Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 257 Entering the Goblin Lair for the First Time

Not even inferior to the elemental mage.

But the quantity is too small.

"Resign... How dare you think that if I don't take classes, many SU students will not be able to take my classes!"

Jing Jiayu said unconvinced.

But what I have to say is that there are indeed many students who like Jing Jiayu's class, and basically every class is packed.

This is partly related to her appearance, and secondly, her lectures are indeed very attractive.

"Tsk tsk! It's as if I made the most popular teacher resign for my own sake!"

Wang Chen smiled.

"That's not the case, so Wang Chen, let's not just think about ourselves!"

Jing Jiayu said quickly.

It sounds like he is so selfless.

A few people were talking and laughing, and soon arrived at the door of the mutated goblin's lair.

The team of five people was already in order.

It was just their appearance that stunned the people around them.

Why is there still a level 27 professional?

Now in this area, in order to guard against Sakura Kingdom professionals, Dragon Kingdom professionals have formed an unwritten rule.

That means you are not allowed to wear cover medals.

This will prevent some Sakura Kingdom professionals from getting into the ranks of Dragon Kingdom professionals.

After all, among the professions in Sakura Country, there are three distinctive professions: ninja, onmyoji, and mutant.

By checking the information, you can tell which country the professional is from.

Of course, traditional professions such as warriors, mages, and priests cannot be judged.

But within certain limits, Sakura Country professionals can be discovered in advance.

As for Wang Chen, who was not wearing a shielding medal, all his levels were visible to others.

Wang Chen ignored these people's doubts and ridicules.

I'm afraid there are still many professionals who don't know themselves.

Wang Chen is only well-known in the military region, but these professionals who spend all day upgrading outside do not know this.

Therefore, they were very surprised, why would this level 27 professional come here? And looking at this posture, he still has to fight the mutant goblin nest.

In their eyes, this is undoubtedly a matter of death.

"What kind of team is this? Why did you bring a level 27 person with you? Are you crazy? We are not afraid that this level 27 person will hold us back and kill the entire team!"

"I estimate that this level 27 professional will live for less than ten minutes. The mutant goblin lair is no joke!"

"I'm really tired of living. I dare to take care of such a low-level person!"


Everyone was talking about it.

Wang Chen ignored them at all, but glanced around.

Now we need to determine where there may be people from Sakura Country.

Fortunately, everyone here has revealed their own information, making it easier to distinguish.

I glanced around, but didn't see any Sakura Country professionals.

These people... are probably aware of the consensus issue among Dragon Kingdom professionals and would not dare to show up for a sneak attack.

"Have you found anyone from Sakura Country?"

Zhang Min asked curiously.


Wang Chen said simply.

"What about us?"

Zhang Min continued to ask curiously.

Wang Chen thought for a while, nodded and said, "Let's go in!"

Since we haven't encountered them yet, let's let the people from the Sakura Kingdom chatter for a while, and then deal with them after they upgrade.

Soon, the five people formed a team and entered the dungeon directly.

The entire dungeon was filled with a depressing atmosphere, with a strong smell of blood.

And a monster over two meters tall also appeared in front of them, and they happened to meet this guy passing by the door.

Wang Chen took a look at the monster's information.

[Mutated Goblin Guard (enhanced elite monster)! 】

[Level: 35] ˆˆˆ [Strength: 18000]

[Agility: 19000]

【Intelligence: 20000】

[Skills: double hit, stun, roar]

I have to say that the three-dimensional attributes of this monster are really high.

And there are three skills.

It's just that as a goblin, it is very large and completely different from normal goblins.

It can even be said that it is full of contradictions.

Just as Wang Chen was looking at the mutated goblin guard information, Wu Zhan, a tank professional.

Without any hesitation, he quickly charged in front of the mutated goblin guard and began to taunt the enemy with all his strength.

Wang Chen took a deep breath and had to say that Wu Zhan's professionalism was indeed very good.

You don't need anyone to direct you, you just know how to block the monsters and silently contribute to others.

It was just this move that stunned Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min.

Wang Chen always likes to do his own damage and does not use the tank profession at all. Even using the tank profession will affect the speed of monster spawning.

Mainly because the tank profession and monsters are fighting together. If Wang Chen takes action again, it will be easy to kill someone!

"Back off!"

Wang Chen shouted.

Qin Yong was completely stunned. What does this mean?

He was not the only one who was filled with doubts. How could he dislike them?

Wang Chen saw the weird looks in several people's eyes and roughly guessed what they meant.

But it is easy to accidentally injure them.

But realistically speaking, Wu Zhan did nothing wrong.

He's just doing his job.

As for the rest, he hasn't considered it yet.

Wu Zhan obediently took a few steps back.

"Da da da da..."

Wang Chen picked up the Gatling Purgatory and shot out at the monster.

The protection of the secondary armor-piercing bullets is also mixed with freezing bombs.

The monster was completely frozen in an instant.

But it was no match for Wang Chen. With just one bullet, it completely lost its life.

Everyone else looked stunned.

What the hell is this speed? The battle was resolved so quickly?

Don't give them a chance to take action at all.

【Ding! Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the mutated Goblin guard, gaining 20000 experience, and obtaining amethyst stone*5...]

Wang Chen was quite excited to see the increase in experience.

As long as you keep brushing, your level will also increase desperately.

The experience of an elite monster here is several times higher than outside.

And they are not bitter enough, as if Wang Chen is clenched in his teeth.

“This experience is so cool!”

Zhang Min exclaimed.

She has never downloaded a dungeon with Wang Chen, so she doesn't know how easily Wang Chen can gain experience.

"Da da da da da..."

Wang Chen turned the muzzle of his gun towards another pile of mutated goblins.

Three rounds of bullets directly killed all the mutated goblins.

【Ding! Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the mutated Goblin Guard, and gaining 20000 experience points]

[Congratulations on getting Goblin Bones*2]

【Ding! Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the mutated Goblin Guard, and gaining 20000 experience points]

[Congratulations on getting high-grade fur*2]

There is more and more material coming out, and there is so much experience.

Everyone said it was a pleasure.

"Didn't you say that this copy is difficult?"

"Now it seems like that's all!"

Wang Chen said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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