"I know this. I beat her once, and that guy... called her a princess! She's so fat, with green skin, and four hands. I've never seen such an ugly princess!"

The Discipline Priest couldn't help but complain.

It’s enough to show how terrifying the final BOSS looks.

"Aren't you saying that this BOSS has been transformed by a curse? Maybe he used to be a beautiful stone elemental princess!"

Luo Xia thought about the introduction of Princess Delama.

I have to say, this princess is really miserable.

As a princess of the earth element, she also fell in love with the son of a demigod. It turned out to be a love affair that would last forever.

But he never imagined that he would be cursed in the end. His husband would die at the hands of his heirs, and he would be corrupted by evil forces and become chaotic.

"Let's go rescue her! Just treat it as completing the mission of rescuing the princess!"

Wang Chen laughed.

Since they are so interested in the story of Princess Delama, they can treat it as the story of rescuing the princess through the process of completing the dungeon.

"Yeah! Yeah! We must bury the princess and her husband Karta together!"

Luo Xia nodded repeatedly.

It's like completing something particularly meaningful.

Not just her, but the other three ladies too.

Perhaps, girls will always have a strong interest in this kind of love story, and may even be obsessed with it.

The journey continues.

Under the leadership of Wang Chen, we quickly arrived at the depths of the cave.

This underground cave becomes emptier as it gets deeper.

After walking for about 5 minutes, I encountered monsters in twos and threes on the road, but Wang Chen easily eliminated them all.

At this time, a piece of flat land came into view, but at the end of the flat land, a huge thing could be seen.

However, it was a full three kilometers away, but there were still patches of wild monsters gathering in front of them.

Also in the form of a small team, patrolling everywhere.

Not far away, there is a turquoise pool.

You can see many crocodile monsters in the pool, all of which are above level 35.

"There are so many monsters here!"

Luo Xia couldn't help but exclaimed.

Wang Chen nodded, there were indeed a lot of monsters.

Moreover, behind these monsters is the final BOSS.

Although you can't see the BOSS clearly now, if you want to defeat the final BOSS, you must clear out the monsters in front of you.

It's just that there are too many monsters. If it is an ordinary team, it will be difficult to resist.

The most important thing is that this BOSS moves around and does not stay there.

Seems to be searching for something.

But in this case, if the BOSS comes over and joins the battle while clearing the monsters, something big will happen.

If such a scene happens, even Wang Chen will have a hard time parrying it.

"Junior Wang Chen, how are we going to fight? Is there anything we need to pay attention to?"

Chu Rou's scalp felt numb when she saw the densely packed monsters.

Although she passed the test, the process was extremely difficult.

This time when she came to the Delama copy, she was already prepared to fail.

I didn’t even want to fight the final BOSS.

When I cleared the level before, there were ten people, all equipped with top-notch equipment, and I barely managed to clear the level.

"Let's fight the mobs first! These mobs have a lot of experience!"

"As for the BOSS, try to avoid her first and deal with all the mobs before you consider beating her."

Wang Chen said lightly.

At present, the experience value of these monsters makes Wang Chen even more interested.

There are too many mobs, and the combined experience is much more than that of the BOSS.

"Then what if the BOSS comes over?"

"It's difficult for us to deal with the mobs and the BOSS!"

Master Yanhuo said doubtfully.

"If you can retreat, retreat. If you can't hide, just fuck her!"

Wang Chen said loudly.

Is there any other good way...

If you are targeted by the BOSS and become her target, the BOSS will stop hating you only if the target dies.

Wang Chen didn't want to see anyone in his group die in the dungeon. "Have fun! Why do you care so much? Just do it and it's done!"

Zhang Cheng also said boldly.

"Hmph! What does it have to do with you?"

Chu Rou snorted coldly.

Except for Wang Chen, everyone else is soy sauce.

"I...I can be a cheerleader! Cheer for Brother Wang Chen!"

Zhang Cheng thought for a while and said with a smile.

Even the title changed again.

But thinking about it carefully, he had no effect at all when playing the dungeon this time.

I have never fought against a monster, let alone dealt a monster.

Traveling the whole way...

There is no difference at all from cheerleading.

"The cheerleading team doesn't want men either!"

Luo Xia said in surprise.

"I don't need any cheerleaders, just be obedient and honest!"

Wang Chen waved his hand.

Then he looked at the surrounding terrain.

"Go fry the fish first! After frying the fish, go and kill the monsters in the pool!"

Soon, a decision was made.

The pool is not big, about half the size of a football field.

But Wang Chen could clearly see that there were densely packed crocodile monsters inside, as if waiting for prey.

I'm afraid there are not only crocodile monsters, but also other fish monsters.

Go fry the fish first. There are more monsters in the pool, so it will definitely be fun to fry them!
"it is good!"

Chu Rou and others nodded in response.

Soon, we walked to an area more than 100 meters away from the pool.

There are not many monsters here, which may have something to do with the danger in the pool.

But inside the pool, there will be a different world.

After setting up the Gatling Purgatory, there was a whoosh.

Wang Chen first used a G-14 grenade to clear the way and threw it directly into the pool.


Then there was a huge explosion, and crocodile-shaped monsters crawled out of the water.

[The Cursed Crocodile (Elite Monster)]

【Level: 35】

【Strength: 9000】

[Agility: 6000 (12000)]

【Intelligence: 5500】

[Skills: bite, rage! 】

Looking at the attributes of these crocodiles, Wang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

This power is too exaggerated!However, agility actually has two values.

If nothing else, there are two agility attributes in water and on the ground.

Of course, crocodiles are more agile in the water, but they are much less agile when they are on the ground.

There are at least three to four hundred such crocodiles.

There is more than one kind of monster like the cursed crocodile.

The cursed velociraptor, the cursed brutal python...

More than ten kinds of monsters of different species also ran out of the water.

With just one grenade, nearly a thousand monsters were exploded, which was as enjoyable as exploding a fish pond.

“Fried fish is so delicious!”

Wang Chen laughed.

Immediately afterwards, he raised Gatling Purgatory and shot towards these monsters.

The bullets include both freezing bombs and explosive bombs.

Control and group damage these monsters.

Because there were too many monsters, Wang Chen had to use freezing bombs to control them. (End of chapter)

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