Hearing what Wang Chen said, the other three people couldn't help but look at each other.

I didn't expect this copy to be so difficult.

I originally thought that it would be over with the soy sauce, but I didn't expect that it would still affect them.

"Remember, don't be reluctant to take medicine. The blood bottle is enough for you. Even if I don't have it, there is still the eldest lady of the Murong family!"

Wang Chen instructed.

No matter what, life is the first priority, and Murong Xue's great cause is worth the money of this blood bottle.

"Haha! Okay, remember Brother Chen!"

Ah Chen laughed.

This was the first time I saw Wang Chen teasing Murong Xue.

Murong Xue knew that Wang Chen was teasing her, but she didn't take it seriously and said happily: "That's right, I'll give it to you again when these blood bottles are used up!"

Then he looked at Qin Hongyan and said, "No matter what, prepare a few bottles to avoid any accidents!"

It is true to say that you are prepared for anything.

Even Wang Chen prepared several large blood bottles just to prevent unexpected things from happening.

It’s just that I have never encountered a situation where I needed to take drugs.

"Are you all ready? I'm going to start a monster!"

Wang Chen confirmed.

"All right!"

"That's it!"

The other three people said one after another.

Focus all your attention on the BOSS.

This is the first time I fight such a high-level BOSS, so I have to be extra careful.

They knew very well that if they touched a BOSS of this level casually, they might be killed on the spot.

They all stood behind Wang Chen obediently. No one dared to show off his strength and get higher than Wang Chen's position.

Breathing became rapid.

This copy puts a lot of pressure on them.

"Da da da da..."

Wang Chen fired a bullet directly and hit the cursed jungle guardian.

You can see blood falling from each bullet.

When I defeated the Cursed Jungle Guardian before, I lost very little health.

The current output is twice as much as before.

The efficiency is very obvious.

After a shuttle of two-stage Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing rounds, there are two-stage explosive rounds.

Directly set the cursed jungle guardian's whole body on fire.

The damage of the secondary armor-piercing bullets is combined with the fire damage. You can see a piece of the cursed jungle guardian lose a piece of health every second.

"This hurt is so enjoyable!"

Wang Chen said excitedly.

The combined damage was more than double that before.

Visible to the naked eye.

After about ten seconds, one-third of the health of the cursed jungle guardian was lost.

The cursed jungle guardian seemed to be angered and waved his hand.

"Attention, the BOSS has released his skills!"

"Watch the ground!"

Wang Chen quickly reminded him when he saw this.

After hearing Wang Chen's voice, everyone's attention was focused on the ground.

Before the voice fell, a thick root was seen breaking out of the ground.

The location is at Qin Hongyan's feet.

Qin Hongyan, whose nerves were tense, sprinted away and avoided the root tentacles at an extremely fast speed.

Avoid being controlled by BOSS's skills.

After dodging the skill, Qin Hongyan patted Ao Ren's chest, looking frightened.

"It's actually a skill with unlimited distance, and it can be cast so fast!"

"If Brother Chen hadn't vaccinated us in advance, I wouldn't have been able to dodge this skill."

Qin Hongyan couldn't help but say.

"Yes! If the target of this BOSS is me, I won't be able to escape even if I run!"

Ah Chen nodded in response. After all, in terms of agility, the mage profession and the assassin profession are simply not comparable.

"As long as you stay focused, there's no problem in avoiding her. She's not an old lady!"

Wang Chen said from the side.

Even if the mage's professional agility is over 20, it still needs to be over [-].

That much agility is enough to avoid this tentacle.

Unless the reaction is too slow or there is no time to hide.

"Da da da da da..."

While speaking, another round of armor-piercing bullets shot out.

The increase in damage made Wang Chen's output more and more enjoyable.

Moreover, now every time a critical hit occurs, you can clearly see the BOSS's bloodline dropping.

"Haha! Could it be that little Achen is an old man now?"

Qin Hongyan laughed at the topic.

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

"I...I'm not an old man. Sister Yan, please stop talking nonsense. I still want to be young, and I still want to find a girlfriend!"

Ah Chen curled his lips.

"You... wait until the rookie team competition, perform well, maybe a girl with good abilities will like you!"

Murong Xue laughed.

This kind of large-scale national competition is a rare opportunity for them to show off.

You can take this opportunity to find a girlfriend.

"His mouth is so dull, how is that possible!"

Qin Hongyan laughed.

"Stupid... Actually, that idiot is quite stupid. Some girls like him, even tomboys like him!"

Murong Xue glanced at Wang Chen and said quietly.

Achen and Qin Hongyan couldn't help but smile at each other.

Tomboy, doesn't it refer to Chu Rou?

"It sounds like he has Wang Chen's strength!"

Qin Hongyan also whispered.

But Wang Chen heard these words clearly.

However, I don’t care what they say.

Murong Xue always liked to tease herself.

Instead, focus on output.

Round after round of output was fired, and it didn't take long for the cursed jungle guardian's health to reach less than one-third.

And the cursed jungle guardian once again casts spells and uses skills.

The skill used this time was his ultimate move, Distorted Tranquility.

The tranquility after being infected caused his blood volume to begin to increase.

Looking at Ah Chen and the other three, they couldn't help but be stunned.

The BOSS can actually restore blood to himself, and the speed of the recovery is also very impressive. The key is to continue to restore blood.

"I'll go. If it were another team, and they've fought so hard until now, and the BOSS is adding back their health, wouldn't they collapse?"

Ah Chen exclaimed.

Murong Xue and Qin Hongyan couldn't help but look at each other.

Murong Xue added: "If it keeps happening over and over again, how long will it take to fight?"

These are things they cannot imagine.

They only know that the BOSS can overcome the melee output and drain blood, but they have never seen the BOSS use skills to restore blood.

"As long as the output is high enough, there's no need to worry about his blood returning!"

Wang Chen said leisurely.

Then the pace of shooting became faster.

Murong Xue and the others can observe the changes in the BOSS's blood volume according to the rhythm of the gunshots.

When the bullet doesn't go off, the BOSS's health will increase a little, but when it goes off, it will drop completely.

In other words, Wang Chen's output is more than three times the BOSS's blood recovery speed.

If there is a big critical hit, the health will be reduced, which will be quite enjoyable.

With such a terrifying output, there is really no need to worry about the cursed jungle guardian returning blood. (End of chapter)

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