Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 246 Conquering the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl spoke with difficulty.

She was deeply moved by every word spoken by the twenty-seventh-level professional in front of her.

Indeed, her master never regarded her as a human being, she was just a killing machine for him.

Nothing else.

All she was taught was killing and how to kill efficiently.

She hated this deeply.

What she didn't understand was how did this young man know all her thoughts?

Moreover, it is still so clear.

That's right, she was a person before, not a weapon or a shikigami.

She also doesn't want to be a killing machine.

But if you want to truly be a human being, you still need to know a lot of things about human beings.

So, she was in pain and struggling.

"You used to be a human, but in reality you are a ghost. According to Sakura Country, you are a ghost."

"So you don't have any issues with national boundaries. It's up to you to choose what to do!"

Wang Chen continued.

In fact, Wang Chen still plans to keep this promising shikigami as long as possible.

If such a powerful combat power can be left to professionals in the Dragon Kingdom who can control the ghosts, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

Wang Chen was even thinking about whether Lu Xiao, the beast tamer, had a chance of subduing the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl.

But the probability is not high, after all, the animal trainer does not know magic such as channeling.

Unless you can encounter an even rarer and rarer profession, the corpse chaser.

The probability of awakening this profession is even lower than that of Wang Chen, a hidden profession.

Red Shadow Demon Sword Princess fell into deep thought. As a shikigami, she didn't know how to choose.

Jing Jiayu couldn't help but said: "Shikigami are ghosts and gods, and they are also humans in nature. If you are willing to be a truly kind and just human being, we are willing to take you in!"

"I can also find you a professional who can contract with you to make you stronger and safer."

"Of course, even if it is a contract, we will ensure your relative freedom. The prerequisite for freedom is that you will not do bad things or kill people indiscriminately!"

She also saw Wang Chen's thoughts, so she quickly helped.

I hope I can help Wang Chen take away this powerful shikigami.

Of course, such a powerful shikigami can be killed, but after the so-called killing, the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Princess will return to the underworld, but if she returns to the underworld, the people of Sakura Kingdom still have a chance to let her return to the world. .

The best way now is to subdue the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl and let her serve the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if she is not serving the Dragon Kingdom, she is absolutely not allowed to cause trouble in the world.

"Okay! I can be your... weapon!"

"But I have a request. I must find a powerful human being, a so-called psychic. Most humans cannot withstand my power of ghosts and gods."

"However, while being strong, I hope that I am not a murderous person. I can contribute to the protection of mankind, but I never want to be a weapon that kills innocent people indiscriminately, nor will I be an accomplice of such a person!"

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl said slowly.

Whenever she was commanded to kill with a sharp blade, her despair would only deepen when the sharp blade fell.

So she always hoped to get rid of this feeling, and she didn't want to become an accomplice of the killer.

"You haven't found a professional in Sakura Country who is strong enough to withstand the power of your own ghosts and gods. Do you think we can find one? This is unrealistic!"

Jing Jiayu said in confusion.

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl pondered for a moment, her eyes locked on Wang Chen, and she murmured: "There are many talented people in the Dragon Kingdom, he...he will definitely help me find them!"

"In him, I seem to feel a powerful luck that I have never felt before!"

Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min couldn't help but be startled when they heard...    Strong luck? What is this?

However, if you think about it carefully, only ghosts and gods can feel such ethereal things.

Since Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl said this, they also believed that Wang Chen might really be a person with strong luck.

"Then just follow me first and I will try my best to help you find it!"

"If it doesn't work, just follow me in your current state!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said.

It seems that the only thing that can be considered about Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl is to go to Mr. Zhong.

If you can't find a profession that can channel psychics even in the Southern Military Region, it will probably be even harder to find one elsewhere.

"Okay! Sir!"

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl bowed respectfully towards Wang Chen.

Perhaps due to the cultural influence of Sakura Country for so many years, he still has instinctive respect for those powerful people, and even his name will become adults.

"Follow me first!"

"But you have to remember that you can be cruel and bloodthirsty when it comes to void creatures, because void creatures have killed countless humans. You were once a member of humanity, and you should know what you should do for humanity."

"Those professionals from Sakura Country who kill people, you must also show your cruel and bloodthirsty side. You should know that if such people are killed, they deserve it!"

Wang Chen gave Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl two requests.

The Crimson Shadow Demon Sword Girl has now awakened, so she is unwilling to kill too much or follow the killing orders.

But what's the difference between wanting a useless shikigami and not having it?

"Yes! Just follow what the adults say!"

"I know the viciousness and cruelty of void creatures. I am willing to protect humans like a real human being and restore the killing instinct for the righteous master."

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl nodded and said.

The expression is very serious.


Wang Chen nodded.

Then he ignored Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl.

Instead, he walked near the corpse of the mutant and killed and cheated in one go.

This has become Wang Chen's habit.

In many cases, the harvest from killing people and stealing goods is much faster than playing dungeons.

I picked up four pieces of gold-level equipment and six pieces of silver-level equipment. In addition, there are materials, medicines and gold coins.

However, these guys are relatively poor, and the value of materials, medicine, and gold coins is pitifully low.

As for the equipment, compared to ordinary professionals, it is pretty good.

It shows that they spent all their financial resources on equipment.

Then I searched the bodies of onmyoji, water ninjas, and earth ninjas, and the harvest was pretty good.

However, all the equipment did not have platinum or diamond levels, which made Wang Chen quite disappointed.

Wang Chen has no use for gold-level equipment.

The same is true for Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min. Although their own equipment is all gold-level equipment, they are also the best among gold-level equipment.

It is simply not comparable to these equipment.

In other words, Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min get along quite well.

While Wang Chen was selling goods, Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl had been following Wang Chen closely, following every step.

Right now, in her heart, Wang Chen is already half of her master. (End of chapter)

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