Wang Chen is very satisfied with the upgraded damage of Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets and explosive bombs.

The terrifying output really shocked the three companions.

"Let me go...what kind of output is this? How many seconds can a level 35 dungeon elite monster last..."

Ah Chen had no idea that Wang Chen's output speed was so exaggerated.

He had seen Wang Chen's output before, but his output now was much more than before.

The most important thing is that the monsters we are facing now far surpass other monsters in terms of health and defense.

But in front of Wang Chen's big gun, he was completely vulnerable.

"Wang Chen has upgraded, and his output has increased a lot!"

Murong Xue took a deep breath and felt that she and Wang Chen were no longer the same person.

The gap between the two has become wider and wider, and now it is like a chasm, with no possibility of crossing it.

I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up in this life.

"Hey! Comparing people with each other is so irritating, just treat Wang Chen as a graduated student!"

"We can't compare with him. The ones we need to compare are the new students..."

Qin Hongyan simply changed the object of comparison, or the target of comparison.

Wang Chen is like the stars in the sky, out of reach.

"Yes! He is a change of nature. If you take him as a target, you will be so angry!"

Murong Xue agreed.

"If you work hard, you will still have a chance in the future!"

Wang Chen comforted him while outputting.

Although they cannot experience the life of cheating, they still need comfort.

"Opportunity... I'm afraid I won't see this opportunity in this lifetime!"

Ah Chen couldn't help but joked.

Wang Chen couldn't help but shook his head and stopped talking.

If you continue to talk, I'm afraid it will make them lose confidence again.

This time, the efficiency of outputting monsters is much faster than before, both because of the increased damage and because of the high efficiency of pulling monsters.

He is still someone who has struggled with himself, and he needs to be more experienced in pulling monsters.

Both aspects have improved the efficiency of monster spawning.

And the experience also increases.

Even though we are a team of four, our experience is almost the same as before.

Wang Chen has reached level 25, and his experience slot has doubled, but this time the experience allocated is a little less.

But for Murong Xue and the other three, it shouldn't be too much. They are already much different from the level of the monsters in the dungeon.

So the experience gained is more.

Just by killing all these monsters, each of them has increased their experience management by nearly one-third.

The speed of this upgrade really opened their eyes, and it was something they experienced firsthand.

"This leveling speed... is as enjoyable as a roller coaster! It would be so fun if I could be led like this all the time!"

Ah Chen took a deep breath.

On the other hand, Murong Xue was very calm. After all, she was led by Wang Chendan.

So after getting such an exaggerated experience, I felt a lot calmer.

In her eyes, nothing Wang Chen did was surprising.

Maybe it’s because he’s used to it.

Another wave of monsters was spawned, and all the patrol monsters encountered on the road were killed.

We came to the little boss, the cursed jungle guardian.

Wang Chen gave instructions in advance: "This BOSS has spell skills with unlimited range, so prepare the medicine!"

It is the skill of the Cursed Jungle Guardian called Root Entanglement.

All four of them are fragile, especially three of them, who have not yet resumed their professional existence.

So I can only rely on top medicine to recover.

But Wang Chen is not sure yet whether the medicine for the three of them is enough.

So he continued: "This skill can be avoided if you react quickly. Roots sprout from the ground, tie people up, and then cause continuous damage!"

"Qin Hongyan should be able to react, but for the sake of safety, I'd better prepare blood bottles. I have twenty blood bottles here. You can divide them among yourself!" As a combat assassin, he has a very fast reaction speed.

After all, assassins are all highly agile professions.

But it is difficult for the mage with the main intelligence to escape.

You still need to use a blood bottle to top it off.

As he spoke, he took out twenty blood bottles.

Ah Chen exclaimed: "It is indeed a medium-sized dungeon, but it is so difficult and you have to take drugs!"

"Blood bottles are very expensive. I've been playing dungeons for so long and I haven't even been willing to drink a bottle!"

Qin Hongyan was more concerned about the blood bottle given by Wang Chen.

You know, even the most common blood bottle starts at [-] points, which is expensive.

These ordinary students simply cannot consume such items regularly.

Even Murong Xue doesn't use it often.

"Then when you play a dungeon, how will your health be restored?"

Ah Chen asked in surprise.

"Wait for the nanny to give me more blood!"

"What if someone doesn't have blue?"

"Then just wait, it's not like they won't reply!"


One sentence shocked everyone.

There was actually someone who relied entirely on the wet nurse to restore his health... He had never used a single blood bottle.

Normally, if you encounter a crisis when playing a dungeon, such as the nanny's career is out of blue, or the nanny cannot buy property, you need to take medicine to restore health.

But Qin Hongyan never used it once.

"Yanjie is still fierce, why don't you save it!"

Ah Chen exclaimed.

"The main thing is that I haven't encountered any critical moments. Anyway, I'm used to paddling when playing small dungeons!"

Qin Hongyan explained.

It stands to reason that the assassin profession is more dangerous and easier to lose blood than the remote output profession.

It is enough to see how much Qin Hongyan usually paddles.

But it has to be said that the assassin profession is very dangerous to play dungeons. If you want to output at full power, you will face life safety problems.

There’s nothing wrong with paddling.

"Ten bottles each of you!"

Murong Xue interrupted Qin Hongyan and directly distributed the twenty blood bottles.

Qin Hongyan and Ah Chen were not polite and put away their ten blood bottles.

Everyone knows that the eldest lady of the Murong family is not short of this medicine.

On weekdays, the shots are very generous.

"Thank you Brother Chen, thank you Sister Xue!"

Ah Chen said very sensibly.

Both of them have to thank them.

"It's nothing. Pay attention to safety. The current dungeon is not like before. You can be more casual when playing."

"The two bosses in this dungeon are very difficult to deal with. If you don't pay attention, you can easily be killed on the spot."

Wang Chen said indifferently.

Then he reminded me again.

If they were allowed to see Princess Delama, the three of them would go crazy.

But this cursed jungle guardian is also difficult enough. A blood-increasing skill... can restore more than a tube of blood.

In other words, if the blood volume is increased from zero, at least this skill can be filled up.

However, Wang Chen was full of expectations.

It is most appropriate to use BOSS to test your own output.

Especially this cursed jungle guardian. He is already rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and he also has terrifying blood-recovery skills. (End of chapter)

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