Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 198 Distorted Tranquility?Just waiting to die

Fortunately, the CD time of the next freezing bomb is already set.

First, the BOSS is frozen, and then there is a new round of output.

"Da da da da da..."

The Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing bullets were mixed with explosive bombs, causing the BOSS to shake in place.

Not to be outdone, Chu Rou and Yanhuo Mage each used their ultimate moves for output.

The fire mage shot out fireballs one after another, and also released three sustainable damage fire skills on the cursed jungle guardian.

While Chu Rou was not idle, she also controlled the demon servants to continuously output.

Although the output is impressive, this cursed jungle guardian is too thick.

Simply, Wang Chen took out the laser gun and pulled a trigger with each hand.

Laser guns are used simultaneously with Gatling Inferno.

Now with the increase in Wang Chen's strength, he can withstand the recoil of Gatling Purgatory with one hand, so there is no problem in controlling two big guns at the same time.

With Wang Chen's full firepower, the cursed jungle guardian's blood volume decreased more than twice as fast.

"I really want to play with guns...it's so exciting!"

Looking at Zhang Cheng, he was extremely excited.

Maybe a left-handed Gatling right-handed laser gun can get people excited.

I just feel blood boiling.

If the output could continue like this endlessly, it would be too enjoyable.

Just like that, it took three more Freeze Bomb CDs.

The cursed jungle guardian is already only more than 300 meters away from everyone.

But this BOSS's blood volume has lost two-thirds.

"The monster is so close to us! What should we do?"

The Discipline Priest said in a panic.

Although Wang Chen's output was already exaggerated, he still felt panicked when he saw the BOSS approaching him.

"What should I do? Increase the firepower output!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

However, Wang Chen had already prepared a backup plan.

If the cursed jungle guardian approaches again, then Wang Chen will use his ultimate move.

Master Yanhuo and Chu Rou were also a little flustered.

Even prepared for backup.

Once they encounter a life threat, they have a way to escape.

Zhang Cheng is preparing to stop the cursed jungle guardian and fight the BOSS for Wang Chen.

As a tank profession, this is his responsibility.

Although he looked down on Wang Chen before, now no matter what, he needs to protect this output.

"Da da da da..."

Wang Chen is still concentrating on his output. Anyway, the BOSS has not yet entered the range that can threaten him.

But suddenly, the cursed guardian of the jungle stood still.

"No! He's going to increase his blood!"

Chu Rou quickly reminded.

"Move rocks and stand back!"

Wang Chen temporarily put away the laser gun, held up the Gatling Purgatory with one hand, and slowly backed away.

Zhang Cheng was stunned. The boss had stopped moving. Why was he still moving rocks?

And Chu Rou understood that Wang Chen was trying to distance himself from the BOSS.

Thinking of this, he quickly followed Wang Chen's command, suddenly lifted up the stone that was holding the gun, and retreated back.

"Don't be frightened, move the stone quickly, move back, and keep distance!"

Chu Rou glanced at Zhang Cheng.Zhang Cheng quickly lifted another stone and chased Chu Rou at the same time.

At this time, the cursed jungle guardian had completed casting the spell, and streaks of evil light appeared around him, bathing himself in it.

The blood volume begins to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the damage caused by Wang Chen's shooting while retreating was almost half faster than the BOSS's recovery speed.

In other words, Wang Chen's output damage caused by the continuous damage of Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets and explosive bullets alone was twice the amount of HP recovered by the BOSS.

This made Wang Chen feel a lot more comfortable.

If the BOSS's blood regeneration speed is too exaggerated, then the fight will last until the end of the year of the monkey.

After retreating more than 500 meters, Wang Chen signaled that they could stack the stones.

Chu Rou and Zhang Cheng quickly stacked the stones to form a comfortable output point.

Wang Chen also held Gatling Inferno down, and at the same time took out the laser gun, and fired both guns at the same time.

Although the Cursed Jungle Guardian's blood recovery speed is pretty good, it is still far behind Wang Chen's output.

Everyone else is also in place and performing their duties.

The output is the output, the standby is the standby, and the fishing is the fishing.

Moreover, during this period of time when the Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing bullets continued to output, the cursed jungle guardian was pushed back by a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

In other words... this BOSS will still be under control during the period of continuous blood recovery.

It's just a pity that it can't interrupt its blood recovery skill.

However, it doesn't matter.

For Wang Chen, the BOSS's motionless recovery of blood relieved himself a lot of pressure.

You can also take the opportunity to distance yourself.

The distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther, which makes Wang Chen very satisfied.

With the blessing of the laser gun, the output is even higher.

"I'll go, this BOSS's blood recovery... doesn't seem to have any effect at all!"

The Flame Mage exclaimed.

"I can't see any effect at all. The output of this junior Wang Chen is really terrible!"

the Discipline Priest exclaimed.

Chu Rou was even more shocked. When she was playing this copy, the cursed jungle guardian once used the skill of Distorting Tranquility.

No matter how much output their ten-man team exerted, they could not keep up with the recovery speed of the cursed jungle guardian.

It took a lot of effort to defeat half of the cursed jungle guardian's health, but a single skill could restore most of the lost health.

In the end, he could only slowly grind the cursed jungle guardian to death.

It can be said that the process is extremely difficult and even painful.

But Wang Chen's output... was almost that of one person, several times that of the five of them.

too exaggerated!

"Junior Wang Chen, it's really terrifying!"

"Even among seniors, I have never seen anyone with such a strong output as junior Wang Chen!"

Chu Rou said excitedly.

Looking at Luo Xia, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

She knew that Wang Chen's output was inherently terrifying, but she didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

"This BOSS's Distorted Tranquility skill takes 30 seconds to use...but now it seems that it is a skill that may not be able to withstand it before it is fully used!"

The Flame Master took a deep breath and said.

Wang Chen ignored them and continued to express their words and surprises.

This time, I didn't use freezing bombs. I waited for the BOSS and then controlled him after the skill ended.

Wang Chen didn't know how long the cursed jungle guardian's blood recovery skills would last.

Therefore, we have always maintained careful output to avoid any mistakes. (End of chapter)

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