Principal Nie Hongbo sat on the high platform and couldn't help but take a breath when he saw this scene.

He said with great emotion: "Several of the classmates trained by this boy are also so powerful. Their fighting IQ is too high!"

In fact, the combat effectiveness of both sides was almost the same. At most, Murong Xue's profession had a slight advantage.

But this slight advantage is not enough to win.

Even if the opponent has a Holy Priest, it is difficult to win.

The Holy Priest's milk volume is quite impressive, especially the speed of blood return in a short period of time. The disadvantage is that the continuous blood return is not ideal, and the amount of mana is not that abundant.

However, precisely because of the advantages of her profession, it happened to be against high-explosion professions. As long as she had a set of immortal enemies, she would be able to bring them back quickly.

"Old Nie, you have to thank me properly for bringing Wang Chen to your school. Not only will he become stronger, but he will also teach the students in your school a good lesson!"

Mr. Zhong sat next to Nie Hongbo and said with a satisfied look on his face.

"Hey! Fight while running... let them have fun. If the strength is similar, the short-range profession will be beaten to death by those mages!"

Nie Hongbo said with emotion.

"Then you have to calculate the casting time well and understand the distance card. It seems very easy, but in actual operation, it is not that easy."

"What's more, some melee professions are also very fast, and mages with insufficient control have nothing to do with such professions."

Mr. Zhong analyzed.

"Yes! But to be honest, this newcomer selection competition is really eye-opening. It is the first time for us, who have been on the battlefield, to see this kind of tactics."

"Wang Chen is indeed a genius, Mr. Zhong, you can really find a way to capture him and bring him to your military area to command the battle and so on."

"Not only is he extremely powerful, his tactical literacy is also top-notch!"

Nie Hongbo continued.

"You think I don't want to... That kid is very smart. He doesn't say death or agree to anything. Just one word, drag..."

"Hey! I can only wait until he stays in your school for a while before watching. I guess there is still knowledge for him to learn in school, and there is room for him to grow!"

Mr. Zhong said helplessly.

But I can also understand Wang Chen's choice.

After all, Wang Chencai had only been in Huaqing University for a long time, so how could he go to the military area to fight and kill so quickly?

"This kid...even if you look at him playing dungeons and fighting on the battlefield, it gives people a very jumpy feeling, but he is really very stable in everything he does."

Nie Hongbo nodded.

Then his eyes focused on Wang Chen and Jing Jiayu, and continued, "By the way, I heard that he is very close to teacher Jing Jiayu now. It seems that Jing Jiayu has some feelings for Wang Chen..."

"What do you mean?"

Mr. Zhong was stunned for a moment, but soon figured out what it meant, and asked knowingly.

"It just means I like it..."

Nie Hongbo said angrily.

"That's not normal. This kid's strength and character are excellent, and he's handsome. It doesn't matter if the teacher likes him. Besides, Jing Jiayu's girl is not that old either."

"But... I heard that she has been engaged since she was a child. If this is the case, I'm afraid she will be in trouble!"

Mr. Zhong suddenly frowned.

"It... it seems that there is indeed something like this. This boy, the daughter of the Murong family is interested in him, the daughter of the Luo family is also interested in him, and now even the daughter of the Jing family is interested in him!"

Nie Hongbo sighed deeply.

"There's also the Chu family, now it's up to them who can capture this kid's heart first!"

Mr. Zhong smiled.

"I don't care about other people's personal affairs. I just hope that he can help our school win the International Newcomer Team Competition. This international competition is paying special attention and the rewards are particularly generous. I guess it has something to do with the recent international situation!"

"Recently, several countries have been very aggressive, ready to act, and not very honest. We must give them a warning through international competitions. This is the only international competition in the past two months!"

Nie Hongbo started to analyze. "Don't worry! I believe this kid... can even clear dungeons of more than thirty levels by himself. He is simply a pervert. How can he look like a new kid?"

Mr. Zhong said mockingly.

Just as Mr. Zhong and Nie Hongbo were chatting.

The game continued and it was already the next one-on-one session.

In the one-on-one session, Murong Xue faced off against the opposite exorcist.

This is a profession that cultivates both physical and magical skills. You can use various magic-breaking talismans to control and kill enemies. The weapons are usually sickles or battle axes, and the physical output depends on swinging.

After Murong Xue knew her opponent, she couldn't help but frowned. She had never seen this profession before.

I just read some records in books.

"This profession... has both physical and mental skills. It seems to be very powerful. The book says that a powerful exorcist can use spells and summon monsters to control people all the time, and then he goes over and uses weapons to chop them."

"But what are the shortcomings and how to solve them? The book doesn't tell you!"

Murong Xue frowned.

Unknowingly, his eyes turned to Wang Chen, wanting to ask for advice, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

How could Wang Chen not understand her.

He smiled and said: "If he is not under his control, will he still have output? Can he do anything to you?"

"His profession is very powerful, he is very muscular, has high output, and has strong control. However, he is very stupid. As for how to fight, you should be able to think of it."

This has been said. If there is no way to defeat the exorcist, then he will just find a wall and kill him.

Murong Xue thought for a while and said, "Continue to run and fight? Kite him?"

"Smart, just fight like this!"

Wang Chen nodded.

"I feel like beating this exorcist is pretty easy, there's no suspense!"

Ah Chen said swornly from the side.

"When you are controlled by him, you won't say that!"

"Remember, don't be controlled by him. Once you are controlled by him, you will almost lose!"

Wang Chen said seriously.

Murong Xue nodded solemnly.

Even Ah Chen won the one-on-one duel. Being strong, she attached great importance to this one-on-one duel.

She could accept that she couldn't surpass Wang Chen, but she couldn't accept it if other newcomers were still better than her.

"Come on! Sister Xue!"

Qin Hongyan walked over and encouraged her.

The two have a very good relationship, so Qin Hongyan is particularly concerned about Murong Xue.


Murong Xue nodded, and then strode to the duel.

The opponent's exorcist has already been in place. As the strongest person in the team and the most powerful being, the exorcist is full of confidence.

"Elemental Mage, a rare profession! I heard that the combat ability is very good!"

"However, I am also a rare profession. I advise you to surrender obediently. I don't like bullying women!"

The exorcist said loudly.

"Hmph! There are no distinctions between men and women on the battlefield. Do you want me to surrender? Do you think exorcist is an invincible profession?"

Murong Xue snorted coldly, looking unconvinced. (End of chapter)

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