Such a bet is not too much.

In terms of cleaning up the house and clearing five dungeons, the experience of five dungeons is definitely more cost-effective.

But Jing Jiayu was stunned for a moment, and then said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "After all, I am also a level 41 professional, and I still need you to lead me?"

"But, it's just to clean up the house. Even if I lose, I won't lose anything!"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Then when my level rises, you don't need me to take care of you?"

"Also, what do you mean you are not losing anything? Teacher Jing can be considered a eldest lady after all. Can she really clean the house and do housework?"

Jing Jiayu thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

Wang Chen's output can be used to fight dungeons beyond levels, and his current combat power can already clear all dungeons below level 40 alone.

If I upgrade a few more levels, wouldn't I be able to clear dungeons of more than 40 levels?

Fortunately, most copies have level restrictions...

Otherwise, wouldn't it be necessary to clear level 40 to 50 dungeons as well?

"Let's bet! Anyway, even if I can't clean up the house, there will still be those students!"

Jing Jiayu pouted and said simply.

In other words, even if she loses, it won't be her job.

Anyway, the students under her are often her coolies.

Wang Chen sincerely felt sad for these students.

However, as long as someone takes care of it, that's fine.

It doesn't matter who takes care of it. Wang Chen is very busy every day and has no time to care about such things.

I just need someone to help me clean up.


"Ah Chen, you have to work hard, I've spent a lot of money!"

Wang Chen said with a smile.

Ah Chen pursed his lips, does this count as money?

But he still said gratefully: "Okay! I will work hard, no matter what, I have to live up to Brother Chen's trust in me!"

"It's good to know. If you lose, you will take care of my dormitory!"

Wang Chen continued.

Ah Chen was stunned when he heard that... He was actually punished if he lost.

"Don't worry! I won't lose!"

Then he said confidently.

"If you win and the teacher loses, you will take care of it for the teacher!"

Jing Jiayu added.

Ah Chen was completely confused.

Dare to win or lose, it was all his responsibility to clean up Wang Chen's dormitory.

Before he could say anything, a teacher reminded him that it was time to play.

His opponent this time was the opponent's shadow assassin.

"Brother Chen, do you have any suggestions for beating him?"

Ah Chen asked softly.

Currently, only Wang Chen is optimistic about him.

"Suggestion, Shadow Assassin is different from Combat Assassin. Combat Assassin has strong control, while Shadow Assassin is strong in stealth and burst. The most important thing is burst."

"But his control is weak, you can take advantage of his speed and kite him!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said.

Wang Chen is quite familiar with the Shadow Assassin, Luo Xia is the Shadow Assassin.

This profession is extremely explosive and has excellent stealth performance. However, in a one-on-one duel, the advantage of stealth performance is basically nonexistent.

Whether you are hiding well or poorly, the enemy cannot see you.


Ah Chen was stunned, what kind of term is this.

However, I did learn a lot of new things from hanging out with Wang Chen.

"Just run and fight at the same time. Once the distance is widened, give him skills. If the distance is not widened, keep running."    "Anyway, you are fast, and the advantage of fast speed can be used for both escape and attack. "

Wang Chen explained.

"Oh...that's it! I understand! Thank you, Brother Chen!"

Ah Chen suddenly realized.

The biggest advantage of the Storm Mage is not burst or control, but speed.

Only by following what Wang Chen said by kiting the enemy can the speed advantage be used.

After Wang Chen's guidance, Ah Chen's confidence doubled.

Soon, the two contestants all came to the duel field, and the battle was about to break out.

When both parties are ready, the fight begins.

In this battle, both sides are level 20 professionals, and both are rare professionals.

Although he is a newcomer, due to the rarity of the professions, the audience is full of expectations and wants to see the skills of these two professions and the advantages and disadvantages of the professions.

As soon as he came up, the Shadow Assassin entered a state of invisibility.

The time to enter the invisible state is much faster than that of Qin Hongyan, who is a fighting assassin.

Seeing this, Ah Chen felt the speed of the other party's steps and estimated when the other party would appear near him.

After three seconds, a whirlwind was released directly around him.

Then walk back and forth around the whirlwind.

Try to listen in all directions and feel the changes in nearby sounds.

I hope to be able to determine the location of the other party through the sound.

But this shadow assassin is very experienced, and with his professional stealth ability, he can't hear any sound at all.

Although Ah Chen was very guarded against the opponent's sneak attack.

But it was still in vain. Just as he was looking for the opponent's location, the shadow assassin suddenly appeared behind him.

With one dagger, nearly one-fifth of Ah Chen's health was instantly wiped out.

Then a disabling skill was attached to Ah Chen, which caused Ah Chen's movement speed to be severely slowed down. Taking advantage of the slowdown in Ah Chen's movement speed, he used several flat slashes to coordinate with the skills.

Directly knocking out nearly half of Ah Chen's health.

While Achen was bearing the opponent's output, he had been accumulating the hurricane control skills.

After enduring so many attacks, he finally released his skills.

The Shadow Assassin was swept into the air by the hurricane and could not move.

Ah Chen retreated quickly. During the retreat, the decadence effect finally passed the CD time and the speed returned to normal.

Then Achen set himself a wind element BUFF, which made his movement speed faster.

His body was suddenly wrapped in the wind.

After closing the distance, he began to release various wind element skills.

After the Shadow Assassin released its control, the distance between the two sides was nearly a hundred meters away, and they could only desperately catch up.

Due to Ah Chen's constant flow of skills, the Shadow Assassin did not have time to enter the invisible state again.

Ah Chen was running while releasing his skills.

His speed is more than twice that of his opponent.

Although his damage was not that explosive, it tortured the Shadow Assassin quite painfully.

There was no way to catch up, so he could only be beaten passively.

Even though the Storm Mage was walking and walking, his speed was faster than him.

Moreover, Ah Chen still ran around the entire duel field.

In this way, the Shadow Assassin was tortured alive by Ah Chen, and his blood volume reached the bottom.

Ah Chen understood the essence of Wang Chen's words. It didn't matter even if the output was low, but the distance between the two sides must be maintained.

In this way, it took five minutes to torture the shadow assassin to death, and Ah Chen won the final victory.

After Ah Chen returned to the preparation table, he looked excited, "Brother Chen, I finally rectified the name of Storm Mage!"

"It turns out that Storm Mage can still play like this... It's so enjoyable!"

For the first time, he experienced the pleasure of a storm mage. (End of chapter)

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