Wang Chen said lightly.

The fire ninja didn't know what he meant.

After thinking for a while, he quickly said: "He has a wife, no children, and is a jounin..."


But before he even finished speaking, Wang Chen slapped him hard.

A mouthful of blows hit him, causing three of his teeth to fall out immediately, leaving a mouth full of blood.


But the fire ninja didn't know what was wrong with him.

He had tried his best to tell everything he knew.

But why was he slapped again?

"Say it's useful!"

Wang Chen said coldly.

The fire ninja tried hard to think about what was useful and what was useless.

After a long while, he said: "He usually has four attack methods, summoning tree roots to emerge from the ground and binding the enemy, and using trees to hit the enemy. The last one is to trap the enemy in a pile of trees, and then These trees turn into tree men and attack the enemy!"

In his eyes, this is already useful enough.

Wang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

However, Wang Chen knew very well that this was just a general method used by this wood-type ninja, and might not be his ultimate move.

Every professional will hide his own ultimate move and will not use it until absolutely necessary, so that he can better protect himself.

Things at the bottom of the box must not be taken out casually.

After seeing Wang Chen's expression, the fire ninja felt relieved.

It turns out that this is what the other party wants to know...

After pondering for a moment, he continued: "Other than that, I only heard that he can mobilize the power of the forest. I don't know how exactly!"

"What kind of equipment is he wearing? What does he look like!"

Wang Chen glanced at him and continued.

"Two pieces of diamond-level equipment, and the rest are all gold-level!"

"As for his appearance... he has a long face, an eagle nose, and a scar on his eyebrow. He likes to wear hats, but I don't know if he wears them when he is pretending to be a ghost sword warrior!"

The fire ninja said quickly.

I can't wait to blurt out everything I know.


Wang Chen nodded.

I have to say that the equipment of this wooden ninja is indeed good. Diamond-level equipment is extremely difficult for even a level 50 professional to obtain.

The explosion rate of the copy is even pitifully low.

Therefore, most professionals at levels 40 and 50 mostly wear silver or gold level equipment.

Only a few people can get diamond level equipment.

"Excellent performance!"

"I promised you to let you live!"

Wang Chen smiled and patted the fire ninja on the shoulder, then untied the rope from his body.

"let's go!"

While speaking, he looked at Jing Jiayu and others, and finally glanced at the five-man team that had just been helped.

The five of them are still in the clouds, they only know that Wang Chen and his people helped them.

Ke asked a lot of things about level 50 Sakura Country professionals.

Could it be that Wang Chen is going to take action against this level 50 Sakura Country professional?

This is something they can't even imagine.

The level gap is really too big, like a chasm.

No matter how powerful Wang Chen is and how powerful his output is, it is impossible to deal with a level 50 professional.

However, Wang Chen's eyes were clear to them.

This is leaving this living mouth to them.

"Thank you! Thank you, sir!"

The fire ninja quickly thanked him.

After thanking him, he had to escape as quickly as possible.

Little did he know that the five-man team that had just fought had already surrounded him.

"You...what are you going to do?"

The fire ninja said tremblingly.    “Of course I want to kill you!”

The leader of the heavily armored warrior said coldly.

"But... Mr. Wang Chen just said to let me go!"

The fire ninja said quickly.

I want to use Wang Chen as a shield to give myself a chance to survive.

"He said it, but we didn't say we would let you go!"

The heavily armored warrior still had a cold tone.

"Despicable, you don't keep your word!"

The fire ninja immediately became furious.

"You say it as if you have any credibility. You are only capable of sneak attacks and ambushes. You are a shady piece of shit!"

The heavily armored warrior cursed angrily.


The fire ninja was unconvinced.

But I couldn't think of how to refute it.

Indeed, they mainly focus on sneak attacks and ambushes.

"Stop talking nonsense, just kill him! These beasts have hurt many people in our Dragon Kingdom!"

An ice mage said coldly.

"That's right! How can we talk about trust with such a beast? What's more, we haven't broken our trust. Wang Chen promised to let him go, but we didn't..."

"There's nothing wrong with it!"

The priest quickly echoed.


Then, after a huge roar, the fire ninja was beaten to death by the five of them.

The death was horrific.

"Tsk! Wang Chen, I find you are too bad!"

Jing Jiayu said with a smile after hearing the tragic sound.

"You did promise to let him go, but others didn't promise... What a trick!"

Zhang Min couldn't help but sigh.

"We were kind enough without torturing him!"

Wang Chen smiled and shook his head.

Wang Chen currently has no interest in torturing things.

But if anyone angers Wang Chen, he will be killed directly. There is no other option.

"You just don't want to waste your time. If I have enough time, I really want to torture these beasts and make them so despicable and shameless!"

Jing Jiayu sighed.

Along the way, I saw so many people who had been killed by Sakura Country professionals in sneak attacks, and I had long been filled with righteous indignation.

I wish I could kill all these Sakura Country professionals.

"Don't think about how to torture people first. What you should think about first is how to make yourself stronger!"

"As long as you are stronger, you can kill them at will!"

Wang Chen changed the subject.

Jing Jiayu, a teacher, has little interest in leveling up, completing dungeons, or even playing in the battlefield, so her level has never been high.

There is no teacher who is similar to her age who is not four or five levels higher than her.

"I know……"

Jing Jiayu nodded awkwardly.

She also knew very well that she didn't work hard. The reason why she came to Huaqing University to be a teacher was because she wanted to live a more relaxed life.

"If you know this, you can clear more dungeons in the future. If it still doesn't work, quit your job as a teacher and focus on upgrading and improving yourself!"

Wang Chen continued.

This world is inherently dangerous, and improving one's own strength is the last word.

As for the profession of's pretty useless to begin with. It would be just right to find a few professionals with neither high nor low abilities to be teachers.

As for Jing Jiayu, a rare professional ghost sword warrior, becoming a teacher would be a waste of her career.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a talentless person.

After the Ghost Sword Warrior reaches the later stage, it is a profession with extremely exaggerated output, and it is mysterious and extremely useful on the battlefield. (End of chapter)

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