This made Wang Chen feel even more uncomfortable.

What is certain is that this is another skill of the Queen of Elements, Double Dragon Assault.

It's just that this Double Dragon Assault completely feels like two heavens of ice and fire.

The ice dragon and the fire dragon flew across each other in the air, but no elemental energy was damaged.

You know, ice and fire are two elements that are incompatible with each other, but they coexist here.

Moreover, there is no reduction in power.

"I'll go, it's ice and fire again... and it's transformed into a dragon. What should I do?"

Luo Xia said nervously.

Seeing the ice dragon and fire dragon flying in the air, I immediately panicked.

"What else can I do? Can you help him?"

Chu Rou asked back.

Hearing this, Luo Xia couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then shook her head obediently, "I can't help him. It depends on his methods. At worst, he will use up his only chance of resurrection!"

Apart from this, Luo Xia really didn't know what he could do for Wang Chen.

Let’s cheer for Wang Chen silently.

After Wang Chen saw the ice dragon and fire dragon, his expression became solemn.

Wang Chen knew nothing about the specific information about this double dragon attack skill.

I don’t know exactly what the range is, how big the explosion range is, whether it is automatically tracked, etc.

The less you know, the more nervous and scary you feel.

Wang Chen used Gatling Purgatory while retreating backwards.

It seems that only distance can make people feel safe.

Just three seconds later, the Queen of Elements waved her arms, and the ice dragon and fire dragon flew towards Wang Chen.

Passing through the air, one side is the blue flash of ice, the other side is the red flash of fire, and the sky seems to be divided into two halves.

Wang Chen stared at the flight paths of the ice dragon and the fire dragon.

But Wang Chen was surprised to find that both the ice dragon and the fire dragon were flying in an arc. It seemed that the flying arc was similar to Wang Chen's QN202 micro-missile.

That is to say, the skill of this Double Dragon Raid has an automatic tracking effect.

"It's really difficult to deal with!"

Although Wang Chen was full of confidence before, at this moment, he felt great pressure.



Immediately afterwards, the ice dragon and the fire dragon flew towards Wang Chen's position at extremely fast speeds.

Wang Chen thought about it for a while, and then made a decision with the fastest reaction.

Right now, you can't wait until the ice dragon or fire dragon is about to hit you before using your escape skills, otherwise you will be easily affected by the damage.

There is also the risk of operational errors.

Therefore, Wang Chen must escape in advance and must not play to the extreme.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen quickly used his skills to the left to escape.

First of all, Wang Chen must ensure that the distance between the two elemental dragons and himself is different, and one should be further away.

This will reduce Wang Chen's threat by half.

After taking down one elemental dragon, consider avoiding another one.

After just two seconds, the fire dragon arrived at Wang Chen's area first.

Although Wang Chen used an escape skill once, it only had the effect of keeping the fire dragon and ice dragon apart.

But Wang Chen may still have to face the aftermath of the explosion.

Wang Chen gritted his teeth and thought to himself, "I can't control too much now. Let's see if my three-dimensional can withstand the aftermath of the explosion!"

No matter what, he was wearing all the battlefield equipment.

Therefore, the survivability is much stronger than that of dungeon equipment.

As for whether he could withstand the aftermath of the explosion, Wang Chen couldn't estimate and could only consider resisting forcefully. Immediately afterwards, the fire dragon slammed down where Wang Chen was.

An extremely brilliant flame suddenly erupted, as if a huge volcano had been formed.

The surrounding temperature soared instantly.

Even from far away, Luo Xia and Chu Rou could feel the change in temperature, which made them sweat and their skin turned red.

The moment the fire dragon exploded, Wang Chen used his escape skills again and escaped nearly a hundred meters away.

"Fortunately! Just avoided the explosion range!"

Wang Chen found a heat wave on his back, and the flames were just a few meters behind him.

Just in time, he avoided the explosion range of the fire dragon.

But there was still a heat wave-like impact on his back, hitting him.

It avoided the blast range, but could not avoid the power of the heat wave.

In addition to feeling the burning sensation, I also feel the thrust of the heat wave.

Wang Chen couldn't help but take a few steps back.

But fortunately, I didn't lose any blood...

But the reason for the lack of blood loss is not due to the power of the explosion.

Wang Chen knew very well that although this heat wave was not within the explosion range, it would still cause people to continue to lose blood within a few hundred meters of it.

The reason why he didn't lose blood was because of the props Chu Rou gave him.

It's just that Wang Chen's danger has not been eliminated. After the fire dragon exploded, there was also the ice dragon, which was still attacking him at an extremely fast speed.

Wang Chen was not given any chance to breathe at all.

Luo Xia and Chu Rou were both extremely anxious at this scene.

He managed to dodge half of the attack, but the attack was still not over.

"Quick! Get out of the way!"

Luo Xia nervously grabbed the lapel of his clothes and let the hot sweat flow.

"Hold it! Wang Chen!"

Chu Rou clenched her hands nervously.

She wished she could help Wang Chen in person, but her rationality told her that she would not be able to make any difference at all.

Now we can only look at Wang Chen's strength.

The two women's hearts were in their throats, fearing that Wang Chen would be in any danger.

After Wang Chen dodged the fire dragon's attack, although he relaxed a lot, he still did not relax his vigilance.

After the heat wave passed, a cold breath hit him.

The ice dragon passed by the area where the fire dragon exploded, and the ice element on its body directly caused the temperature to drop sharply.

The high temperature dropped by more than half, while the surrounding water vapor soared crazily.

After the heat wave, there is a biting cold feeling.

Wang Chen didn't have any carelessness, he had been staring at the position of the ice dragon, and even paying attention to its every movement.

Although a large amount of water mist was produced and blocked, Wang Chen was able to determine the location of the ice dragon through the temperature.

At the moment, the water mist has appeared to block the view.

At this time, even Luo Xia and Chu Rou could not see the specific situation of the battlefield.

This made the two of them even more worried.

It was foggy ahead, and no one knew what was going on.


And at the next moment, a huge explosion sounded.

Just when the ice dragon was about to encounter Wang Chen, Wang Chen had already used his escape skills.

But this time, there was no burning sensation from the ice dragon's explosion. On the contrary, countless ice cubes were felt scattering in all directions.

The heat wave was completely extinguished by these ice cubes, and the temperature actually gave me a refreshing feeling. (End of chapter)

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