Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 236 Materials from the Military and Academic Institutions

In a hurry, a trace of green liquid appeared on the blade of the one-handed sword in his hand.

With a slash, the exorcist who had just finished speaking was frozen in place.

There is no way to defeat the exorcist this time, but the control time is much shorter than that of the sap.

The berserker on the side was at a loss when he saw this. Perhaps it was because his level was too low and he didn't have much confidence in the first place.

In such an unexpected situation, I don’t know what to do.

In a hurry, Qin Hongyan fought with this mad warrior.

Qin Hongyan didn't want to fight this mad warrior, but mainly to watch the exorcist. Once the exorcist got rid of the control, she needed to regain control.

After all control skills are on cooldown, she can retreat.

But now, I have nothing to do, so I might as well fight this mad warrior.

At the same time, as the two sides were fighting each other in the distance, the shadow assassin also appeared in front of Murong Xue.

As everyone knows, Murong Xue has always reserved her control skills, just waiting for the shadow assassin to show up.

Directly locking the shadow assassin in place.

In this way, all the control from Murong Xue's side was used on the exorcist and shadow assassin.

The output is directed at the opponent's Flame Mage.

Even Lu Xiao's baby will help control the exorcist.

Soon the flame mage's blood volume reached its bottom. Even though their holy priest was feeding him like crazy, he still couldn't get enough milk.

After all, he was bearing the concentrated fire of three and a half people.

The beast tamer's output is not very high, and it is not too much to think of him as half a human.

By the time the exorcist got rid of all the control of the combat assassin, the fire mage on his side had already been killed.

Frustrated, he moved forward quickly, trying to rush in front of the three mages and perform crazy output.

Both mages are beauties, and although the other mage is a man, he is also a bitch.

But it was these three mages who began to put control over him.

No more need for combat assassins to help control.


Murong Xue shouted, and first used ice arrows to control him in place.


When the exorcist was about to move, Ah Chen shouted and used the whirlwind to control the exorcist again.


Pu Bai took over Achen's control and made the exorcist unable to control him.

The three people follow a certain order and constantly control each other.

And all their output was directed at the shadow assassins.

Lu Xiao has been helping with output, and from time to time orders Baobao to control the shadow assassin.

Even though the Shadow Assassin was a little tougher than the Mage, he still couldn't withstand the concentrated fire of five people.

Even Qin Hongyan turned around and started working as a shadow assassin.

In just two rounds of skills, along with slashes and arrows, the shadow assassin was killed.

Then the target was changed to the Holy Priest.

Although the berserkers frantically helped fight Qin Hongyan, the output of both sides was no longer on the same level.

After all, the opponent's most powerful mage was killed.

When the exorcist could move, he found that all his accomplices were gone.

From the battle to the end, he had not had a single bit of output.

It was completely spent in a controlled state.


The exorcist spat out a mouthful of blood.

Not one who was beaten, but one who was angry, furious and unable to bear the humiliation.

But no matter how he reacts, it can't change any outcome.

The teacher in charge of the referee announced the result directly.

Complete victory... no suspense.

After the five of them returned to the preparation table, Ah Chen jumped up excitedly.

Wang Chen rolled his eyes at him and then calmed down. "It's just a victory, nothing to be excited about. Our goal is the final victory."

"Now, it's just the first step!"

Jing Jiayu reminded.

Murong Xue smiled and said: "Yes, winning easily should be our norm. There is nothing to be happy about. However, when the game is over, I will treat you when you go out!"

Still have to celebrate.

"You go ahead! I still have something to do with your teacher Jing!"

Wang Chen waved his hand directly, but he didn't have time to eat with them.

Time was already tight.

"Wang Chen, this is our first time to win, and this is the first time we are all here together. You can leave after dinner, okay?"

Murong Xue tried to persuade her.

This time, she was prepared to spend a lot of money to treat everyone to a feast.

So I don’t want this protagonist to be absent.

Although the protagonist has never appeared.

"Brother Chen, my senior is bleeding a lot, please give me a reward!"

Ah Chen also begged.

The other team members all looked at him expectantly.

"How about we go to the Void Frontline after dinner?"

Jing Jiayu felt the enthusiasm of these people and looked at Wang Chen.


After Wang Chen thought for a while, he nodded.

It's really hard to spoil everyone's sex.

While they were discussing the meal, the students present started talking about the battle.

This team battle gave them a lot of exposure to the world, and they saw a lot of play styles that they had never tried before.

There is also a new understanding of one-on-one and two-on-two play styles.

"Damn, it turns out that the control profession is so good in five-on-five. As long as you control more, you can beat the opponent to death. It doesn't matter even if you don't recover!"

"This game was so exciting. The team organized by Ares Academy has such a novel style of play, which opened my eyes."

"Especially those mages, who release spells while running, are simply a nightmare for melee professionals!"

"I really want to know which melee profession dares to challenge these mages. It seems that they can't beat them at all. It's particularly unsolvable..."

"It's so shameless. The mage profession can fight like this, which will disgust the melee profession to death!"

"No, that exorcist was so disgusted that he vomited blood!"

"Haha! I'm almost laughing to death. That exorcist was treated so badly. If it were me, I'd want to hit a wall!"


Everyone was talking about it.

Even Nie Hongbo also gave his approval, "These five little guys fought beautifully. This kind of cooperation is pretty good in your military region!"

Mr. Zhong pondered for a moment and nodded.

This is a fact that cannot be refuted.

"Those people in the military region are still too rigid in their style of play. Did you use a mapping ball to record this game?"

Mr. Zhong asked.

"Hmm! Do you want to use this game as material to show to the people below?"

Nie Hongbo said in surprise.

"Yeah! Let them know about the flexibility of the style of play. This kid Wang Chen does have two skills!"

"It just so happens that the material of this game is suitable for use in small-scale conflicts."

Mr. Zhong nodded and said.

"Our school also plans to use this competition to make teaching materials and start showing them to second- and third-grade students!"

"Extreme pulling, perfect coordination, clear thinking, even we have to learn from it!"

Nie Hongbo said with emotion. (End of chapter)

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