!"

Suddenly, two discordant female voices sounded.

Wang Chen looked in the direction of the voice. The speakers were two girls from the Super Seminary.

He looked at Wang Chen curiously.

"Brother-in-law, who do you call brother-in-law?"

Luo Xia was the first to react and asked with a hostile look.

It’s just that these two girls didn’t pay attention to Luo Xia at all.

They were all professionals in their 30s and above, and they completely ignored the level 25 Luo Xia.

The two women walked directly to the corridor and said: "Sister Rou, my brother-in-law is here, don't you want to meet him?"

"Brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense, I have always been a single nobleman!"

There was a rather resistant voice in the corridor.

"Hey! Why are the single nobles still blushing? Why don't they dare to meet each other?"

And the other party continued to mock.

"Hmph! What are you afraid of!"

The noise continued in the corridor.

After a while, Chu Rou came out with two other girls.

Chu Rou lowered her head and waved towards Wang Chen, but she never dared to look directly at Wang Chen.

A person with a tomboy personality feels a little at a loss at this moment.

"Huh? Luo Xia...the Luo family!"

But when Chu Rou glanced at Luo Xia with her peripheral vision, she showed a hint of evil, and immediately returned to normal.

His face seemed to be full of fighting spirit, not as coquettish as before.

Luo Xia's face was also full of vigilance.

"Isn't this the eldest lady of the Chu family?"

Said with a mocking face.

The hostility can be heard from just one sentence from both sides.

"Wang Chen, don't listen to their nonsense. These best friends of mine like to tease me!"

Chu Rou set her sights on Wang Chen.

"It's okay! It's normal!"

Wang Chen said indifferently.

Anyway, I don’t have any grudge against Chu Rou, so I’m just joking.

"The second question is, are there any suitable dungeons for our level in the school?"

Wang Chen's eyes turned to Luo Xia again.

"Um...yes, do you want to level up or do a quest?"

Luo Xia pondered for a moment and then said.


Wang Chen confirmed.

"Want to upgrade? Wang Chen? I happen to be forming a five-person team and then going to fight a ten-person medium-sized dungeon. Do you want to join us?"

"The experience is very good, and you can also complete a task. The reward of the task is 100 million experience points!" (End of this chapter)

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