Everyone suddenly realized that Wang Chen had his own plan.

Wang Chen glanced back at Jing Jiayu, and Jing Jiayu immediately understood.

He took out a rope from his storage space and tied up the fire ninja directly.

"Sir, please spare my life!"

The fire ninja cried.

"Want to live?"

Wang Chen walked up to him leisurely and took out a dagger in his hand.

Putting it directly on the neck of the fire ninja, "Then you should be obedient. You will answer whatever I ask."

"Of course, you can lie, but if I find you lying at all, you can go underground to meet your teammates!"

The fire ninja was so frightened that he even knelt on the ground.

"Sir, I...I won't lie!"

He spoke the language of the Dragon Kingdom that was not fluent, and his body shrank into a ball.

What surprised him the most was that he could see that the woman behind Wang Chen was clearly the Shikigami of Onmyoji.

Even the shikigami of the Onmyoji rebelled, which was entirely something he imagined.

Normally, the shikigami of the Sakura Kingdom are loyal to their masters, but why did this shikigami betray his master and join a professional from the Dragon Kingdom?

The most important thing is that with this shikigami here, if he wants to lie, he is afraid that the other party will find out soon.

In other words... if you want to lie and get away, the possibility is extremely low, and you are still joking with your own life.

Who knows how many secrets this shikigami holds about the professionals sent out by Sakura Country this time.

"Very good! Then let me ask you, how many professionals did you dispatch this time?"

Wang Chen nodded and asked.


The fire ninja rolled his eyes. Although he was very scared, he was still thinking about whether he should lie.

If the other party gets hold of information about Sakura Country, it will probably cause some harm to their people.

So...if he had the chance to lie without getting caught, he would definitely lie.


Wang Chen nodded.

There was no lie in this question, but this fire ninja was not very honest, and Wang Chen saw all the changes in his eyes.

"Then how many levels are there approximately?"

Wang Chen continued to ask.


The fire ninja pondered for a long time before he said: "There are forty between forty and forty-two, ten at level forty-three and forty-four, and one at level forty-five!"

Since there are many ninjas sent from Sakura Country, it is still a little difficult to calculate.

He may not know everything.

It's just that... the last one at level 45... made Wang Chen's mouth reveal a cruel smile.


He kicked the fire ninja hard in the crotch.


The painful fire ninja suddenly started to cry out, and the severe pain made him unable to stand up at all.

"You still want to fool me, don't you?"

Wang Chen said with a smile.

The eyes he looked at the fire ninja were full of amusement.

I had known for a long time that this guy was lying, so I deliberately asked him a question that could confuse the quantity.

And he happened to refer to a level 50 professional as a level 45 professional.

The level 50 professional remained silent.

If he didn't know that there was a level 50 professional, he would never mention that there was a level 45 professional.

I just wanted to falsely report this person's level to mislead Wang Chen.

This false report could cost Wang Chen his life.

Fortunately, Wang Chen found out about it as soon as he mentioned it.

"Why...why..."    "I...I didn't lie..."

The fire ninja breathed out these words with difficulty.

He was puzzled, why did he hit himself?

Could it be that he was caught lying? How did you discover it?

Could it be that this shikigami knew that they dispatched level 50 professionals?

"You little beast is dishonest and dares to lie!"

When Wu Zhan heard this, he quickly kicked his butt several times.

Not only him, Qin Yong stepped up to make up for it.

He kicked the fire ninja until he screamed, and said quickly: "I...I said, can't I say it?"

"Then tell me quickly! If you don't tell the truth, I will chop you to death!"

Wu Zhan said fiercely.

He also picked up the long sword in his hand. Although he would not use it, it still acted as a threat.

"There is a level 50 wood ninja...he acts alone...!"

The fire ninja said in pain as he covered his crotch.

At this point, he didn't dare to tell any more lies.

If he is discovered again, he will not die, but he will definitely suffer inhuman torture.

There is no doubt about this.

They, the professionals from the Sakura Kingdom, frequently attacked the professionals from the Dragon Kingdom.

And aroused public outrage, and now he has become the prisoner of the other party... I am afraid that a beating will be inevitable.

But he doesn't want to die yet, because he doesn't fully understand what the will of fire is.

He only knows the instinct of life, which is to live, no matter what, he must live.

Wood ninja?

Wang Chen fell into deep thought.

It has to be said that the wood ninja is the most difficult profession among many ninjas.

The control is extremely strong, it also has group control skills, the output is very high, and it also has wood escape to protect itself.

Although the tankiness is not as good as those of professional tank professions, it is worse than other professions.

Wang Chen looked at the fire ninja again and said coldly: "What profession is he pretending to be?"

Just this question stunned him...

Why do you even know about wood ninjas pretending to be other professions?

However, the fire ninja was not a pure fool, and he quickly realized that the shikigami must have revealed everything he knew.

"Ghost Sword Warrior!"

The fire ninja said slowly.

People are in Daozu, I have to say.

"Tsk tsk! He actually has the same profession as you!"

Zhang Min looked at Jing Jiayu with a smile.

Jing Jiayu didn't quite understand, "Why are you pretending to be my profession?"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said: "He will definitely be able to use the sword. If the wood ninjutsu is used on the sword, the wood ninjutsu can also produce sword effects, but the aura is different from the ghost sword."

"But Ghost Sword Warriors are rare, and not many people can identify them, so in most teams they can be confused with the real ones!"

This is also the only possibility.

"How much else do you know about him!"

Then he looked at the fire ninja and asked coldly.


The fire ninja really didn't know what to say and was trembling all over.

He knew that if he couldn't give him anything useful, he would die here on the spot.

"I can say it...but you have to promise me that after I say it, you have to let me live!"

The fire ninja said with difficulty.

But relying on his instinctive desire to survive, he said it all at once.


"I will let you live!" (End of Chapter)

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