Coupled with the high burst of the Shadow Assassin, it is indeed terrifying.

Wang Chen didn't have any good ideas for this. What else could he do except fight hand to hand?

We can't let the combat assassin follow the storm mage all over the field.

That picture is too nonsense.

"You have been cooperating for a long time, and now it is time to test your cooperation!"

"The duel between these two combinations looks like they are coordinated!"

Wang Chen said.

Whether it is the Storm Mage or the Combat Assassin, both have insufficient burst, but their continuous output is very good. The Storm Mage's control is okay, and the Combat Assassin's control is very strong.

The exorcist and shadow assassin both have excellent bursts. The exorcist also has tankiness and sufficient short-range control, which is simply a nightmare for other melee professions.

This battle is not completely hopeless.

It depends on whether Ah Chen and Qin Hongyan can figure it out.

Achen and Qin Hongyan were discussing strategies on the sidelines, and this time it was entirely up to them to use their free will.

Neither Wang Chen nor Jing Jiayu gave any suggestions.

After discussing for a while, the battle soon began.

This time the exorcist was holding back his energy and wanted to vent his resentment for being teased before.

As soon as the fight started, Ah Chen and Qin Hongyan ignored the shadow assassin. After Qin Hongyan entered the invisible state, Ah Chen ran straight towards the exorcist.

Before the shadow assassin could show up, Ah Chen used a whirlwind to control the exorcist in place.

Then, Qin Hongyan slowly backed away with small steps.

He ignored the exorcist again, but pretended to continue attacking.

When the Shadow Assassin appears, don't retreat backwards.

Qin Hongyan's sap skill has a long control time. As long as no one touches the exorcist, the exorcist will have to be controlled for more than ten seconds.

Then, the two have the same goal, which is the shadow assassin who has appeared.

He has been waiting for the Shadow Assassin to appear before. Only when he appears can he control the exorcist.

Otherwise, the Shadow Assassin has a chance to wake the Exorcist.

But as soon as he appears, he can focus his fire, and the shadow assassin will have no room to escape.

Ah Chen used his remaining control skills to control the shadow assassin in place, retreating while casting spells.

Qin Hongyan, on the other hand, ran as fast as she could, heading straight for the shadow assassin.

The two of them attacked from the left and right, and both had control skills. Before the exorcist could recover from the sap skill, he was beaten to a low level of health.

The Shadow Assassin just caught up with Ah Chen and knocked out nearly a third of Ah Chen's health.

But what can be done about the combined output and control skills of these two people.

There is no way to fight one against two.

It can be said that it was a very frustrating death.

However, it was the exorcist who was more aggrieved.

He watched helplessly as his accomplices were defeated, but there was nothing he could do.

Although he had a certain amount of resistance, he was still controlled for more than ten seconds.

Frustrated, he finally got rid of the shackles of control and angrily walked towards Ah Chen and Qin Hongyan.

It's just that the two of them work together, one far and one close, and they both have control skills.

The exorcist was completely manipulated by the two of them and was helpless.

Even though he tried his best, using spells and weapons, he was no match for the two of them.

In just half a minute, the exorcist was defeated in frustration.

After losing this round, he was almost furious...

Being teased in all kinds of ways, he was unable to show his strength at all.

First he was kited, and then he was controlled in various ways.

But the outcome has been decided, and it is hard to get angry. All we can do is try to beat the five opponents in the final round to vent the anger in our hearts. “Tsk, tut! You’re doing pretty well!”

After returning to the preparation table, Qin Hongyan showed a proud smile.

It turns out that these mages are playing tricks on the opponent. As a melee professional, she is the easiest to use as a breakthrough.

Fortunately, she and Ah Chen had a good strategy and relied on their control skills to beat the opponent to death.

"That's pretty good! Next, the five of us have to work together!"

Murong Xue smiled.

She is quite positive about her friends.

"Yeah! If you want to win, you have to win perfectly. Even five on five, you have to win!"

Qin Hongyan nodded.

I also have strong confidence in the upcoming games.

Immediately afterwards, the five people clapped their hands together to cheer each other up.

Before the game, the five of them had already practiced a lot of cooperation, and it can be said that they were well prepared.

In the next game, you just need to go all out.

Wang Chen didn't give them any advice. If they win, they will win, and if they lose, they will treat it as a test for them.

Anyway, the victory has been sealed.

Soon, when both parties were ready, they started directly.

All five people from both sides formed a formation, with the opponent's Berserker and Exorcist standing at the front, the Shadow Assassin standing on one side, and finally the Mage and Priest.

On Murong Xue's side, all five people stood in a row, including Lu Xiao's baby.

As soon as it started, the exorcists and berserkers rushed over like crazy. After the shadow assassin became invisible, he also rushed forward with them.

The Flame Mage began to output directly.

Murong Xue, on the other hand, followed Achen's look and immediately launched an attack.

They have many remote professions, so they have a certain advantage in being first.

Qin Hongyan, who was fighting the assassin, entered the invisible state and began to prepare to control the exorcist again according to the plan.

This is the tactic given by Ah Chen. First control the exorcist, then control the shadow assassin, let go of the berserker, and then focus on the fire mage.

All five people strictly followed Ah Chen's strategy.

It's just that the opponent is also very smart and understands the combat assassin's sap skills.

Therefore, the berserker is always by his side to prevent him from being sapped.

As long as you are sapped, give him a blow immediately to relieve the dizziness.

The battle is in full swing.

The first wave of remote output collided with each other first.

On Murong Xue's side, the three mages plus the beast tamer directly gathered the Yanhuo mages.

At the same time, the trainer's baby white tiger rushed directly towards the opponent's berserker.

Three mages faced off against one mage, as well as the beast tamer's bow and arrow. You could see gorgeous spells flying in the air.

The combat assassin Qin Hongyan also appeared in front of the opponent's exorcist. According to the plan, he directly sapped him.

But the opposing Berserker directly woke up the Exorcist.

"Damn it! I knew you would do this!"

The exorcist said angrily.

Qin Hongyan was stunned, they actually knew how to break it...

How to crack it was spinning rapidly in my mind.

But the exorcist's sickle was about to fly over soon, and a spell appeared on one of the exorcist's hands.

As long as he is controlled by this spell, it will be over. (End of chapter)

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