100 million experience...the mission reward is pretty good.

But Wang Chen hasn’t been to the ten-player dungeon yet.

Although Wang Chen prefers to play dungeons alone, he can give it a try first by playing medium-sized dungeons with several people.

And with Chu Rou's level, the copy she wants to play will definitely not be bad.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen made a decision.

"Okay! But I have to bring someone with me!"

He glanced back as he spoke.

He indicated that he would take Luo Xia to fight with him.

Chu Rou thought for a while and felt a little unhappy, but she still nodded, "This ten-person medium-sized dungeon has a level limit that is not that big. You can go from level [-] to level [-]!"

"There are a lot of monsters in there, and if you are not careful, you will attract a lot of monsters, so no matter who joins the group, you must follow the instructions and don't attract monsters!"

"With you here, plus the four of us at level 35, it should be about the same!"

Obviously he was talking about Luo Xia, don't be disobedient and lead the monsters.

"There are many monsters...that will be a very good copy!"

Wang Chen was even more interested.

Originally, Wang Chen was a gunner who was good at group damage. The more monsters there were, the more excited Wang Chen would be.

Grenades, laser guns, and explosive bombs all cause group damage.

The only worry is that there are too few monsters, resulting in less experience.

"Hmph! If you don't obey orders, I'm not the only one to go!"

Luo Xia also understood what the other party meant and pouted.

She put on the airs of a particularly accustomed young lady.

She was originally the eldest lady of the Luo family, but she was a little willful and unwilling to work hard to upgrade.

"Really? Since she won't go, then Wang Chen, let's go!"

"You don't need to take action, the four of us are enough!"

A proud smile appeared on Chu Rou's lips.

Through the contact between Wang Chen and Luo Xia, she could tell that Luo Xia was not right about Wang Chen.

Therefore, I really don’t want to take Luo Xia with me.

"This is not good. I originally asked her to upgrade together. If you have enough people, then we can go alone!"

"However, I have to trouble Miss Chu to tell me what the name of the copy is!"

Wang Chen shook his head and said.

Wang Chen has no intention of paying attention to the chaos between women.

Think about it, just go and get a copy.

"Uh...well...then take her! I didn't say not to take her!"

"Just go together, it's no big deal. If there are more than one person and one person is missing, who cares about so little experience!"

Chu Rou said a lot of words in one breath.

But his expression when he spoke was very strange.

Even her two best friends were confused.

When did Miss Chu say so many words in one breath?

In the past, she was a ruthless character who didn't talk much.

Could this guy be poisoned?

"Let's go! Go and have a look!"

Wang Chen turned around and his eyes fell on Luo Xia.


Luo Xia knew that it was not easy for him to get along with Wang Chen for a period of time, so he nodded obediently.

According to her normal personality, she would definitely not team up with such a girl.

Feiyang and domineering... Who is not a willful young lady?

"Let's go!"

Chu Rou walked directly to Wang Chen and made a gesture of invitation.

This sudden move made Luo Xia stunned.

The feeling of danger came over again.

There must be something wrong with this tomboy.

So Luo Xia grabbed Wang Chen's other arm and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, I heard that medium-sized dungeons are very difficult. You have to protect me!" Yeah!Pooh!

Why is this girl still crying?

Isn't she usually a pretty strong girl?

"Hmph! As long as you are obedient and follow my instructions, there will be no danger!"

Chu Rou snorted coldly.

She won't do this kind of thing.

"Okay! Be normal!"

Wang Chen shook Luo Xia's arm and ignored Chu Rou.

Instead, he headed straight towards the copy hall.

Luo Xia was stunned, but still followed.

Chu Rou stared at Wang Chen's back, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Sister Rou, are you emotional? This guy is not easy to deal with. Even the eldest lady of the Luo family is interested in him!"

A Discipline Priest's best friend prompted.

"Emotions? When have I ever had feelings? Just for a hateful man? Humph! I'm thinking too much!"

"Why is the Luo family different from the Luo family? It seems that our Chu family is inferior to their Luo family. Besides, we are both the eldest daughters of their respective families. My rank is much higher than hers!"

Chu Rou said coldly.

There is just an obvious conflict in the words.

The two best friends felt something was wrong no matter what they heard.

"Let's go first!"

"This dungeon of Delama is not easy to fight. After all, it is a dungeon for ten people. We still have to find a tank class, and then it will be the three of us. Luo Xia can ignore it!"

"Wang Chen... PK is very fierce, but when playing dungeons, he may not be able to keep up with our level 35 output professions!"

Another best friend, Flame Mage, spoke up.

"It's hard to say, what if the output is too strong when playing a dungeon!"

The Discipline Priest took a deep breath.

"Don't worry! His output will at least be higher than mine!"

Chu Rou said very firmly.

"Tsk tsk! Sister Rou, in your eyes, is Wang Chen very strong in everything he does?"

The Flame Master smiled.

Chu Rou disagreed and said lightly: "You don't know how terrible the damage he hit me is, not to mention that my succubus is a very resistant summon, and its frankness is not inferior to the one in the Delama copy. The monster was easily eliminated by Wang Chen!"

Although the previous duel made Chu Rou look ugly, it also woke her up that there was someone above her.

"Tank... let's look for the one from the Imperial Capital!"

"He should be more reliable. We have a burden in our team and we need a strong warrior!"

Chu Rou continued.

No matter what, Chu Rou didn't want any casualties in her team.

What's more, if something unexpected happens to Luo Xia, it won't be easy for her to get along with her.

"Zhang Cheng? Although he is a little too strong, he has been chasing you for a long time. Aren't you afraid that he will be angry when he sees Wang Chen?"

The Discipline Priest was shocked.

"Chasing me? I didn't ask him to chase me. What does it have to do with me? We are just friends who cooperate with each other!"

"As for Wang Chen...what are you talking about! I don't have that kind of interest in Wang Chen!"

Chu Rou frowned, but suddenly realized that there was something wrong with her best friend's words.

"Tsk! When I mentioned Wang Chen, my face turned red!"

The Flame Master smiled.

"Stop making fun of Sister Rou, I'm going to find Zhang Cheng and then gather at the entrance of the dungeon!"

The Discipline Priest said.

"Go quickly! Meet at the door of the dungeon!"

Chu Rou took a deep breath.

She is often very irritable towards men, but not towards her best friends.

But these two best friends understood her thoughts very well.

Soon, Chu Rou and her best friend caught up with Wang Chen and Luo Xia, and the four of them came to the dungeon hall. (End of chapter)

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