Little did they know that they had been locked by the Hongjian-8 missile.

The Hongjian-8 missile also has the function of automatic tracking.

After drawing a perfect arc in the air, it headed straight for the Onmyoji and Earth Ninja.


Then, there was an explosion right in the middle of them.

A small mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

They, who were already low on health, were instantly blown into a pile of minced flesh.

For a moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the scene was extremely cruel.


"What kind of missile is this? It's too scary!"

After Jing Jiayu saw the explosion of the missile, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Even the two mutants couldn't help but stop their attack. After seeing the explosion, they all felt bad, and fearful thoughts occupied their hearts.

This was the first time they had seen such a terrifying missile.

Just a small missile can blow up an earth-type ninja who is half-healthy and has the earth-bending hardening technique to pieces, leaving no trace of his body intact.

One can imagine how terrifying the opponent's strength is.

Moreover, they are only at level twenty-seven, but they are all more than ten levels higher than Wang Chen.

If Wang Chen reaches level 40, he will be able to crush them to death with just his fingers.

When I think of the level, I feel chills running down my spine, and I even break out in a cold sweat.

After the Onmyoji was killed, the Shikigami Red Shadow Demon Sword Princess lost her master and is now in a masterless state.

" master is dead!"

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl suddenly fell into confusion.

She used to be full of doubts about the orders given by her master, and she was also full of doubts about the whole world.

But when her master died, she was even more at a loss.

I don’t know what to do, let alone where to go.

But the battle was still going on, and Wang Chen ignored the Red Shadow Demon Sword Girl who was lost in thought.

Target the other two mutants.

The two mutants were completely frightened and did not dare to attack anymore. They even had the idea of ​​​​escape.

Three of the five-person team were now dead.

The mutants' tankiness is really good, but their output is average. The team's strongest output is all dead, so how can they continue to fight.

Although they mutate and become bloodthirsty and cruel, they are not stupid and do not want to die.

The two realized that Wang Chen had already raised the golden gun of Gatling Purgatory.

I suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

The two looked at each other and seemed to have reached some kind of agreement. They subconsciously knelt on the ground and raised their hands.

"Don't... don't kill us, we surrender!"

One of the mutants spoke the language of the Dragon Kingdom very poorly.

When Wang Chen saw the two kneeling guys, he looked disgusted.

Just this bit of backbone? Surrender if you can't beat him?

This made Wang Chen look down on them even more.

"Da da da da da..."

Although the two mutants had surrendered, they were still greeted by bullets one after another.

Without any suspense, the two mutants were killed and fell to the ground in a matter of seconds.

The two men had doubts and shock in their eyes when they were about to die. They couldn't imagine why the gunner would be so cruel. Isn’t it said that professionals from the Dragon Kingdom are often very kind?

As long as they surrender, they will not be killed or persecuted, and they will even be properly placed as prisoners of war.

Although he would definitely be killed if he returned to Sakura Country after surrendering, at least he would not be in any danger while being a prisoner.

"Well done! To deal with these guys from Sakura Country, you have to be scared to death, and you can't show any mercy!"

Zhang Min clapped her hands and applauded.

At this time, she no longer had any mysophobia and even became more cruel.

Jing Jiayu was also relieved that the fierce battle was finally over.

Originally, she was full of worries. Although she recognized Wang Chen's strength, after all, there were many people on the other side and her level was still high.

But now, it turns out that Wang Chen defeated everyone on the other side almost by himself.

This is something Jing Jiayu never expected.

Although I thought I could defeat the opponent, I never expected to win so easily.

Wang Chen's firepower is too fierce...

It's too violent.

"Her? What to do?"

Jing Jiayu frowned when he saw the only remaining shikigami, Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl.

No matter what, Wang Chen has to deal with it.

After killing two mutants, he didn't continue shooting. He must have had his own plan.

Wang Chen put away the Purgatory Gatling and slowly walked in front of the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl.

He said calmly: "You do not belong to this world. Your master is dead. I will give you two choices. One is to return to your original underworld, and the other is to follow me back to the Dragon Kingdom. I will find you a A master who has psychic abilities and is responsible for protecting mankind."

"Of course, you don't have to choose either, but if you want to harm humans and harm our professionals in the Dragon Kingdom, I will kill you directly!"

At the moment, the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl has not grown up yet.

If Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl can grow up, she will also be a very outstanding combat power.

It's just that it's very difficult to tame the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl. Wang Chen has read about the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl in books.

This kind of shikigami has an instinct to fight on the battlefield. With the red light blade, it can attack every enemy faster and more accurately. It can be said to be a great weapon in war.

But her mind is easily distorted. In essence, before she became a shikigami or a weapon, she was a human being.

She doesn't recognize her killing instinct.


Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl was in a dilemma, and she didn't know how to make a decision.

The master died in battle, but she still faced death, but the way of death was different from that of a normal professional.

"I know you are not willing to kill, and killing is not your nature. Before becoming a shikigami, a shikigami like you was a human being, a human like them!"

"But if you are a human being, you have one duty, and that is to protect your family, loved ones, and the world!"

"I believe that through your understanding of this world, you should know about human beings and what is good and what is evil!"

"Of course, I am not against killing. In today's chaotic world, killing is to protect others and yourself, but I am against the indiscriminate killing of innocent people and the killing of those who do not deserve to die!"

Wang Chen said slowly.

Red Shadow Demon Sword Princess is a good shikigami, and she is originally a ghost attached to the weapon, and has no sense of belonging to the country.

But after she becomes a shikigami, her master will train her into a killing weapon.

Many shikigami are like this.

The fact that Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl can fall into contemplation and struggle is enough to show that she does not want to be called a killing machine.

She wants to be her true self, not someone else's weapon.

"I...I understand this world, but I don't want to be a weapon, I just want to be a normal person!" (End of Chapter)

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