"You're so shameless, you're consuming people to death!"

Murong Xue couldn't help but said.

This kind of fighting can make people deserve to die.

The enemy can hit you, but you can't even touch the enemy's hair.

If you can't achieve a set of instant kills, you can only let the opponent play.

If you want to win, you can only rely on the opponent's own mistakes.

But in such a tense one-on-one situation, how could a mistake happen?

"How could I be cheating... I didn't cheat, and I didn't commit a foul. Besides, there are basically no rules in one-on-one!"

Ah Chen said unconvinced.

"Haha! It's really bad. I'm afraid this shadow assassin will have to scold you ten thousand times in his heart. If it were me, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood!"

Qin Hongyan laughed.

Otherwise, no one would be able to accept this feeling of being flown as a kite.

It's really annoying.

"Hey! In fact, this is called taking advantage of one's own advantages. Otherwise, how can we fight? You can't just have a mage fight an assassin hand-to-hand!"

Jing Jiayu sighed, "This is nothing to overdo. To deal with melee professions, the mage profession has to run and release its skills."

As a teacher, Jing Jiayu is very familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the profession.

"That's right, don't laugh at Chen. When you face the assassin, if you can, fight the assassin without moving!"

Wang Chen looked at Murong Xue and said.

Murong Xue curled her lips, "I'm not a fool...how could I fight hand-to-hand with an assassin!"

"Okay! The next game is about to begin! Let's study how to fight!"

Wang Chen waved his hand, and the first victory was already achieved.

The remaining games still need to see their performance.

In terms of strength between the two sides, Murong Xue's side is stronger, but they still need to be more cautious.

Immediately afterwards, I learned about the lineup sent by the opponent. The flame mage and the holy priest were all level 20 professionals.

Here are Pu Bai and Murong Xue, a duo of mages.

"Brother Chen, you have already given some tricks to Brother Achen, why don't you also give us some tips?"

Pu Bai asked expectantly.

Murong Xue had a arrogant attitude on her face. Although she didn't say anything, her ears pricked up.

Waiting for Wang Chen to pay some attention to himself.

"It's very simple. Control the priest and use the mage. You all have control skills. The control chain is very strong, which can prevent the priest from using several skills."

"And all the firepower is concentrated on the fire mage. The fire mage does very high damage, but no matter how high it is, he can't be as high as the two of you."

"But what needs to be noted is that you must ensure that the control of the priest is well connected and try not to let him throw any skills. The two of your control skills combined can control her for at least ten seconds."

"Ten seconds of damage blast is enough to kill the Pyro Mage!"

Wang Chen held his chin and said seriously.

Murong Xue's eyes lit up when she heard that she was a little confused at first.

Don't know where to start.

"You don't have to feel any pressure. Your combination can basically defeat any opponent's combination."

Wang Chen added another sentence.

Both mages have powerful control skills, and the elemental mage's damage is not low. This combination is basically invincible when fighting two against two.

"Hehe! I will behave well!"

Pu Bai was so happy when he heard what Wang Chen said.

This was the affirmation from the boss, and the pressure in my heart suddenly disappeared.

"Listen to my command! Fight hard. If we lose, it will be a shame!"

Murong Xue looked at Pu Bai and said seriously.

She was also aware of the strength of this combination, but she still sailed cautiously.

If you really lose, it will be more than embarrassing.

I'm afraid that I will feel ashamed after seeing Wang Chen.

Although she doesn't like to talk much, she also takes on the role of commander.

"Yes! Sister Xue! I will cooperate with you throughout the whole process!" Pu Bai also replied seriously.

The two exchanged skills with each other.

Soon, both sides came to the duel field.

When the teacher gives the order, the game officially begins.

Since there is no stealth profession, it is a confrontation between the two sides.

Even the Holy Priest took the lead in equipping Murong Xue with the damage skill that continuously drops blood.

The opponent also has his own strategy, which is to kill the elemental mage instantly.

The holy priest cooperates with the fire magic system, making up for the output when it can output. If the fire mage loses blood, he will immediately recover the blood.

Following the advice given by Wang Chen, Murong Xue first released a skill similar to that of an ice mage, Freezing Arrow.

The holy priest was directly placed in place.

After that, he used fireball to blast the fire mage.

The two staged a fireball battle.

Pu Bai, on the other hand, helped Murong Xue madly output the opponent's fire mage.

For a time, the two sides fought extremely brilliantly.

Fireballs, ice arrows and even wind elemental skills and arcane skills were constantly bombarding each other.

The fire mage's damage was very terrifying. With just a few skills, most of Murong Xue's health was directly wiped out.

While Murong Xue and Pu Bai were fighting against the fire mage, their control skills were always given to the holy priest.

The holy priest was either frozen in ice or blown up by the strong wind.

Can't release any skills at all.

No matter how terrifying the fire mage's damage is, he can't stop the combined bombardment of the ice mage and the elemental mage.

When Murong Xue's health bottomed out, he was completely drained of blood and defensive talismans appeared around him.

He immediately declared his defeat and was teleported off the field.

The only remaining Holy Priest was finally able to move.

But it doesn't matter if he can move, his output is completely negligible.

Master Murong Xue, whose health was still low, threw away two skills and retreated.

Start pulling to the extreme.

The Holy Mage was treating himself while trying to chase Murong Xue.

But she still needs to bear the damage and control of the ice mage.

He couldn't touch Murong Xue at all.

When she was controlled by the ice mage, Murong Xue turned around and threw two skills.

When she got rid of the control, Murong Xue ran away without looking back.

Murong Xue's blood level was at the bottom. If she really tried to withstand the damage skills of the Holy Mage, she wouldn't be able to withstand it at all.

With her pitiful blood volume, as long as someone touches her even slightly, she will be eliminated on the spot.

Fortunately, she learned the essence of pulling.

There is also a tacit understanding when working together with Pu Bai.

Although the Holy Mage can continuously restore blood to himself.

But she couldn't touch Murong Xue, and she couldn't deal with Pu Bai, an ice mage.

Completely played by the two.

After another two minutes, the Holy Mage couldn't stand the torture anymore. When his health was almost gone, he gave up the attack and announced his surrender.

Unbearable to be humiliated.

"I'll go... I can pull it!"

After Murong Xue and Pu Bai returned, Ah Chen couldn't help but sigh.

The battle between the two of them and Ah Chen shocked the students in the audience.

It turns out that battles between professionals can still be played like this...

It all depends on cooperation and brains.

It is equivalent to teaching them a lesson. (End of chapter)

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