Lu Miaolong frowned, lowered his head slightly and looked down.

The abdomen is high, and when you lower your head, you can no longer see the legs...

You have to lower your head a little harder to barely see your toes.

Even though she had never experienced pregnancy and childbirth, Lu Miao couldn't help but become suspicious.

Is her belly really a little too big?
Some ideas should not be had.

Once you have it, it will spread infinitely in your mind.

She has a big belly, and whether it will be easy to give birth is secondary. Lu Miao is more worried about whether there will be any problems with the child...

Abnormal development or developmental malformation?
Some inexplicable thoughts gradually filled my mind.

Lu Miao felt tense and suddenly became anxious.

She held her belly in her hands and walked back and forth.

The more I walked, the more urgent I became. Suddenly I started to cry when I sat down.

Lu Miao felt depressed and panicked, her nose was stuffy, and Lihua's eyes were red from crying in the rain.

Stubbornly, he pushed open the cabinet at the end of the bed, took out the letter paper, and wanted to write a letter to Fu Jingyou asking him to come back.

But after the pen and ink were loaded, the two words "Brother You" in the beginning were also written.

She twitched and fumbled to put everything away.

It lasted for more than two months.

In a few more months, Fu Jingyou will be back after completing his studies...

She couldn't let him waste all his efforts at this moment.


The front room was empty, and Tian Guihua took Minjie to wash clothes in the backyard.

Lu Miao wiped away her tears and closed the cabinet at the end of the bed. She calmed down a little and went to the backyard with one hand on her stomach and the other on her lower back.


"Oh, what's the matter?"

Lu Miao took the small mazaar and slowly sat down while holding the mouth of the well.

"It's nothing serious. If you are free tomorrow, would you, sister-in-law, accompany me to the hospital?"

Tian Guihua paused and looked up at Lu Miao.

Lu Miao's eyes and the tip of her nose were red, and she looked like she had just cried.

Tian Guihua knew that the educated youth comrades came over just now.

Thinking that the educated youth must have said something unintentionally, Lu Miao was worried.

This is very taboo during pregnancy, so you can go to the hospital for peace of mind.

Tian Guihua didn't hesitate too much and nodded directly:

"Okay. But don't worry, can you wait for two days?"

Lu Miao hesitated, Tian Guihua continued:
"It's dozens of miles to go to the county, and the team will soon be busy cutting and beating rapeseed. Our father has to keep an eye on the team. He can't leave the production team, and we are definitely not allowed to use the team's cattle."

"You have such a big belly, and you can't walk. You will definitely have to go to the county to get there."

Lu Miao nodded after hearing what she said made sense.

Tian Guihua gave Lu Miao the right words, and the next day, Tian Guihua threw the child to Chen Guifen and asked Chen Guifen to come over and take the child to look after Lu Miao.

Tian Guihua packed up and returned to the town coal factory.

Brother He has been in the town for seven or eight years and knows some connections.

In addition, many people had come to pull cinders to pave the road, so he knew who had cars.

Fu Jingyou finally got a wife.

He is not at home now, and his brothers and sisters-in-law must take good care of him.

When Tian Guihua came back and told Lu Miao about it, He Er Ge immediately started working on the relationship.

That day, I borrowed a pedal bicycle tricycle from a vegetable vendor who delivered food to a state-owned hotel.Brother He took the next day off and dragged Tian Guihua back early in the morning.

At the foot of the hillside in front of the mountain road where the brigade turned to the production team, Brother He put Tian Guihua down.

The mountain path is wide enough that a pedal tricycle can ride in it, but the road is bumpy and it is impossible to pull Lu Miao along.

The two agreed, Tian Guihua went back to pick up the people, and Brother He was waiting at the same place.

Tian Guihua hurriedly ran back to Fu's house.

The journey that usually takes 10 to [-] minutes or an hour took her only about half an hour.

But Lu Miao had a big belly and couldn't walk fast or for long. He walked and rested all the way out, and it took him almost two hours to reach Brother He.

Brother He was so anxious that he looked under the sun for a long time, sweating all over his forehead.

I'm afraid something will happen to them, but they are fine.

Perhaps because of his good physical strength, or perhaps because he was worried about Lu Miao's condition, Brother He worked hard all the way and pulled Lu Miao and Tian Guihua to the county hospital in one breath.

Brother He stayed in the hospital and watched the car, while Tian Guihua accompanied Lu Miao into the hospital.

Tian Guihua had never seen a doctor in the county hospital, so she was a little helpless. She took Lu Miao's household registration page and didn't know where to go first.

Lu Miao calmed down her legs, which were numb from being bumped along the way, looked at the words on the wall, and led Tian Guihua to register first.

After some twists and turns, they went up to the second floor. The person who received Lu Miao was the same female doctor from last time.

Lu Miao sat down at the table, Tian Guihua patted her and said:
"If you feel uncomfortable or have concerns, just tell the doctor."

Lu Miao nodded and looked directly at the doctor.

Lu Miaosheng is fair and beautiful.

The villagers thought she was pretty, but couldn't think of any other good words to describe her. Overtly or covertly, they often compared her to Miaozhuang Princess Miaoshan, saying that she was as beautiful as Guanyin and as kind-hearted as Bodhisattva.

Her appearance is very iconic. There is no girl in the village who is fairer and more beautiful than her. The doctor is also very impressed by her.

Last time it was because I had a fall and there were signs of miscarriage, so I looked bad and ugly.

This time when I came here, I looked very rosy.

The doctor was puzzled for a while.

It's really rare for pregnant women to look like this, and it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere, or are you?"

Lu Miao shook his head, stood up and tightened his clothes from the back, and stood sideways to let the doctor see his belly.

Lu Miao's concern is that she keeps being told that she has a big belly.

She had no experience in giving birth and was always afraid of what was wrong.

Whatever she was thinking, she kept talking to the doctor.

The doctor pulled the chair closer to her, put the stethoscope under her clothes, and listened in a full circle around her belly:

"It looks a little big... but the fetal heartbeat sounds normal."

The doctor put away the stethoscope and said with a friendly smile that could soothe people's hearts:

"You have a good complexion. Few women in the countryside can maintain such a good complexion. It's normal for your belly to be a little bigger."

"Go back and pay attention to your diet and reduce the consumption of highly tonic foods. Otherwise, the fetus will be too large in the later period, and both the pregnant woman and the child will suffer during delivery."

Lu Miao's worries were as if someone had pulled out a stopper, and suddenly they were relieved.

Tonic things...


Why didn't she think of it before?
Everyone she met said she had a big belly, but who in the village had better food than her?

The only guarantee is that the food is so good!

Once he relaxed, Lu Miao's entire state changed in an instant.

"Thank you doctor, can I just pay attention to my diet when I go back?"

He had frowned with worry all the way here, but now he finally showed a little smile. (End of chapter)

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