No one will play with their own lives.

But Wang Chen will not retreat directly when encountering difficulties.

No matter what, you have to practice it first.

Seeing Wang Chen's determination, Luo Xia and Chu Rou did not retreat, but chose to stand side by side with Wang Chen.

Even if they encounter danger, they will never retreat.

As they continue to come into contact with Wang Chen, it is impossible for them to abandon Wang Chen.

"Da da da da da..."

When Wang Chen saw that they didn't retreat, he took out the Gatling Purgatory without hesitation and blasted it with a hail of bullets.

Although these three-element monsters have exaggerated three-dimensional attributes, they do not have the characteristics of BOSS, such as physical damage reduction, spell damage reduction and other characteristics.

So, it’s nothing to worry about.

The damage of every bullet fired by Wang Chen can be seen clearly.

Although the three three-element monsters tried to resist, they were suddenly killed by Wang Chen before they could reach the shooting range.

Just relying on the secondary armor-piercing bullet, it only takes one minute.

"Mobs are still easy to clean up. No matter how high the three dimensions are, they are not as difficult to deal with as those bosses!"

Wang Chen clapped his hands and said relaxedly.

【Ding! Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing three elemental elite monsters, experience +5000000]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the Wind Elemental Core*2]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the fire element crystal core*3]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the ice element crystal core*4]

Looking at the five million experience, Wang Chen said it was a pleasure.

If you don't take risks, how can you have such an exaggerated experience?

Just three three-element monsters gained fifteen million experience points.

Moreover, so many elemental nuclei were exploded.

In terms of rewards, Wang Chen believes that such an adventure is well worth it.

What's more, Wang Chen did not encounter any danger during the attack.

These three-element monsters have no chance at all.

In Wang Chen's eyes, the difficulty of monsters without characteristics is not that scary.

By killing three three-element monsters, all Wang Chen's conjectures were confirmed.

"The firepower is too strong..."

Luo Xia exclaimed, but rolled his eyes and continued, "But this is just a little monster..."

Chu Rou thought for a while and then said: "Let's fight with him! Since he is sure, let's not say anything more. If we are really in danger, we will find a way!"

They still know a little bit about Wang Chen's temper.

Danger is danger, but since Wang Chen said that, he will not be afraid of the danger ahead at all.

If you continue to persuade Wang Chen to retreat, I'm afraid it will cause Wang Chen's displeasure.

Compared to Luo Xia, who has a eldest lady personality, Chu Rou's thoughts are more mature.

The words of persuasion have been said, and the only thing she can do is to support him, and give her full support.

"Hey! This is the first time I persuade him to withdraw!"

Luo Xia sighed.

In fact, it was not that she wanted to persuade Wang Chen to retreat, but that she really felt a sense of crisis.

After going through three mini-bosses, each mini-boss was difficult to fight, but if you use the current firepower to deal with the final boss, you will be in danger.

Most importantly, their preparations were inadequate.

I never thought that I would encounter a secret place halfway.

They did not have any information to prepare for this elemental secret realm.

If you make good preparations, you can still have the confidence to try it out.

Wang Chen also heard their conversation. Although their voices were kept low, they could not escape Wang Chen's ears.

Wang Chen couldn't help but shake his head after hearing this.

These two girls are really scared.

In fact, Wang Chen is not a fool. The BOSS he encounters now has not forced Wang Chen to use his strongest firepower.

Therefore, Wang Chen does not think that his upper limit is this elemental secret realm.

"Okay! Let's continue!" Wang Chen greeted loudly.

Directly interrupting the conversation between the two women.

Luo Xia and Chu Rou looked at each other and choked back all the worries in their hearts.

It's just that they are ready to use their own life-saving means.

Once in danger, we have to find a way to get Wang Chen away.

The two women held their hands tightly, and cold sweat could not help but flow out.

Wang Chen walked directly to the palace gate.

He was not in a hurry to go in, but observed the specific situation inside the palace.

It's just that the palace is very empty, except for the colorful elements, there is only one guy.

That is an image of a woman made of elements.

Although it is made entirely of elements, it looks lifelike, just like the figures in an oil painting.

Wang Chen glanced back at Chu Rou and Luo Xia, and reminded him in a low voice: "You stay away! I have my own life-saving means, you just need to protect yourselves!"

In the current situation, Wang Chen doesn't need help at all.

But I don’t want my teammates to have side effects.

Wang Chen also didn't hope that Luo Xia and Chu Rou would be forced to resort to life-saving measures.

"Okay! You must also put safety first!"

After thinking for a while, Luo Xia nodded firmly.

"That's right, safety always comes first. If you really can't do it, don't be brave!"

Chu Rou also shouted.

For them, Wang Chen's safety is the most important thing.

"Okay! Back off!"

Wang Chen said simply.

While speaking, he waved his hands towards the two of them.

Signaling them to take a few steps back.

The two girls then backed away obediently, and even further back.

It's not that they are greedy for life and afraid of death, but they are really worried that they will become a burden to Wang Chen.

After Wang Chen saw them walking away, he cautiously walked into the palace.

Try to stay as far away as possible to see the final BOSS information.

As Wang Chen approached step by step, he was finally able to see the information about this BOSS.

[Queen of Elements (Elite Commander)]

【Level: 40】

【Strength: 25000】

[Agility: 25000]

【Intelligence: 25000】

[Skills: Double Dragon Assault, Wind and Lightning Gallop, Arcane Explosion]

[Characteristics: Physical damage reduction by 50%, spell damage reduction by 50%, elemental damage bonus by 50%. 】

"I'll go...the three dimensions are all twenty-five thousand..."

Wang Chen took a deep breath.

This final BOSS is really tricky.

The three-dimensional view alone is enough to impress people, and the 50% reduction in force and spell damage is also very exaggerated.

However, it is the same as the Ice Elemental Commander.

But the key thing is that this Queen of Elements not only reduces damage, but also increases damage...

This is too much! It also increased by 50%.

Such an improvement is simply too exaggerated.

There are only three skills, which are no different from the previous mini-BOSS.

But just by looking at the name of this skill, you can feel how extraordinary it is.

Luo Xia and Chu Rou's premonitions were right. The final BOSS was indeed very difficult and not easy to deal with.

But Wang Chen didn't have any fear. Now that he was here, there was no possibility of retreating. (End of chapter)

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