"Da da da da da..."

The first one to take action was Wang Chen.

Without Wang Chen's action, others would not dare to move.

A round of bullets passed by, and the originally gray-green light of the cursed jungle guardian suddenly turned into blood red.

Obviously, after BOSS was angered, his brain was further corroded by evil power.

And completely lost his mind.

The cursed jungle guardian locked his blood-red eyes on Wang Chen, stepped on four hooves, and ran towards Wang Chen.

"Brother Chen, be careful!"

In order to take credit, Zhang Cheng quickly reminded him.

As everyone knows, Wang Chen has already used the freezing bomb.

Before Zhang Cheng could finish speaking, the cursed jungle guardian was frozen in place by the freezing bullet.

This flesh-and-blood monster will still be controlled and cannot be immune.

At the same time, the explosive bomb also hit the BOSS, ensuring that the BOSS was constantly suffering burning damage.

Wang Chen also has a fire element damage bonus, so the damage of the explosive bombs is very considerable.

Not only the explosive bombs, but also the continuous output of Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets.

Beat the BOSS in the ice until it trembles on the spot.

It's like dancing in place.

Priest Yanhuo and Chu Rou were not idle either, and began to use their skills one after another.

Try to help Wang Chen supplement his output.

When fighting the mobs, they couldn't help much, but when fighting the BOSS, they didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Teams often encounter problems when fighting BOSS.

Many lessons learned from the past are in the textbooks. For example, the BOSS was not defeated to a certain low health line within the specified time, resulting in the BOSS releasing a big move and the team was wiped out.

They are all people who have received several years of education and understand when to fish and when not to fish.

At the moment, it’s unclear whether Wang Chen’s output alone can handle the cursed jungle guardian.

It's just that after Wang Chen used up all the freezing bombs on a CD, he had almost no means of control.

The repelling effect of the Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing projectile was not obvious. After half a minute of output, the BOSS still advanced several tens of meters.

The BOSS's blood volume only lost one layer of blood skin.

"This BOSS is a bit meaty!"

Wang Chen frowned.

The Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullet not only has an insignificant knockback effect, but also has an insignificant armor-piercing effect.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen also realized the problem.

You need to upgrade quickly to unlock more bullets or upgrade Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets to enhance the armor-piercing effect and bullet output.

The level of the dungeons you will face next is getting higher and higher. If you don’t improve your own strength, it will become more and more difficult to clear them.

The consequences of strenuous efforts are life-threatening.

"I'll DEBUFF him!"

After hearing this, Chu Rou's eyes gleamed.

It’s finally time to play your part.

With a wave of his hand, he directly threw a Demonic Seal of Destruction on the cursed jungle guardian.

The effect of Demonic Seal of Destruction is that you will take 5.00% more damage when attacked.

Then, with another wave of his hand, he cast the Curse of Weakness, which reduced the enemy's fire attribute resistance by [-] points and the dark attribute resistance by [-] points.

After adding two DEBUFFs, Wang Chen's output was improved again.

"This skill is very good!"

Wang Chen praised.

Demon Summoners have many similar skills to Warlocks, and they can apply negative BUFFs to monsters and BOSS.

This is also one of the reasons why warlocks must be brought in medium-sized and large-sized dungeons.

Many professions have their own functions and roles, and the more types of professions, the better. "Then why not give it to this monster from the beginning?"

Luo Xia said something inappropriately.

Chu Rou smiled awkwardly, scratched her forehead and said, "I...I forgot!"

Her attention was all on Wang Chen, so she forgot her own job.

"Tsk, tsk! We are playing a dungeon! You have to concentrate!"

Luo Xia laughed.

It sounds like Chu Rou is quite unconvinced, why should you pay more attention?

"You have to be more attentive, and you have to be careful when fishing! This BOSS has control skills that ignore distance!"

Chu Rou pouted and said.

Just as he spoke, the cursed jungle guardian raised his hand.

A moment later, a tree beard burst out of the ground and grabbed Luo Xia's feet at extremely fast speeds.

Luo Xia was still thinking about how to refute Chu Rou, so she didn't have any precautions.


"Crow's Mouth!"


Luo Xia shouted directly.

Just being tangled in tree beards caused a quarter of his health to drop.

If you continue to be entangled, you will continue to suffer damage.

"Let me go...is it really so accurate?"

Chu Rou couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

She was just talking casually.

Unexpectedly, this BOSS is so cooperative.

The Discipline Priest did not dare to delay at all, and immediately raised his hands, and streams of holy light burst out, and then fell on Luo Xia.

A quick wave of treatment restored her lost blood volume.

But the damage is continuous, and the only skill of the Discipline Priest has no casting time.

The Discipline Priest quickly charged up the next blood recovery skill.

Don't dare to delay at all. If there is a slight mistake, this girl will easily end up here.

Unless she takes blood medicine or has other life-saving means.

As the eldest daughter of the Luo family, Luo Xia cannot lack the means to save her life.

But whether it is blood medicine or any life-saving means, it is usually very expensive.

The Discipline Priest also didn't dare to delay... Luo Xia's level was too low, and although the equipment was pretty good, his health was a bit pitiful.

After accumulating for a second and a half, a wave of healing waves that continued to recover fell on Luo Xia.

The dropped blood volume was immediately restored after treatment.

The Discipline Priest breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the cursed jungle guardian's skill, root entanglement, lasts for a full ten seconds.

The Discipline Priest put all his healing energy on Luo Xia.

As for the cursed jungle guardian, Wang Chen's freezing bullets have all entered the CD time.

You can only go head-to-head with the BOSS.

Wang Chen increased the firepower output, and a steady stream of Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing bullets hit the cursed jungle guardian.

Fortunately, the bullets still have some knockback effect.

It guarantees that the cursed jungle guardian will not be able to approach him at normal speed.

Just like that, after ten seconds, the cursed jungle guardian had reached a range of about 500 meters away from everyone's position.

However, only one-third of the blood volume was lost. It must be said that this cursed jungle guardian's blood volume was a bit ridiculous. He was worthy of being a descendant of a demigod, with thick skin and thick flesh, and many skills. (End of chapter)

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