After receiving the damage from the grenade, the monsters that ran out of the pool first were either killed or frozen in place.

Wang Chen's Gatling Purgatory is almost like exploding a pond, shooting at the monsters in the pond wildly.

The most important thing is that the output position chosen by Wang Chen is just down high, which can perfectly output those crawling crocodile monsters.

Wave after wave of experience increased crazily, and there were many, many monsters in the pool in an endless stream.

Wang Chen didn't know how deep the pool was, but the dense number of monsters showed that its depth was definitely not bad.

"You can also help fry fish in the pool!"

"You can also pull the monsters around you!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen shouted loudly.

It's like killing people like crazy.

Although there are many monsters currently, Wang Chen still feels that it is not satisfying enough.

Wang Chen even used a laser gun to supplement the damage caused by group injuries.

Seeing this, Chu Rou also started to pull up the monster.

Wang Chen's explosive bombs have a group damage effect. Basically, a monster hit by explosive bombs can last up to three seconds.

If there is a critical hit damage, I am afraid that I will not survive for two seconds.

And there is also the damage caused by Wang Chen's strafing...

Chu Rou knows that the damage caused by group damage is of course more cost-effective and efficient if it can kill more monsters.

So we must do our best to help Wang Chen pull monsters.

During this time, Chu Rou also gained a lot of experience points.

This is also the pleasure that Chu Rou has never experienced before. It turns out that upgrading can be so simple and so refreshing.

Not only her, but others also exploded the pool along with Wang Chen.

The fire mage threw a rain of fire into the pool. Although there was fire below, if the fire rain was too strong, there would be no harm from the flames.

The Discipline Priest did not have any means of group attack, but helped Wang Chen to pull monsters everywhere.

Zhang Cheng and Luo Xia were not idle either, using throwing weapons to help Wang Chen pull the monsters around him.

There are also some stone elemental, water elemental and centaur monsters around.

They were all pulled over.

Wang Chen just output as much as he can.

With their previous experience, these accomplices are becoming more and more skilled at pulling monsters.

There is no need for Wang Chen to worry about it anymore.

The machine guns were like tongues of fire, shooting out continuously, and thick smoke rose up.

The flames filled the monster group.

The smell of burning filled the entire cave.

There's even a roasted aroma.

"Hungry again..."

Luo Xia smelled the aroma of meat and couldn't help but smacked her lips.

“I’ll give you the roasted crocodile meat later!”

Wang Chen complained while outputting.

He also smelled the aroma of meat, coming from the roasted crocodile.

"No! No!"

“Crocodile meat doesn’t taste good!”

Luo Xia waved her hands repeatedly.

Listening to Chu Rou on the side, she was particularly speechless. It was so easy to play this copy.

"Say it as if you've eaten it!"

Wang Chen continued.

"What's the matter? I haven't eaten any meat when I was at home..."

Luo Xia became even more sullen.

"Have you ever eaten rat meat?"

Wang Chen's explosive bombs entered the cooling time, and he could only rely on armor-piercing bombs to continue to maintain output.

"No...but that thing is so disgusting!"

Luo Xia shook his head and said.

"Didn't you say you've eaten all kinds of meat?"

"What? Are you bragging?"

Wang Chen mocked.

Just the two of them talking and laughing made everyone relax a lot.It seems that playing a dungeon with Wang Chen is a complete enjoyment.

Amidst Wang Chen and Luo Xia's teasing, it took 8 minutes to clear out all the monsters in the pool and surrounding areas.

Although Chu Rou felt relieved, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart for some reason.

"After clearing out all the monsters in front, we can defeat the BOSS!"

Wang Chen walked past the pool and looked in the direction of the BOSS.

There are seven to eight hundred mobs ahead, and they seem to be densely packed.

"it is good!"

Chu Rou quickly echoed.

My mind is running at the same time, why don't I find a topic to chat with Wang Chen, even if it's just a joke.

But his head felt like a ball of mush, and he couldn't think of any topics at all.

And Wang Chen had already fired the first shot, attracting five or six waves of monsters.

Got it!

"Junior Wang Chen, I heard that the Eight Great Colleges and the God of War College are going crazy trying to get your place!"

"Which college are you going to?"

Chu Rou had an idea and asked quickly.

This is also an issue that she is very concerned about.

The most anticipated thing is that Wang Chen can come to their God of War Academy.

"I don't know yet! Maybe it's the Super Seminary!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said.

Girl, why are you asking this?

"Be discerning! Don't go to the Eight Colleges. The Super Seminary is the best college in our Huaqing University, bar none!"

Chu Rou praised.

She even made a promise, "After you come to Super Seminary, I can still protect you! Let's see who dares to bully you!"

"Cover? Does Wang Chen need you to cover him?"

Luo Xia mocked from the side.

Then he looked at the late Wang Chen and said, "You really should come to Super Seminary. After you finish all your work, I can ask my uncle to open a secret realm for you to upgrade!"

"Your uncle?"

Wang Chen was slightly surprised.

But what is certain is that Luo Xia's uncle is from the Super Seminary.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, Wang Chen is admitted to the Super Seminary.

"Yeah! My uncle is responsible for guarding five secret realms at the Super Seminary. There are fixed quotas for several secret realms every year!"

"These secret realms are good places for upgrading. There are many monsters and more experience, but the explosive equipment and materials are less. If you come to the Super Seminary, I can ask my uncle to get you a place!"

Luo Xia continued.

Just listening to Wang Chen was stunned... Did he directly say that he wanted to do something special in front of the other four people?
However... Wang Chen really lacks a place to upgrade. It would be a good thing if it was convenient.

Looking at it like this, there are still very few places to go to the secret realm.

"Then why don't you go?"

After Wang Chen threw a grenade, he turned to look at Luo Xia.

"I... I am too slow to farm monsters! I can still get the quota, but if I go, I won't be able to gain experience as fast as farming dungeons!"

Luo Xia said with some embarrassment.

This is also a common problem in the assassin profession. Monster farming is always a problem.

There is almost no group damage, it is still a squishy melee, and it is easy to die.

"Then you might as well ask for two places, and I will take you there when the time comes!"

Wang Chen said.

"Tsk tsk! Junior Wang Chen, you really don't understand!"

"The secret realms his uncle is responsible for are all single-player secret realms, which are specially designed for outstanding students in the college to upgrade. However, there are only three places for these single-player secret realms a year!"

"If it weren't for someone who was not related to me, I wouldn't have gotten this spot just by relying on my strength!"

Chu Rou sneered.

So that’s it…it’s so difficult to get a spot in this secret realm.

"Da da da da..."

After Wang Chen fired a bunch of bullets, he said in a deep voice: "Let's talk about it then!"

Wang Chen is not very repulsive to this, but he doesn't like it either. (End of chapter)

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