As the electrical element area disappeared, no elemental aura was found on the following journey.

It's like walking normally in the outside world.

The whole area seemed extremely peaceful.

The three of them walked side by side, but as they continued to go deeper, they found that they had entered a huge palace.

This palace is surrounded by various elements and the colors are extremely brilliant.

"so beautiful!"

Luo Xia couldn't help but exclaimed.

Since entering the secret realm, the environment has mostly been extremely harsh, and it is rare to see such a beautiful side.

"That's right! It's really beautiful here!"

Chu Rou quickly echoed.

These two girls are still very interested in beauty.

Looking at such a splendid and beautiful palace made them extremely comfortable.

"In places like this, the more beautiful the place is, the more dangerous it is."

"The same applies to monsters and BOSS!"

Wang Chen reminded him.

Moreover, they are continuing to go deeper, and the further they go, the more dangerous they will be.

"Yeah! I know, they all say that the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is. In fact, it is the same for monsters and bosses!"

Chu Rou nodded and said.

This is also the teaching given to her in their family.

It all comes from the experience of many seniors in the family.

"what is that?"

Luo Xia pointed to the door of the palace.

I saw three creatures derived from elements walking out of the door.

It is the patrol monster of this palace.

It's just that they are all derived from elements.

Wang Chen quickly took a few steps forward and checked the information on these elemental monsters.

[Three series elemental elite monsters (elite-level monsters)]

【Level: 38】

【Strength: 21000】

[Agility: 20000]

【Intelligence: 20000】

[Skills: Wind Blade, Fire Explosion, Ice Shield]

A monster made of three elements...

Looking at Wang Chen, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It actually has the three elements of wind, fire, and ice at the same time. This kind of monster is very rare.

Moreover, ice and fire are inherently incompatible and even mutually reinforcing.

So Wang Chen was quite surprised.

A monster has the skills of three different elements, which is very similar to the elemental mage.

A variety of elements can be manipulated.

Currently, Wang Chen only knows one elemental mage, and that is Murong Xue.

Murong Xue can master six elements.

Of course, these are just the elements that Wang Chen has seen before. As Murong Xue's level increases, I'm afraid she will master more elements.

The other two monsters are also both made of three elements.

Moreover, they all have extremely terrifying three-dimensional properties.

The three-dimensional attributes all exceeded 20,000...

Even higher than the previous mini-BOSS.

I'm afraid this is the area of ​​the final BOSS.

"The mobs alone are so scary. I want to know how scary the final BOSS inside should be?"

Luo Xia said very nervously. After following Wang Chen into this secret realm of elements, her understanding of the secret realm has been refreshing.

The monsters he encountered became more and more outrageous as he went on, even beyond Luo Xia's imagination.

"There are more than 20,000 three-dimensional monsters... Hey! I don't know, the final BOSS is also quite difficult to deal with!"

Chu Rou couldn't help but sigh.

Even though she was a level 35 professional, she still felt a sense of oppression.

Chu Rou knew very well that Wang Chen was also challenging his own limits.

But at present, Chu Rou doesn't know where Wang Chen's limit is, so the further back she hits, the more nervous she becomes.

I was afraid that Wang Chen would encounter some danger.

Wang Chen was much more relaxed, but his expression became more solemn when he was thinking about how to deal with these monsters.

The rest of the time, his face was relaxed and natural, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

"Wang Chen, you must be careful. If we really can't defeat you, we will withdraw!"

"For a level 27 professional to reach this point in the Elemental Realm, that's already impressive! Even if you go out now, it's not shameful at all, and it'll be enough for you to brag about for a year!"

Luo Xia looked at Wang Chen nervously.

The palace in front was too gorgeous, and there were such terrifying mobs. She really couldn't imagine how terrifying the final boss behind it would be.

For the first time, Luo Xia felt a sense of oppression and was no longer as playful and naughty as usual.

No matter what, she was still very concerned about Wang Chen's safety.

There is no shame in being a little cowardly.

"Wang Chen, you really should carefully consider whether to continue. The monsters here have such high attributes and have skills of three different elements. Even if we can kill these monsters, we may not be able to defeat the BOSS later. I can beat him!"

“It’s okay to challenge yourself, but safety must also be your priority.”

Chu Rou shouted.

Not even Chu Rou dared to continue.

"What? Are you all scared?"

After hearing this, Wang Chen folded his arms and asked directly with a smile.

"Afraid...when has this lady ever been afraid..."

"I'm just worried about your safety!"

When Luo Xia heard the word "fear", he immediately became interested, but when he raised his head and saw the three elemental monsters, he instantly became weak again.

I quickly found an interface to stall.

"I'm not afraid, I'm also worried about your safety."

"The three of us have life-saving means, but the difference is that you only have it once. Once you use it, you will be in danger in the future!"

"I don't suggest that you put yourself at risk, there is no need!"

"If you really want to clear this secret realm, you can wait until your level reaches level 30 and then consider trying it again!"

Chu Rou immediately changed her gender and educated her sincerely.

"Yes! It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge!"

"Bah! What a gentleman wants to take revenge, but we really are not in a hurry to clear this secret realm!"

Luo Xia also spoke to persuade.

It's just that some words are spoken indiscriminately.

"Don't worry! I won't do anything I'm not sure about!"

"If you are worried about safety, go back together first. I can conquer this secret realm by myself!"

Wang Chen said with a smile.

Regarding the 20,000 three-dimensional monsters, Wang Chen has a rough assessment in his mind.

In terms of its current combat effectiveness, although there is some risk, it is not big.

Wang Chen also prepared for the worst. If he really couldn't beat him, he would use his escape skills to run away.

Anyway, I don’t have a blue bar, so as long as I can distance myself, I’m not afraid of anything.

"You... I really feel like you don't know how high the sky is!"

Chu Rou couldn't help but said.

Although the words didn't sound nice, it could be heard that she really cared about Wang Chen's safety.

Wang Chen shook his head and said: "If you are afraid of everything and don't dare to deal with it, then this person must not have any future."

"It's not like I haven't seen a 20,000-dimensional BOSS. As long as there is a chance to kill the enemy, I will definitely do it. Only when there is no chance, I will choose to retreat!" (End of Chapter)

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