There was even cold sweat on the foreheads of the two women.

When Wang Chen saw that they had reached a safe location, he took out the Gatling Purgatory.

At the moment, Wang Chen not only needs to ensure his own safety, but also needs to ensure good output.

If there is no output, no matter how many life-saving means you have, it will be in vain.

"Da da da da..."

After widening the distance, Wang Chen took the lead in attacking, firing out a flurry of bullets.

The second the Queen of Elements was aroused to hatred, she had already been hit by more than ten bullets.

The blood volume was not very satisfactory to Wang Chen, and he did not see any changes in the blood volume.

In other words, the Queen of Elements is far more frank than all previous BOSSs.

Its own frankness is terrifying enough, and it also has 50% physical damage reduction.

It's really a headache.

But no matter how much headache he had, Wang Chen would continue to fight.

Now that we are here, there is no possibility of retreating.


"Da da da da da..."

While firing the secondary armor-piercing projectile, the G-14 grenade was also thrown away.

In addition, all the continuous damage from explosive bombs is given.

After the Queen of Elements was hurt, she twisted her head and looked straight at Wang Chen with her colorful eyes.

In other words, he locked his target on Wang Chen.

"Da da da da..."

And Wang Chen's output continues.

Upon seeing this, the Queen of Elements began to roar, and screams filled the large area.

As if declaring his hegemony, he quickly ran towards Wang Chen.

Fortunately, Wang Chen's freezing bullets are effective. One freezing bullet can control the Queen of Elements for about three seconds.

After three seconds, the Queen of Elements continued to move quickly, and this time the speed was even more exaggerated.

Waves of wind elements surrounded it, its running steps seemed to be flying, and there were waves of lightning intertwined with the wind elements.

The speed is four to five times higher than before.

In other words, the Queen of Elements used her own skill, Wind and Lightning Sprint.

Upon seeing this, Wang Chen quickly used the freezing bomb again, freezing him in place.

Successfully controlled the Queen of Elements. What can be determined from this scene is that if the Queen of Elements has two elements of wind and electricity at her feet, she is using the skill of Wind and Electric Speed.

With the blessing of the wind and electricity galloping skill, the Queen of Elements accelerates too fast. If she keeps running after using this skill, I am afraid that the Queen of Elements will run to her side within a few seconds.

It will be dangerous then. Even if you have escape skills, it will be very dangerous.

Therefore, Wang Chen's freezing bombs must be used with caution.

After all, Wang Chen didn't know how many seconds the Queen of Elements' wind and electricity sprint could last.

But his own freezing bomb has a cooling time.

Wang Chen must ensure that all his freezing bombs are used to control the Queen of Elements' wind and electricity galloping skills.

"Da da da da..."

As the secondary armor-piercing bullets shot out, the freezing bombs shot out almost every three seconds. Ten freezing bombs controlled the Queen of Elements for more than half a minute.

This resulted in the Queen of Elements' wind and electricity gallop having no effect at all. Fortunately, the Queen of Elements' wind and electricity sprint only lasts for twenty seconds, so all the freezing bombs are not used at all.

As for the cooling time, Wang Chen doesn't believe that the cooling time of a skill like the boss of the dungeon can be as long as the cooling time of the freezing bomb.

Normally, the cooldown time of BOSS skills in dungeons will be longer than that of professionals.

Of course, there are exceptions. The leader of the electric element that you must have encountered before has an unstable current in his skill, and the cooldown time is an exception.

"Da da da da da..."

But Wang Chen continued to output.

The knockback effect of the secondary armor-piercing projectile is not too obvious on the Queen of Elements, but it is still somewhat effective.

After the freezing bullet reaches the cooling time, the control method is better than the second-level armor-piercing bullet.

As for the blinding effect of the laser gun, it is actually very average when fighting BOSS. Some intelligent monsters will instinctively move forward after being blinded.

Wang Chen's defense against bosses and monsters is to keep distance. If they continue to move forward, there will be no control effect.

But if you fight a professional, the blinding effect can be fatal. During the time when the opponent is blinded, you can move left and right, and you can also prevent the opponent from attacking or casting spells towards you.

After being blinded, you lose all direction and can't see anything.

Even casting spells will miss the target.

Wang Chen didn't dare to be too bold this time. After the freezing bomb entered the cooling time, he directly took out the Dongfeng Sniper.

Then a QN202 micro missile shot out.


The tracking performance of the QN202 micro-missile was better. It drew a perfect arc in the air and shot towards the Queen of Elements.

The Queen of Elements seemed to be aware of the danger and wanted to dodge the micro missile, but the QN202 micro missile was a tracking missile.


Immediately afterwards, the QN202 micro-missile exploded in front of the Queen of Elements.

A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and there was a huge vibration in the entire area, like an earthquake.

What Wang Chen saw very clearly was that the Queen of Elements was directly blown up by the QN202 micro-missile, losing nearly one-fifth of her health.

The damage is higher than the sum of all previous secondary armor-piercing and explosive bombs.

In other words, as long as the Queen of Elements is given five cooldowns of QN202 micro-missiles, she can be killed.

Although the Queen of Elements did not have an explosive head after being exploded, the elemental aura on her body became heavier, giving people a more dangerous feeling.

The Queen of Elements did not continue to move, but stared at Wang Chen with her eyes.

Just the look in his eyes made him look like he was about to kill someone.

Obviously, the Queen of Elements became furious after being bombarded by this QN202 micro-missile.

Wang Chen was even stared at by it and stopped his output.

This look gave me the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Wang Chen put away the Dongfeng Sniper, leaving only Gatling Purgatory, ready to run away at any time.

In the meantime, the two elements of ice and fire appeared around the Queen of Elements. Fire and ice surrounded her body, giving Wang Chen a very dangerous feeling.

As the last BOSS of the Elemental Secret Realm, the Queen of Elements has 100% ignored physical damage reduction and 50% elemental damage bonus.

Therefore, Wang Chen was extra careful. If he was hit by the Queen of Elements, he would probably lose half his life.

It might even force a chance for resurrection.

Immediately afterwards, the ice element and fire element beside the Queen of Elements evolved into an ice dragon and a fire dragon respectively, flying across each other in the air, and then took off into the sky.

But their fierce eyes all fell on Wang Chen. (End of chapter)

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