But this sentence directly aroused Jing Jiayu's dissatisfaction.

Jing Jiayu said: "Where are we now? The tough monster is behind!"

Wang Chen naturally knows this. The current monster difficulty is only average, just starting with one.

Wang Chen was extremely careful when killing mutant goblins.

None of these goblins are too low-level, and Jing Jiayu has long heard that some goblins have dizzy effects, making them difficult to guard against.

Wang Chen, who focuses on remote output, also needs to pay attention.

If he was accidentally attacked by some monster, he would probably be killed on the spot.

Wang Chen doesn't think these mutated goblins are any good things.

The monsters in the dungeon are all extremely ferocious.

"Don't rush forward, try to rely on me to deal with it alone!"

Wang Chen instructed.

"Da da da da..."

Another round of bullets hit a group of mutated goblins, but what surprised Wang Chen was that part of the round of bullets... disappeared out of thin air, as if it had fallen into other places.

In other words...there are indeed invisible monsters.

Even though Wang Chen was so prepared, he couldn't see these invisible monsters at all.

"We can only kill and leave at the same time!"

"These monsters have very low IQs!"

Wang Chen said in a deep voice.

The invisible monster really confused Wang Chen.

But now we can only shoot indiscriminately.

What surprised Wang Chen the most was that he actually killed a mutant goblin out of thin air.

In other words, this mutated goblin had been in stealth form, but now it was shot to death by Wang Chen.

I have to say, this guy is very well hidden!

However, this time Wang Chen was more determined to shoot indiscriminately.

For these invisible monsters, indiscriminate shooting is currently the best way.

Regardless of whether they are invisible or not, monsters have one thing in common, that is, once they discover a human, they will rush towards them without fear of death.

Therefore, Wang Chen's gunfire can attract a lot of invisible goblins.

Wu Zhan and Qin Yong looked at each other with their jaws in shock.

This is the legendary mutant goblin lair!

But here at Wang Chen, it is simply a feast of experience. These powerful mutated goblins are completely not worth mentioning in front of Wang Chen.

"Remember that with a team of five of us, it would be difficult to kill even a mutated goblin."

"But Wang Chen has already killed more than 20 goblins. These goblins can't withstand the bullet damage of Wang Chen's little brother!"

Wu Zhan exclaimed.

"There were several invisible goblins, but they were all killed by Wang Chen!"

Qin Yong shouted.

The continuous improvement of experience makes them feel very satisfied.

But Wang Chen didn't take it lightly at all. Even if he killed the mutated goblin in front of him, he would still shoot two more shuttles into the air.

After all, there are invisible monsters, and Wang Chen doesn't care about the consumption of bullets.

Tutu and that's it.

The deeper you go, the more mutated goblins there are.

Under Wang Chen's indiscriminate group injuries, these mutated goblins all became experience points.

In just five minutes in this dungeon, Wang Chen's experience increased by a quarter.

If you keep brushing, you will be getting closer and closer to level 30.

The most important thing is that now it is a team of five people.

The experience has shrunk significantly, but Wang Chen is still very satisfied.

After getting familiar with this dungeon, wouldn't it be fun to play it solo again?

After fighting for a while, Wang Chen discovered that there were eight avenues in the dungeon area, and each avenue was connected to each other.

But if you look at it as a whole, it looks like a maze.

Fortunately, they will eventually come together in one place.

He took Jing Jiayu and others and killed a circle without wasting a single monster. Experience is increasing like a tide, and we are getting closer to level twenty-eight.

If Wang Chen's level can grow when he goes out, he will gain a lot of confidence in dealing with level 50 professionals in Sakura Country.

Every time the gunner is upgraded, there will be a huge improvement.

I just don’t know if new weapons will be unlocked after upgrading.

But according to past experience, new weapons will be unlocked every five levels.

But Wang Chen is very anxious...

But we can only wait until level twenty-eight.

After experiencing Wang Chen's killing spree, everyone walked out of the passage.

There were mutated goblin corpses everywhere inside.

The experience level has also reached 50%, and there is still half left to level up.

Now Wang Chen's killing efficiency is very high.

After passing through this maze-like area, we came to a small BOSS territory.

You can see a huge passage thousands of meters long, surrounded by rooms that are no different from prisons.

In every house, the roar of dogs can be heard from time to time.

And these roars are all like the sounds of a mad dog, as if it wants to eat everything in the world.

In the middle of this huge passage, there was an even larger monster, blocking the road beneath him.

There is quite a sense that this tree was planted by me.

"This BOSS is very difficult to deal with. I heard that many teams lost their lives due to this little BOSS!"

Jing Jiayu explained.

Looking at this monster, it looks like a wolf and a tiger, lying on the ground at a height of two meters.

If he stood up, he would probably be one meter taller than Wang Chen.

The width is as wide as ten people holding hands.

Wang Chen took a look at the BOSS's information.

[Goblin’s Pet (Enhanced Elite BOSS)]

【Strength: 20000】

[Agility: 19000]

【Intelligence: 19500】

[Skills: Roar, corpse poison explosion, crazy biting! 】

Fortunately, there are three skills.

However, this attribute is already scary.

There are also three skills...each skill sounds quite domineering.

"Be careful. His corpse poison explodes. Once there is a corpse on the ground, he will release this skill!"

"So, once a companion dies, drag him away and don't give the boss a chance to use this skill!"

Jing Jiayu continued.

For Wang Chen's safety, she had to tell her story.

Just in case Wang Chen miscalculated the BOSS’s method.

"That's right! So, you must protect yourselves!"

Wang Chen nodded.

Those goblin corpses have disappeared. Now if you want the little boss to be more honest, you have to prevent many things.

This little lord-level BOSS also has very impressive skills.

Therefore, for Wang Chen, it is important not to let his body explode to prevent his companions from being attacked by the explosion.

And Wang Chen couldn't use all his firepower.

It would be bad if you hurt your companions.

After Wang Chen read the little BOSS's message, he stepped back a few hundred meters.

No matter what, Wang Chen's range advantage must be used.

Otherwise, it is easy to run into dangerous problems. (End of chapter)

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