Because Wang Chen and Luo Xia didn't pay attention to Chu Rou.

After arriving at the dungeon hall, I found that there were only two people.

Wang Chen then asked: "Why are there so few people?"

Chu Rou explained: "My sister is looking for a tank! We can just teleport directly to the entrance of the dungeon!"


"Do we need a tank? Don't you have a summon?"

After hearing this, Wang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

"My summon... is not a tank of the same level. If my succubus can be like a heavy warrior, then I will be invincible!"

Chu Rou smiled bitterly.

"You only need to resist for a short period of time and gather the monsters together. It doesn't matter if you have a tank or not!"

Wang Chen continued.

"If those tanks heard this, they would probably scold you!"

"This is a medium-sized dungeon. I know you can clear Laika Temple alone, but Laika Temple is far less difficult than Delama!"

Chu Rou said with a smile.

If it is a dimensionality reduction strike and we fight against dungeons whose strength is disproportionate, then it doesn't matter whether there are tanks, a few people, or even a healing profession.

But if the strength is comparable or even challenging a more difficult copy, without tanking and healing professions, it is simply a joke.

"Let's go then!"

Seeing Chu Rou say this, Wang Chen didn't care.

For Wang Chen, it is nothing more than one more person and one less person.

Under the leadership of Chu Rou, they quickly found the entrance teleportation array of the Delama copy.

However, on the point-sending machine at the door of the teleportation array, you need to pay a thousand points to brush this copy once.

For ordinary students, this is a huge expense.

There is still a high chance of failure.

However, to people like Wang Chen, Luo Xia and even Chu Rou, it is nothing at all.

"Don't click into the dungeon yet, choose to go to the dungeon door!"

Chu Rou ordered.

Wang Chen nodded, he was going to join his teammates.

Immediately afterwards, several people teleported over one after another.

There were only about 20 people at the entrance of Delama dungeon, as if they were waiting for their teammates.

No one was shouting recruitment information.

It can be judged from this scene that not many people come to the Delama copy.

Based on what Chu Rou said, the difficulty of this copy is that there are many monsters, which can easily attract other monsters and cause the group to be destroyed.

This medium-sized copy is very dangerous.

So not many people came to fight.

After waiting for a few minutes, I saw Chu Rou's best friend at the door. Behind her stood a man about 1.8 meters tall, holding a large golden shield with a stern look on his face.

But the first time he saw Chu Rou, the coldness on his face seemed to melt.

On the contrary, the mean smile on his face looked extremely vulgar.

"Chu Rou, I didn't expect you to think of me while playing a dungeon!"

The man said proactively.

"Yeah! Let's upgrade together!"

Chu Rou nodded and said.

Then he introduced to Wang Chen and Luo Xia: "Zhang Cheng, from the Imperial Academy, is a heavy-armed warrior in my class!"

He looked at Zhang Cheng again.

He continued: "The freshman of our class, Wang Chen! This is Luo Xia, one class younger than me!"


Zhang Cheng nodded perfunctorily.

But he didn't even look at it, he still stayed on Chu Rou's body.

As if possessed.

"Chu Rou! Are you sure this warrior is reliable?"

Luo Xia asked in surprise.


Only then did Zhang Cheng's eyes move to Luo Xia, with a stern expression.

"Why is it so unreliable? A level 35 heavily armored warrior, all dressed in gold!"

Chu Rou snorted coldly.

As soon as she heard Luo Xia speak, she felt unhappy in her heart. "When playing a dungeon, don't turn your eyes all the way back. You won't be able to see the monster at all!"

Luo Xia sneered.

"You...what do you mean!"

Zhang Cheng snorted angrily.

"Are you still thinking about it? I'm afraid that when you fight monsters, your eyes will still be on someone's body, not the monster's body!"

Wang Chen added.

"Haha! Yes, those eyeballs are about to fall out!"

Luo Xia laughed.

Just listening to Chu Rou and the other three girls looked embarrassed.

They didn't expect that this Zhang Cheng was so hopeless that he would look directly at people without any hesitation.

Chu Rou even wanted to slap him.

But because he was in front of Wang Chen, it was difficult to get angry.

"A level 24 gunner? Want to fight Delama?"

"Rourou, are you mistaken?"

Zhang Cheng was furious and focused on Wang Chen.

But after seeing Wang Chen's level, he was completely confused.

Level 24 Gunner?
What are you kidding...

A dungeon of this level requires at least level [-] professionals and a team of ten people.

If you want five people to pass the level, they must be around level 35 and well-equipped.

But now... including him, the four of them are at level 35.

You also need to bring a level 24 and a level 25 little guy.

This kind of medium-sized copy is taboo with trumpets.

It is easy to cause group destruction.

So at this time, Zhang Cheng was more surprised than angry.

"I forgot to tell you, this gunner is the one who defeated Sister Rou in the duel!"

The fire mage added.

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment and tried his best to understand this sentence.

He had heard about Chu Rou being defeated before, but the specific person who was defeated was unknown.

After a moment, he fully understood the meaning of this sentence.

His face became violent, "How could it be him?"

"No! Rourou, I want to avenge you! Boy, I will fight with you!"

But Chu Rou took a deep breath, this guy has no brain.

What qualifications does a heavily armored warrior have for a duel...

Even she, a demon summoner, was no match for Wang Chen. How could she be Wang Chen's match for the most expensive profession in a duel, the heavily armored warrior.

"Okay! What's the point of revenge? Wang Chen and I will never get to know each other without fighting!"

Chu Rou waved her hands and said helplessly.

Then he looked at Wang Chen and continued: "I also have to thank Wang Chen for making me understand the importance of the brain in fighting!"

But this scene made Zhang Cheng even more angry.

There seemed to be anger burning in his eyes, and he simply couldn't accept the way Chu Rou looked at Wang Chen.

This was also the first time since he met Chu Rou that he saw such a soft look in Chu Rou's eyes.

It can be said that Chu Rou changed her previous attitude in front of Wang Chen, as if she was a different person.

"It doesn't matter if there is no tank! If he doesn't want to go, don't force it!"

Wang Chen looked at Chu Rou and said.

Wang Chen is not sure whether he can impress this copy.

But at least Wang Chen believed that everyone present had their own means of saving lives.

Even if it's a big deal, no lives will be lost.

"Go, why not go?"

"I have to go for Rourou!"

Zhang Cheng looked mean.

"Let's go! Just let him resist monsters!"

"Don't worry about the rest!"

Chu Rou walked up to Wang Chen and said softly. (End of chapter)

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